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Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for Secondary Schools Lancashire Secondary Strategy Managers Meetings 21 st and 22 nd June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for Secondary Schools Lancashire Secondary Strategy Managers Meetings 21 st and 22 nd June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for Secondary Schools Lancashire Secondary Strategy Managers Meetings 21 st and 22 nd June 2007

2 What is SEAL?  Promotes social and emotional skills that underpin effective learning - positive behaviour - regular attendance - staff effectiveness - emotional health and well being; pupils, staff, parents pupils, staff, parents

3 What is SEAL?  Whole school approach; climate and conditions  Direct and focused learning opportunities for whole classes  Learning and teaching opportunities re social and emotional skills  Professional development of whole staff

4 Social and Emotional Skills  Positive relationships  Understanding and managing emotions, thoughts and behaviours  Response to emotions and behaviours in others

5 SEAL Benefits  Effective and successful learners  Self motivated learners  Ability to make and sustain friendships  Deal with / resolve conflict effectively and fairly  Solve problems with others or by themselves  Manage frustration, anger, anxiety  Promote calm, optimistic attitudes leading to goal achievement  Resilience and persistence; recovery from setbacks  Cooperative working  Recognise and stand up for personal and the rights of others  Tolerance; understand the beliefs and values of others

6 Links  Inclusion  ECM  Attendance  Primary SEAL  Healthy Schools  Personalised learning  AfL and LaL  Builds on Core Day 4  PSHE  Bullying

7 Implementation  Whole school approach  Emotional ‘readiness’ of staff  School ethos and culture  Leadership and management  Creating the vision  Involvement of parents and carers  Primary SEAL  Monitoring and evaluation

8 Professional Development  Emotionally intelligent/resilient staff will allow greater impact and success  Modelling – powerful  Teaching – fundamentally a social activity requiring high levels of social and emotional skill; makes the job more enjoyable and manageable  Contributes to staff well being  Includes all staff employed by the school

9 Professional Development  Negotiate, set and embed ground rules; tolerance, non judgemental, confidentiality  Specific and time limited tasks; safe boundaries  Clear rationale for activities; explicit  Time for development and reflection  Clear logical sequence of activities/learning opportunities  Engagement and progress

10 Professional Development  Use of a range of active methods to engage and appeal to different learning styles  Ability to model social and emotional skills  Time for review of impact

11 Promoting SEAL through Curriculum Provision  Integrating SEAL into – PSHE, Citizenship – mainstream subjects – ‘theme’ weeks – Special interventions; intensive work for those with additional needs – agree a language for SEAL – seek views of all stake holders

12 LA SEAL Launch  Link Schools –July 2007 –Enhanced support for development; ‘lead’ SEAL EP and school EP, SEBD Advisers, Consultants –Support to other locality schools 2008 - 2009  All Schools –September 2007 –Network meetings; ‘lead’ SEAL EP, Consultants, SEBD Advisers –Support from school EP and consultants

13 Link Schools  Locality 1 – Lancaster, Wyre & Fylde –Heysham and Morecambe High School –Lytham St Annes High School  Locality 2 – Preston –Our Lady’s Catholic High School  Locality 3 – Chorley & South Ribble –Burscough Priory –Worden Sports College  Locality 4 – Hyndburn & Ribble Valley –To be confirmed  Locality 5 – Burnley, Pendle & Rossendale –Fearns Sports College –AN other to be confirmed

14 Monitoring and Evaluation  How pupils relate to and support each other to solve interpersonal problems  How effectively pupils work collaboratively in groups  How pupils respond to learning challenges and accept feedback  How staff relate to pupils and support their learning  Pupil attainment  Incident logs  Attitude surveys – PAQ, staff and parental questionnaires  Attendance data  Exclusion data  Observation

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