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Power Running Game Out of the Spread Offense

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1 Power Running Game Out of the Spread Offense
By: Bruce Miller, Head Football Coach Gainesville High School

2 Where we got our information
Gus Malzahn – Offensive Coordinator at Auburn Herb Hand – Offensive Coordinator at Tulsa Tony Franklin – New Offensive Coordinator at Louisiana Tech

3 Offensive Staff at Gainesville
Quarterbacks – Myself Outside Receivers – Tyler Perry (X and Z) John Kemp and Lyn Marsh – Offensive Line Michael Perry – Running Backs (H and F) we do this to cross train both backs . Matt Shirley - Y Receiver

4 The Way We Organize Our Run Game
We work on different runs each day of the Week. Monday – Inside Zone and Outside Zone Tuesday – Gap schemes Power/Counter Wednesday – QB Sweep/Lead Option and any other runs that we have not worked on for the week. Thursday – Review

5 Why the Power and Counter ?
Looking for a way to attack defenses down hill from the Spread Offense. It builds power into our Offense. Be Physical!!! Great Play Action possibilities! Let Defenses know that we will use 2 backs and come at you. Set up a lot of options off of it. It makes defenses keep people in the box.

6 Counter and Power If you play to stop the power you give us the Counter but both of them use a gap scheme We run power option when the DE is wrong arming or really crashing hard on the back. We try to keep things simple for Linemen ( Zone, Gap, Lead Option) and then Pass and Screen Blocking

7 Power Blocking Rules PST -- B gap to #2 backer
PSG – A gap to #2 backer C – Block Back BSG – Pull for Front side LB ( keep shoulders square towards LOS ) BST – Step and Hinge ( no run throughs in B gap!!! ) H back – block C gap

8 RB Alignment and Assignments
F is 7 yards deep with his inside foot on the outside foot of guard ; takes off hugging double team ; square shoulder entry is a must! H is an arm length off OT; H’s outside foot is aligned on the OT’s Inside foot; H has C Gap not a man!! H’s blocking assignment discussed later vs. field blitz call

9 Stack Power w/ Utah Motion vs. Even
F $$ W M C S C E N T E x Y Z H Stack Power w/ Utah Motion vs. Even Q F

10 F $$ W M C S C E N T E x Y Z F H Q Split Power vs. Even

11 F $$ W M C S C E N E x Y Z H Q Power vs. Odd F

12 F C W M S C D D E N E x Y Z H Q Power vs. Odd Stack F

13 Stack Power vs. Field Blitz
$$ W C M C S E T N E x Y Z H Q Stack Power vs. Field Blitz F

14 F $$ W M C S C E N T E x Y Z H Q Power Option F

15 Power Boot x Y Z H Q F F $$ 1. W M C S C E N T E 3. Flat (3-5 yds)
Y Drag (10 yds), 3. Run F Power Boot

16 Seminole x Y Z H Q F F $$ W M C S C E N T E
Read Safety on Post; if safety comes up throw post; if he drops throw dig to unders

17 Counter Rules are the same for Power
Only thing different is that the H back and the Guard exchange responsibilities

18 F $$ W M C S C E N T E x Y Z H Q F

19 F $$ W M C C S E N T E x Y Z H Q Counter Pass Same read as Seminole F

20 Conclusion The Power and Counter gives us something else to use vs. Defenses The things that a defense has to do to prepare to play us Screens Quick Passing Game Deep Passes Run Game( Options) Trick Plays

21 What Coaching means to me
Coaching to me is a Mission Field that God has put me in. I hope and want to make a difference in each person’s life I touch. A person does not care how much you know until you show them how much you care! Develop a Philosophy of why you coach and work at that each day. Galatians (6:9) “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

22 The Builder I saw a group of men in my hometown
I saw a group of men tearing a building down, With a heave and a ho and a mighty yell, They swung a beam and the sidewalk fell. And I said to the foreman, “Are these men skilled, The type you’d hire if you wanted to build?” And he laughed and said, “Why, no indeed,” He said, “Common labor’s all I need,

23 For I can tear down in a day or two
What it took a builder ten years to do.” And I thought to myself as I walked away, “Which of these roles am I going to play? Am I the type that constantly tears down As I make my way, foolishly around? Or am I the type that’s trying to build with care, In hopes that my organization’ll be glad I was there?”

24 Contact Info Bruce Miller Head Coach, Gainesville High School

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