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BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES IN CLUJ COUNTY – ROMANIA. T ransylvania E quipments and A dvanced T echnologies produced in ROM ania.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES IN CLUJ COUNTY – ROMANIA. T ransylvania E quipments and A dvanced T echnologies produced in ROM ania."— Presentation transcript:


2 T ransylvania E quipments and A dvanced T echnologies produced in ROM ania.

3 Founded in November 2001 by Cluj County Council Main activity: industrial park administration Administrates 4 industrial parks in total surface of 2,8 million square meters (land plots, office space, production space) TETAROM SA

4  To support high tech industries: IT&C, automatics, robotics, bio and nanotechnologies  To support and create premises for high technology R&D – in Tetarom Business Incubator  To create high added value jobs for university graduates  To sustain non polluting industries and technologies  To create and promote business infrastructures (industrial /business/science parks) for local and regional development Goals

5 TETAROM I 320,000 m 2 - Cluj-Napoca TETAROM II 120,000 m 2 - Cluj-Napoca TETAROM III 1,540,000 m 2 - Jucu Village, Cluj County TETAROM IV 850,000 m 2 - Feleacu Village, Cluj County Tetarom Industrial Parks

6 Our offer  Office space rental  Production space  Land plots cession  Infrastructure facilities water electricity gas sewage telecommunications  Development support services: innovation & technological transfer contact with local public authorities banking investment counseling technical and legal assistance  General use services multifunctional spaces conference room parking & annex spaces security cleaning & maintenance

7 TETAROM I Area: 320.000 m 2 o 35 plots: 1.100m 2 – 48,000 m 2 o Multifunctional Hall: 4,900 m 2 o Business incubator: 1,786 m 2 o Clients: over 50 o Status:100% occupied

8 Investments value: over 60 million Euros Newly created jobs : ~ 1,500 TETAROM I

9 Area: 12 ha o Occupancy - 100% o Client - EMERSON SRL : ~ o Investment value: ~120 million Euros o Newly created jobs: ~ 1,500 TETAROM II

10 TETAROM III o Occupancy- 55% o Newly created jobs: ~ 1.500 o Available land: 540.000 sqm o Investment value: ~ 200 mil. Euro o Clients - Robert Bosch SRL, De`Longhi SRL, Holzart SRL, Karl Heinz Dietrich International Exped SRL,Transcarpatica SA Area: 1540.000 square meters

11 600.000 m 2 available land, with extension possibilities The land is in the property of TETAROM SA Infrastructure Roads Utilities Electrical Energy : 20KV, 40 MW Natural gas: 5.000 m 3 /h; Press. - 1,2 Bar; Caloric power.- 8.125 Kcal/m 3 Water: 18.000 l/h; Pressure– 10 Bari Sewage: 1.800 m 3 /day Telecommunications: fiber optics - 4 operators. DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES

12 543.000m 2 available land for new business development Investments under 10 million Euros – public tender. Once the investment process is completed, the investor may choose to purchase the land. Investments worth over 10 million Euros – in negotiation process. After completion of 15% of total investment, the investor may purchase the land. An evaluation will be carried out in order to determine the selling price of the land. DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES

13 Perspectives I. Development of TETAROM I Industrial Park (ROP- Priority Axis 1 “: Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles”). Extension and modernization of infrastructure 3 buildings and a business incubator Project value: 68.516.932,99 lei. II. TETAPOLIS Science and Technology Park (10 ha).

14 Perspectives III. Development of TETAROM IV Industrial Park (ROP- Priority Axis 1 “: Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles”). Area: 850.000 sqm Location: Feleacu Village Value : 54.292.262,01 lei Use: industrial & logistic

15 Why Cluj County and why Tetarom  Academic city, (over 100.000 students), universities of tradition  Available work force, skilled and unskilled  Access to Europe via Cluj-Napoca International Airport  Fairly developed infrastructure: access roads, highway, railway, utilities  Developed communication networks  For foreign investors, Cluj-Napoca has become a „best cost“ location  Significant economic resources  Good dynamics of social and economic development  Good geographical position  Important cultural and traditional heritage

16 Clients


18 47,Tăietura Turcului St, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel:+40 264 400900, Fax: +40 264 432750 E-mail: Thank you!

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