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Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada www.explorationpuma.comwww.explorationpuma.comPUMACL-SSEVPUMACL-SSEVPUXPF-USPUXPF-USPUM-TSXVPUM-TSXV.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada www.explorationpuma.comwww.explorationpuma.comPUMACL-SSEVPUMACL-SSEVPUXPF-USPUXPF-USPUM-TSXVPUM-TSXV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada Nicholas-Denys Project Ann’s Creek property New Brunswick, Canada www.explorationpuma.comwww.explorationpuma.comPUMACL-SSEVPUMACL-SSEVPUXPF-USPUXPF-USPUM-TSXVPUM-TSXV

2 Active Projects in New Brunswick New-Brunswick Bathurst Belledune Campbelton Brunswick #12 Mine Heath Steel Mine Caribou Mine Restigouche Mine Nigadoo Mine Puma and DNR offices Airport DNR Core Shack Railway Perfect Location for exploration Perfect Location for exploration 0 15 km Quebec Stable government policies that offer certainty and reduce the risk of longterm projects. Skilled labor force Airport, Railway, Paved Road Regional DNR Office and Core shack Bathurst area includes: Halfmile Stratmat Murray Brook Deposit Puma Highway 11 Turgeon Beresford Copper Sea port Benjamin Established Bathurst mining camp which welcomes employment opportunities Chaleurs Bay Puma Core Shack Ann’s Creek 2 Red Brook

3 Nicholas-Denys Projects Main Deposits PineTree Shaft Halfmile G.Northern Haché Beresford Copper Dante 100% PUM Nicholas-Denis area 100% PUM Ann’s Creek area Raya Main Deposits Main Fault RBM Fault Nigadoo Mine Nicholas-Denys Porphyry 1967-74 Deposit II Henry - East Stephen Brook km 0 12 Moly Mines Millstream Iron Lens Ag-Au-Pb-Zn Skarn Cu-Fe Porphyry Cu-Mo Skarn Zn-Ag Skarn Au 3

4 4 Large Metallogenic Area Porphyre Mo-Ag-Cu (A) Lens Au-Ag-Pb-Zn (B) Skarn (C) B – Hachey C – Dante A – Mado

5 Geological Model at Nicholas-Denys Sormany Gate Great Northern PUXPF-US PUM-TSXV N 10 KM Deposit I (Cu,Zn) Dante ) (Zn,Bi) Bridge Pine Tree Half Mile Hachey Shaft Henry East Henry Millstream (Cu,Fe,W) Cullinan Structure Stephens Brook (Au) Beresford (Cu) Bradley (Au ) Zarina Structure ND Porphyry Devonian Moly Mines (Mo) 1km Ordovician Silurian Rocky Brook Fault Main Fault 100 M Skarn Lens Ag-Au-Pb-Zn Raya ) (Au-Ag ) ND Main Lenses Location (not to scale) ND Porphyry ND Main Lenses over Generalized Porphyry Model ND Porphyry Zarina Veins Beresford - Raya PineTree to Henry Mo-Ag-Cu Porphyry Cu-Fe Skarn Ag-Pb-Zn belt Au-Ag Veins 5

6 Hache Henry East Henry Shaft N N PineTree Millstream Fe Deposit II Dante Raya Bradley Au Main Fault RBM Fault Main Fault NW Structure The mineralization is open in all direction The mineralization is open in all direction 0 500 Meters 6 Ann’s Creek property Advanced works on both zones Advanced works on both zones

7 Drill Results Shaft zone Drill Results Shaft zone 7 The hole F06-16 hit lens at 350 meters depth vertically The main zone is open in all directions F06-01 : 2.80% Zn, 336 g/t Ag, 1.41 g/t Au / 9.6m (14,37% Zneq) F06-16 : 6.02% Zn,108 g/t Ag, 0.24 g/t Au / 4.4m (12.36% Zneq) F07-10 : 5.31% Zn, 138 g/t Ag, 0.94 g/t Au / 5.6m(12.08% Zneq) F08-56 : 1.21% Zn, 235 g/t Ag, 1.27 g/t Au / 5.2m (5.24% Zneq) F08-24 : 2.15% Zn, 55 g/t Ag, 0.13 g/t Au / 13.2m (5.61% Zneq) F08-68 : 3,80% Zn, 108 g/t Ag, 0.25 g/t Au / 12.9m (9.69% Zneq) F08-41 : 1.65% Zn, 85 g/t Ag, 0.13 g/t Au / 12.9m (6.01% Zneq) Shaft Lens Shaft showing Massive sulphides MS : Sp, Ga, Po, Py

8 Haché Lens 92% of the silver 84% of the zinc 90% of the lead 80% of the gold 25 m of core for 30 kg Recovery 1.1 million oz of silver 11 million lbs of zinc 5 million lbs of lead 6,200 ounces of gold Indicated Resources The estimate covers only the central portion of the Haché zone, i.e., an area about 50m in length and 50m wide and includes only 33 holes. Since 90 holes for 21,000m NI 43-101 Resources NI 43-101 Resources 8 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Porphyre km 0 2 Mine Nigadoo Haché Area Stripping 100m X 50m Haché Haché west FH12-04 : 7.53% Zn, 529 g/t Ag, 1.70 g/t Au / 4.75m (25.53% Zneq) FH12-07 : 2,83% Zn, 286 g/t Ag, 0,72 g/t Au / 3.9m (12,57% Zneq ) FH12-01 : 5,08% Zn, 106 g/t Ag, 2.80 g/t Au / 5.0m (13,07% Zneq) R1 : 3,25% Zn, 1331 g/t Ag + 3.05 g/t Au 3.2m (49,4% Zneq) R1 : 3,25% Zn, 1331 g/t Ag + 3.05 g/t Au 3.2m (49,4% Zneq) R3 : 2,30% Zn, 327 g/t Ag + 1.16 g/t Au 16.7m (14,22% Zneq) R5 : 0,66% Zn, 226 g/t Ag + 1.2 g/t Au 11,6m (14,15% Zneq) R5 : 0,66% Zn, 226 g/t Ag + 1.2 g/t Au 11,6m (14,15% Zneq) R2 : 1,27% Zn, 233 g/t Ag + 0.63 g/t Au 16m (9,17% Zneq) R2 : 1,27% Zn, 233 g/t Ag + 0.63 g/t Au 16m (9,17% Zneq) R4 : 3,09% Zn, 384 g/t Ag + 1.62 g/t Au 7.75m (17,33% Zneq) R4 : 3,09% Zn, 384 g/t Ag + 1.62 g/t Au 7.75m (17,33% Zneq) N N

9 9 - 125m - 300m SHAFT HACHÉ Failles NW-SE« RBM Fault S0 Section S0 HACHÉ West 5590 tons @ 205 g/t Ag 25 020 tons @ 201 g/t Ag 94 000 tons @ 147 g/t Ag 10m 50m 100m Lens 1 (0-10m) Lens 2 (0-50m) Lens 3 (0-100m) > 1% Zn Tons Ag g/t Ag $US Au g/t Au $US Pb % Pb $Us Zn % Zn $US Total $US Lens 1 148902641231,14401,26221,6729215 Lens 2 88000208970,89311,29231,8933184 Lens 3 252570127590,7250,77141,3724122 Haché Lens N N 0 100m

10 10 Haché Lens (43-101) Cut-off GradeTonnageAu g/tPb %Zn %Ag g/tSilver Ounces ZnEq*>3%110 5921.051.472.48218775 000 ZnEq*>2%181 4060.811.112.03158920 000 ZnEq*>1%364 3120.530.701.43951 110 000 Indicated Mineral Resources Estimates - 125m Surface Surface Stripping at Haché 100m X 50m 35 holes (43-101) HACHÉ W E

11 11 Cut-off GradeTonnageAu g/tPb %Zn %Ag g/tSilver Ounces ZnEq*>3%56 8770.451.422.57100180 000 ZnEq*>2%167 0510.401.021.6985450 000 ZnEq*>1%442 7030.310.661.0655780 000 Inferred Mineral Resources Estimates 100m X 50m 35 holes (43-101) - 125m Surface HACHÉ Indicated Mineral Resources Surface Stripping at Haché Haché Lens (43-101) W E

12 12 100m X 50m Inferred Mineral Resources (43-101) - 125m Surface - 300m Haché and Shaft : 90 holes more … SHAFT HACHÉ Indicated Mineral Resources (43-101) W E

13 13 100m X 50m 30-90 g/t Ag 30-200 g/t Ag >200 g/t Ag - 125m Surface - 300m SHAFT HACHÉ Haché and Shaft Lenses : Silver W E

14 13 0.5 – 1 g/t Au >2 g/t Au - 125m Surface - 300m SHAFT HACHÉ 100m X 50m Haché and Shaft Lenses : Gold W E

15 14 - 125m Surface - 300m Resource 43-101 SHAFT HACHÉ Targets Gold > 0.5 g/t Au Haché and Shaft Lenses : Gold W E

16 15 - 125m Surface - 300m Resource 43-101 SHAFT HACHÉ Haché West Targets Silver > 60 g/t Ag Haché and Shaft Lenses : Silver W E

17 16 0.5 – 1% Zn 1 – 5% Zn >5% Zn - 125m Surface - 300m SHAFT HACHÉ 100m X 50m Haché and Shaft Lenses : Zinc W E

18 17 - 125m Surface - 300m SHAFT HACHÉ > 1% Zn Resource 43-101 Targets Zinc Haché and Shaft Lenses : Zinc W E

19 18 RBM Faut NW Structure SHAFT HACHÉ Ore Shoot > 1% Zn 700m NW Structure Haché and Shaft Lenses : Ore shoot

20 19 > 1% Zn SHAFT HACHÉ RBM Faut NW Structure Ore Shoot NW Structure Haché and Shaft Lenses : Ore shoot

21 20 Relationship with porphyry system - 200m Surface Surface Stripping at Haché 700m SKARN PLUTON Pit 43-101 (only 35 holes since 82 more holes) HACHÉ SHAFT Pluton Mineralized Skarn Mineralized Lens HACHÉ SHAFT 4 km N N

22 Henry Lens HachéHaché Main Fault Rocky Brook Millstream Fault Porphyre km 0 2 Mine Nigadoo Henry Area Henry zone * Drill Results FH12-05 : 3,74% Zn, 448 g/t Ag, 2,32 g/t Au / 4.3m (21.29% Zneq) FH12-09 : 0.92% Zn, 81 g/t Ag, 1.00 g/t Au / 4.6m (5,45% Zneq) FH12-10 : 1.05% Zn, 121 g/t Ag, 1.17 g/t Au / 6.3m (6.63% Zneq) Drill Results FH12-05 : 3,74% Zn, 448 g/t Ag, 2,32 g/t Au / 4.3m (21.29% Zneq) FH12-09 : 0.92% Zn, 81 g/t Ag, 1.00 g/t Au / 4.6m (5,45% Zneq) FH12-10 : 1.05% Zn, 121 g/t Ag, 1.17 g/t Au / 6.3m (6.63% Zneq) HenryEast Lens Discovery 2011 Work Summary : 13 holes for 1250 meters 45 channels for 386 meters 2 major stripping with 300 meters long total Work Summary : 13 holes for 1250 meters 45 channels for 386 meters 2 major stripping with 300 meters long total Mineralizationis open West and East RH12-17 : 1,20% Zn, 156 g/t Ag, 1.53 g/t Au 4.6m (8,88% Zneq) RH12-41 : 2,66% Zn, 246 g/t Ag, 10.9 g/t Au 4.4m (30,34% Zneq) 4.4m (30,34% Zneq) RH12-35 : 3,54% Zn, 303 g/t Ag, 5.04 g/t Au 3.1m (21,71% Zneq) RH12-32 : 0,57% Zn, 361 g/t Ag, 4.01 g/t Au 3.4m (18,29% Zneq) RH12-28 : 1,76% Zn, 515 g/t Ag, 4.50 g/t Au 3.4m (24,12% Zneq) RH12-33 : 2,37% Zn, 271 g/t Ag, 4.65 g/t Au 4.6m (18,96% Zneq) RH12-17 : 1,20% Zn, 156 g/t Ag, 1.53 g/t Au 4.6m (8,88% Zneq) RH12-41 : 2,66% Zn, 246 g/t Ag, 10.9 g/t Au 4.4m (30,34% Zneq) 4.4m (30,34% Zneq) RH12-35 : 3,54% Zn, 303 g/t Ag, 5.04 g/t Au 3.1m (21,71% Zneq) RH12-32 : 0,57% Zn, 361 g/t Ag, 4.01 g/t Au 3.4m (18,29% Zneq) RH12-28 : 1,76% Zn, 515 g/t Ag, 4.50 g/t Au 3.4m (24,12% Zneq) RH12-33 : 2,37% Zn, 271 g/t Ag, 4.65 g/t Au 4.6m (18,96% Zneq) N N Henry East zone 500m 1,5km Henry East zone 10 m Channels Results 21 * Underground development during 1960

23 Porphyre km 0 2 Mine Nigadoo Raya Area N N HacheyHachey Henry East Zn Skarn 2011 Discovery Main Fault Rocky Brook Millstream Fault Drill results FR12-05 : 3,08% Zn, 0.4 g/t Au, 90 g/t Ag / 5.8m (8,87% Zneq) FD11-02 : 1.69% Zn, 130 g/t Ag,/ 4.1m (6,64% Zneq) FD11-05 : 1.89% Zn, 181 g/t Ag / 8m (7,39% Zneq) FD11-06 : 1,97% Zn, 108 g/t Ag / 7,5m (7,22% Zneq) FD12-01 : 2.1% Zn, 57 g/t Ag / 9.0m (6,55% Zneq) FD12-03 : 1.45% Zn, 78 g/t Ag / 8.0m (4,45% Zneq) Drill results FR12-05 : 3,08% Zn, 0.4 g/t Au, 90 g/t Ag / 5.8m (8,87% Zneq) FD11-02 : 1.69% Zn, 130 g/t Ag,/ 4.1m (6,64% Zneq) FD11-05 : 1.89% Zn, 181 g/t Ag / 8m (7,39% Zneq) FD11-06 : 1,97% Zn, 108 g/t Ag / 7,5m (7,22% Zneq) FD12-01 : 2.1% Zn, 57 g/t Ag / 9.0m (6,55% Zneq) FD12-03 : 1.45% Zn, 78 g/t Ag / 8.0m (4,45% Zneq) The Dante and Raya Lens represents a skarn mineralization observed on 700 meters length by trenching and stripping The Main Fault like the Rocky Brook Millstream structure, is hosting also other deposits like the Deposit II, Millstream Iron, Beresford Copper, Lavigne Brook and Stephen Brook The mineralization is open in all directions The mineralization is open in all directions 22 Raya and Dante Skarn NW Structure RayaRaya 2.3 g/t Au 1040 g/t Ag 42.8% Pb 2.6% Zn Raya Grab sample DanteDante

24 23 16 deposits and showings over 10 km and more… 207 g/t Ag over 11m (D) 3470 g/t Ag (G) 213 g/t Ag over 1m (D) 1025 g/t Ag + 10.6 g/t Au (G) 527 g/t Ag + 0.6 g/t Au over 4.5m (D) 984 g/t Ag + 12.1 g/t Au (G) 166 g/t Ag over 1.9m (D) 4080 g/t Ag (G) 207 g/t Ag + 1.7% Cu over 1.4m (D) 508 g/t Ag + 3.0 g/t Au (G) Bridge 631 g/t Ag + 0.6 g/t Au over 1.0m (D) Nicholas-Denys 100% PUM 169 g/t Ag + 0.4 g/t Au over 6.8m (D) km 0 0 1 1 2 2 Drilling result (D) Grab sample (G) Sormany Gate Zarina Deposit 2 Great Northern Haché Millstream Iron PineTree Halfmile Lavigne Brook Stephen Brook Shaft Decline (1971) Cullinan Henry Dante Henry East Raya Bradley Gold Ann’s Creek 100% PUM Fault N N 248 g/t Ag + 1.1 g/t Au over 12.7m (D) 508 g/t Ag + 1.2 g/t Au over 1.2m (D) 84 g/t Ag + 1.7 g/t Au over 8.2m (D) 97 g/t Ag over 2.0m (D) 400 g/t Ag + 2.2 g/t Au over 2.5m (D) 509 g/t Ag + 0.5 g/t Au over 3.8m (D) 192 g/t Ag + 0.3 g/t Au over 3.1m (D) 138 g/t Ag + 0.9 g/t Au over 5.6m (D) Beresford Copper 195 g/t Ag + 1 g/t Au (D) 225 g/t Ag + 1.2 g/t Au over 29.1m (D)

25 Partnerships 21 Jeff Hussey and Associates Inc Exploration, Mining, and Geo-Metallurgy McCutcheon GeoConsulting Geological mapping, mineral deposit & writing/editing expertise Entreprise Beresford Excavation Excavation, Road construction, Floating heavy equipment Forage de l’Est Drilling

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