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Welcome Class of 2020!. High School Administration  Principal: Mr. Michael Mendes  Assistant Principal: Mrs. Sara Brogan  Coordinator of Athletic Activities:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2020!. High School Administration  Principal: Mr. Michael Mendes  Assistant Principal: Mrs. Sara Brogan  Coordinator of Athletic Activities:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2020!

2 High School Administration  Principal: Mr. Michael Mendes  Assistant Principal: Mrs. Sara Brogan  Coordinator of Athletic Activities: Mr. Phlip McGuane  Guidance Department:  Mrs. Katina George  Mrs. Joy Kubilewicz  Mr. Jacob Brogan  Mrs. Kimberly DiGangi, Secretary

3 Student Services Staff  School Psychologist – Dr. Erin Sappio  School Social Worker – Ms. Jordan Brody  Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC) – Mrs. Diane Jarvis  Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) – Ms. Jacqueline Duca

4 Student Assistance Program  Student Assistance Counselors (SAC) address the needs of students through education, prevention, intervention, and referral services  Services Provided:  Confidential counseling  42 CFR- Part 2  Work as an advocate for students and families  Coordinate prevention & education activities  Assist in development and maintenance of district policy  Provide staff in-services  How is a student referred for services?  Through a staff member, friend, parent, or self-referral  Goal of referral process is to identify and refer students with social, behavioral, and emotional concerns

5 NEHS Graduation Requirements  Students need 130 credits for graduation  This includes the successful completion of:  5 years of English (including Understanding Writing)  4 years of Math  4 years of Physical Education and Health  3 courses in Natural and Physical Science  3 courses in History (World, US I, US II)  1 course in a World Language  1 year Personal Finance/Economics  1 Fine or Performing Arts (Art, Music)  1 Practical Art (Business/Technology)  3 electives

6 NEHS Schedule  The school year operates on an A/B day schedule. You will have four classes on an A day and 4 different classes on a B day. Sample schedule:  Each block is 81 minutes  Unit Lunch is 60 minutes  Extra Help from Teachers: Tue-Thurs from 2:00 – 2:43

7 Sample Schedule A Day Block 1- Geometry Block 2- Understanding Writing Block 3- Physical Education Block 4- World History B Day Block 1- Physical Science Block 2- English I Block 3- French I Block 4- Computer Applications

8 Scheduling  Program of Studies is available on-line on the NEHS Website under the Guidance tab  Course descriptions of all courses offered  List of co-curricular activities

9 Scheduling  Course Request Sheet  Should be reviewed, signed & returned by Wednesday, February 24 th  If there are any concerns regarding the placement of a student, please contact their 8 th grade Teacher and/or Guidance Counselor  High School Counselors will be at the Middle School to discuss and enter your scheduling requests on February 29 th, March 1 st and 2 nd  Any changes requested after March 2 nd, please call NEHS Guidance for assistance

10 Scheduling Honors Classes  A combination of:  Teacher recommendations  Grades  Standardized Test Scores

11 Academic Courses  Two Paths 1. College Prep 2. Honors/Advanced Placement  Students can move from one path to another

12 English Track English I CP English II CP English III CP English IV CP English I Honors English II Honors English III Honors English IV Honors English IV Honors AP English Language & Composition English IV Honors English IV Honors *Understanding Writing is mandatory for all Freshmen AP English Literature & Composition

13 Math Track Algebra I CPGeometry CPCollege AlgebraAlgebra II CP Discrete Math or Statistics or AP Statistics Algebra I 8th Grade Honors Geometry Algebra II Honors Trig/Pre-Calc Honors AP Calculus ABCalculus Honors Fundamentals of Mathematics taken with Algebra I Trig/Pre- Calculus CP

14 Science Track Physical Science Physical Science Honors Conceptual Physical Science Biology Biology Honors Chemistry Chemistry Honors AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics

15 History Track World History US History I US History II World History Honors US History I HonorsUS History II Honors AP US Government and Politics AP US History

16 World Language Track World Language Spanish ISpanish IISpanish III Spanish IV Honors French IFrench IIFrench III French IV Honors Latin ILatin IILatin III Latin IV Honors

17 Physical Education & Health PE I & Health PE II & Drivers Ed PE III & Family Life PE IV & CPR

18 Freshman Electives Fine/Performing Art Art I Musical Theatre Rock BandBand Practical/Business Art Accountin g I Business Law Computer Applications

19 Inaugural Warrior Academy Program is designed to attract teacher candidates from high school students to the field of education. Tomorrow’s for Teacher Program sets forth the path for twenty-first century learning that embodies an approach to teaching that unites content to skill and practical experience. The courses and experiences will be the framework of the program which will be outlined by grade level below. – 9 th grade- Sociology – 10 th grade- Education Electives – 11 th Grade- Education Electives – 12 th Grade- Senior Experience (K-12 Classroom) *Student Seminar 2:00 PM/One day a week-4 Yrs.

20 AP Course Offerings AP English Literature and Composition AP English Language and Composition AP US History AP US Government and Politics AP Calculus AB AP Statistics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics 1 AP Studio Art 2-D Design AP Music Theory

21 Co-Curricular Participation  NEHS encourages participation  Sports  Clubs/Activities

22 Co-Curricular Clubs/Activities  Art Club  Band  Book Club  College Club  Drill Team  Environmental Club  FBLA  Fishing & Archery Club  French Club  Interact Club  Latin Club  Model Congress  National Honor Society  Peer Leadership  School Musical  Spanish Club  Student Government  Technology Club  Volleyball Club  Warrior School Newspaper  Weight Room  Yearbook

23 Sports  Baseball  Boys/Girls Basketball  Boys/Girls Bowling  Cheerleading (fall/winter)  Boys/ Girls Cross Country  Field Hockey  Golf  Boys/Girls Lacrosse  Boys/Girls Soccer  Softball  Tennis (girls only)  Boys/Girls Track  Wrestling  Football

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