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Tuesday 15 th March 2016. Assessment of English and Maths The new National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014. The ‘old’ way of assessing children’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 15 th March 2016. Assessment of English and Maths The new National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014. The ‘old’ way of assessing children’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 15 th March 2016

2 Assessment of English and Maths The new National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014. The ‘old’ way of assessing children’s learning using National Curriculum levels was removed. Schools have been left to devise their own way to assess children against the programmes of study from the National Curriculum. This Forum is an opportunity to look at how we are assessing children and the language of assessment we are now using.

3  stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/335186/ PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _English_220714.pdf stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/335186/ PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _English_220714.pdf  Click on the link to access the English Programme of Study.  This is what we are teaching the children as they progress through our school.  This is what we are assessing against.

4  Contents  Spoken language Years 1 to 6  Lower key stage 2 – Years 3 and 4  Upper key stage 2 – Years 5 and 6  English Appendix 1: Spelling  Spelling – work for Years 3 and 4  Word list – Years 3 and 4  Spelling – Years 5 and 6  Word list – Years 5 and 6  International Phonetic Alphabet (non-statutory)  English Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation  Glossary for the programmes of study for English (non- statutory)

5 Reading  Guided Reading tasks, discussion, questioning  Comprehension  Reading test giving standardised score Writing  Marking and feedback of written work  Spelling tasks and tests  Tracking against expectations  Grammar ‘quizzes’

6  stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/335158/ PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _Mathematics_220714.pdf stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/335158/ PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _Mathematics_220714.pdf  Click on the link to access the English Programme of Study.  This is what we are teaching the children as they progress through our school.  This is what we are assessing against.

7  Contents  Lower key stage 2 – years 3 and 4  Year 3 programme of study  Year 4 programme of study  Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6  Year 5 programme of study  Year 6 programme of study  Mathematics Appendix 1: Examples of formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

8  Class discussion and questioning  Marking and feedback of daily maths learning – providing children with appropriate next steps  Regular skills tests  Times Table Tests  End of unit quiz/test – assessment of specific learning  Tests giving standardised score

9  No longer are levels used to assess children.  During each year at primary school, it is expected that children will be assessed against the ARE – Age Related Expectations - for their current year group.  A key underlying principle from the Government is that children will secure their understanding of the ARE rather than ‘racing’ onto the next year group’s ARE.  (ARE – Age related expectations)

10  During the academic year, we are assessing whether children are: - Beginning to access ARE - Working towards ARE - Working at ARE – this is where we expected the majority of children to be by the end of the academic year - Working a greater depth within ARE  We will be using this language on our Annual Report to Parents at the end of the Summer Term.

11  Depth of Learning is how skilfully a child can apply their learning.  It is not just knowing a fact, but it is using that fact in increasingly more difficult situations


13  mmission-on-assessment-without-levels mmission-on-assessment-without-levels  The link above will take you to information about ‘The Commission on Assessment’ without Levels.

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