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Chapter 2 Early River Valley Civilizations 3500 B.C.E.-450 B.C.E.

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1 Chapter 2 Early River Valley Civilizations 3500 B.C.E.-450 B.C.E.

2 Mesopotamia

3 Setting the Stage Two rivers flow from the mountains in what is modern day Turkey, down through Syria and Iraq. This allowed for the growth of larger civilizations.

4 The Fertile Crescent The Fertile Crescent is a land rich with vegetation in the deserts of southwest Asia. It lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. When these rivers Flooded they left behind silt which allowed for good farming. BUT THERE WAS A PROBLEM!!!

5 The First Civilizations Sumerians created the first civilizations. City-states were formed. In the beginning priest were in charge of everything, until the emergence of the dynasty.

6 Religion Religion was a big part of Sumerian culture. They were polytheistic. It is believed that there were close to 3000 gods. Gilgamesh lets us know how they viewed the gods.

7 Social Classes Priest and Kings Wealthy merchants Most Sumerians Slaves How does this compare to life today?

8 Science and Technology Sumerian Inventions: the wheel, the sail, the plow, and were the first to use bronze. There is evidence of studying astronomy, chemicals, and disease. Developed a number system based in 60.

9 Sargon of Akkad From 3000-2000 B.C., Sumer was constantly at war. In 2350 B.C. Sargon of Akkad conquered the city states under his rule and began the world’s first empire.

10 Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C.) In about 2000 B.C., the Amorites took over Mesopotamia, and made their capital in Babylon. It reached its peak under Hammurabi.

11 Hammurabi’s Code Hammurabi’s Code is 282 laws dealing with everything that affected the community. Hammurabi believed the government had a responsibility to its people. What do you think about his punishments?

12 Things to think about… With unpredictable flooding of the rivers, how could farmers water their fields in the summer months? With no natural barriers how could villagers protect themselves? With limited natural resources, how could Sumerians get the materials they need for tools and buildings? What could be done to please the gods and earn their protection in life?

13 Ancient Egypt The Nile is the longest river in the world (4,100 miles). It flows south to north and connected lower and upper Egypt. It was important to farmers that the Nile flooded every year.

14 Menes Around 3100 B.C., Menes, a king of upper Egypt joined the kingdoms. He established the first dynasty.

15 The Old Kingdom (2660-2180 B.C.) Beginning with the third dynasty the period known as the Old Kingdom began. Pharaohs were considered gods. He made the sun rise, rivers flood, and crops grow. They promoted truth and justice.

16 Pharaohs continued… When pharaohs took power they started work on their tombs.

17 Pyramids The pyramids were built as very elaborate tombs. Most were built during the Old Kingdom. Stones were perfectly cut, weighing anywhere from 2.5-15 Tons. The stones were perfectly stacked up to 481 feet high.

18 Pyramids continued..

19 WHY???

20 Egyptian Religion Egyptians were polytheistic (2000 gods and goddesses) Some of the more important ones: Ra (sun god), Horus (god of light) Isis (ideal mother and wife), Osiris (god of death).

21 The Afterlife When you died, Osiris weighed your heart. If it was heavy with sin, the devourer of souls ate it. If it was light as a feather you made it to the after life. If you made it to the other world, you would need your body so to preserve it Egyptians invented… How is the Egyptian belief in the afterlife similar to that of Christianity and other modern religions? How does it differ?

22 Mummification

23 Mummification continued… The process of mummification included the following: The brain was taken out through the nostrils. All the bowels are taken out and replaced with myrrh, cassia, and other perfumes The body is then covered with natron for 70 days. The corps is then washed and wrapped in waxen cloth

24 Egyptian Social Classes Similar to Sumerians, Egypt also had social classes.. Kings, Queens and Royal family Royal court and Military leaders Middle Class (merchants and artisans) Lower Class Slaves

25 Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics was a system of writing that used pictures and symbols to describe words and sounds. It was first written on tablets of clay, until the Egyptians invented papyrus.

26 Egyptian Technology They used their writing to keep tax records. They used early forms of Geometry to set property boundaries, and make the pyramids precise. Their calendar was based on astronomy. It had 12 months of 30 days, and they added 5 days for holidays.

27 The Fall of the Old Kingdom 2180 B.C. we see decline in the Pharaoh’s power. It wasn’t until 100 years later that strong Pharaohs regained control. (Middle Kingdom) 1640 B.C. Asian nomads invaded Egypt. Ruled from 1640-1570 B.C. Egypt would come to glory again during the period known as the New Kingdom.

28 China River Dynasties China’s first civilizations show up around 2000 B.C. China was isolated by natural barriers (desert, mountains) People of China called themselves the middle kingdom

29 River Valley contiued… Similar to Sumer and Egypt, the first civilizations were near rivers. The Huang He (Yellow river) would flood and leave behind loess (sediment from rivers)

30 Shang Dynasty Anyang was one of the capitals of the Shang Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty lasted from about 1532-1027 B.C. They were the first to leave written records. The buildings of the city were structured with wood. Archeologist find evidence of city walls

31 Shang Social Classes There was a sharp division between nobles and peasants. The king let the noble families control the land, and peasants would work on the land.

32 Shang Culture The group is more important than the individual. Family was very important in Chinese society. Filial piety (respect for parents) was one of the most important virtues Men controlled property, and made the important decisions. Women were treated as inferiors.

33 Shang Religion Family was linked to religion. Ancestors could bring good fortune or disaster. Through the spirit of the ancestors they consulted the Gods. Shang kings would consult the Gods using Oracle Bones.

34 Philosophy Kung Fuzi (ca. 551–478 B.C.E.) Confucius respect for superiors leaders must show moderation rank based on intelligence, merit Legalism alternative to Confucianism support authoritarian state belief in evil nature of humankind Daoism more religious Laozi (5th century B.C.E.) force of nature ethical code

35 Writing In Chinese writing each character stood for an idea, instead of a sound or letter. The advantage was people in all parts of china could learn to read in the same language. The disadvantage was there were thousands of characters to memorize. Usually only nobles learned how to read.

36 Shang Artistry Shang artisans excelled in bronze working. It was during this time that Chinese learned to make silk.

37 Zhou Dynasty Around 1027 B.C. the Zhou overthrew the Shang. The Zhou claimed the last Shang ruler was bad, and the God’s took his power and gave it to the Zhou. This introduced… MANDATE OF HEAVEN

38 Mandate of Heaven Mandate of Heaven meant the king had been given the power by the ancestors and gods in heaven. When things like floods and riots happened, it meant the ancestors were not pleased with the king.

39 Dynastic Cycle Draw dynastic cycle in notes…summarize points

40 Feudalism FeudalismFeudalism is a system in which nobles (lords) are given control of the lands that belong to the king. The noble was in charge of protecting the people on that land, and provided the king with whatever he needed. VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW

41 Zhou technology The Zhou built roads, and canals for trade The biggest advancement was the use of iron. Iron was stronger than bronze, it made for better weapons and tools.

42 Zhou Decline The Zhou ruled from 1027-256 B.C. Nomads invaded and took over the Zhou capital It wasn’t until the Qin dynasty that China returned to order.

43 Qin Dynasty Qin Dynasty (221–207 B.C.E.) Great Wall 3000 miles Innovations census standardized coinage, weights, measures common writing system


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