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What matters most for access to jobs: Human capital Employer attitudes, or Access through space or social networks?

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Presentation on theme: "What matters most for access to jobs: Human capital Employer attitudes, or Access through space or social networks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What matters most for access to jobs: Human capital Employer attitudes, or Access through space or social networks?

2 Today  Recap Housing Affordability, Spatial Stratification, and Opportunity  One take away and one question  Poverty dispersal strategies  How do you create affordable housing in relatively more affluent areas?  Opportunity Mapping  Geographic and Social Access to Employment

3 King County, WA Opportunity Mapping

4 How define opportunity? Source: Kirwan Institute. 2010. The geography of opportunity: mapping to promote equitable community development and fair housing in King County, Wa

5 Race and Opporunity Source: Kirwan Institute. 2010. The geography of opportunity: mapping to promote equitable community development and fair housing in King County, Wa


7 Geographic and Social Access to Employment

8 Human Capital  Education  Work experience  Experience

9 Spatial stratification leading to…  Social and economic isolation  Racial residential segregation  Economic segregation  Mismatches  Jobs  Skills  Space  HOW DO PEOPLE FIND JOBS?

10 The Employer’s Perspective  Who will employers hire?  Pure discrimination  Statistical discrimination

11 Where are the jobs?  Job Sprawl  Spatial Mismatch  distance, location, transportation  discrimination, fear of discrimination  impact varies by city and MSA size?  Workplace segregation  Space as a barrier  for employers  for potential employees  Problem for whom?  In big cities?  minorities?  low-skill workers

12 The Job Seeker’s Perspective  How do people look for jobs?  Formal Methods  Newspaper  job matching services  Direct Application  Social Resources  (aka Social Capital or Social Networks)

13 Social Capital & Social Networks Social Support Social Leverage

14 Social Leverage=Information  Diversity  Density  Size  Weak ties  What matters?  SES  Sex  Race and ethnicity  Formal methods work better? Implications given spatial stratification, jobs mismatch... Implications given spatial stratification, jobs mismatch... Diverse Homogenous

15 What matters most for access to jobs: Human capital Employer attitudes, or Access through space or social networks?

16 1. In "Job search networks and strategies in scattered-site public housing" Kleit argues that the dispersed and clustered families may self- select into such situations, and thus the living position is just a proxy for other traits. How likely do you think this alternative is, and why? 2. What is the main reason of "space mismatch" in terms of job sprawl and suburbanization of poverty? 3. What is the best policy for achieving smarter growth and generating more equitable access in terms of jobs?

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