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04h36: Cryo problem in arc 81. Access. 09h14: Injection.  TI8 injection collimator setup.  Testing new sequence.  New version of vacuum application.

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Presentation on theme: "04h36: Cryo problem in arc 81. Access. 09h14: Injection.  TI8 injection collimator setup.  Testing new sequence.  New version of vacuum application."— Presentation transcript:

1 04h36: Cryo problem in arc 81. Access. 09h14: Injection.  TI8 injection collimator setup.  Testing new sequence.  New version of vacuum application (S. Blanchard).  Updates and modifications of orbit and tune feedbacks. 14h34: Access…  In PT 2 and 8 for power converters: changed modules.  ATLAS access in shadow. 15h58: Access over. Wednesday March 2 nd 01-03-2011 LHC morning report

2 TCDI set up:  Set up of TCDI collimators with probe beam in TI2 and TI8 finished  new settings trimmed in with thresholds updated (1 sigma!!) to be changed to 0.25 sigma  new settings in entry of 12:16  Checked the new settings with nominal bunch, trajectories not clean, maybe energy error from SPS, to be confirmed  Losses in TL below 3 mGray at collimators with high Dispersion  Losses on LHC BLMs below warning level TDI angular scan:  worked only on B1  measured beam size at TDI with + 1mrad TDI tilt for different TCP settings (beam edge defined by TCP)  has to be done also for -1 mrad tilt before conclusion Summary of injection studies 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress (Wolfgang, Malika, Verena)

3 Settings B1 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress

4 Settings B2 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress

5 OFC: changed orbit reference scaling to linear (was cubic/'parabolic->linear->parabolic') OFC: changed default settings for the synchronous orbit acquisition mode for IR BPMs OFC: added a new refined Q' demodulation estimate. OFC & OFSU: modified and resynchronized the communication library. OFSU: restructured and de-synchronized reference orbit handling. Fixed the "Disco effect“. Checked with beam and sequence. Works OK. Summary of Feedback updates and mods: 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress (Ralph St., Maxim)

6 15h58: Access over. And another access required  use opportunity to clean out access list…  RB.A81 lost QPS OK when preparing for precycle. Access required. QPS problem due to loss of communication from beam losses at injection. New software.  RQTL111.L3B2 and RCBXH3.R1 tripped, idle at standby. Reset.  Access for damper problem in the SPS (3h).  LHC-b and CMS accesses in shadow.  LBDS access in shadow. Wednesday March 2 nd 01-03-2011 LHC morning report

7 18h37: Access over. Pre-cycle.  Lost power permit for S67, S78 and S81. Likely from switching off access during pre-cycle (known problem?).  19h34: RSD2.A78B1 tripped during pre cycle.  One Roman Pot not completed out  interlock. Moved out by TOTEM. 20h43: Beams back. 2 pilot bunches per beam. 21h34: Incorporation problems before ramp. Reference mis-match. 22h10: Start ramp. Then squeeze. Wednesday March 2 nd 01-03-2011 LHC morning report

8 00h00: Collisions first time 2011. Lumi scan tried. 01h05: Orbit feedback tests completed. Kick response for arc and IR corrector. Different eigenvalues tried. 01h06: MPS test : switch off RD1.LR5 @ beta* = 1.5 m. Test successful, no orbit change at time of FMCM dump trigger corresponding to 0.19 A / 335 A, ~ 5E-4. 01h14: Ramp down and precycle. 02h21: LBDS problem for B1. Called Etienne. 02h50: CIBG beam permit loop not ok. Called Bruno. 02h55: Injection B2 only. 03h23: Lost cryo OK for 81 (same as Wed morning). 05h10: Ramp B2. 05h52: Beam dump by EIC. Tune feedback problem. Unclear instructions for feedback operation. Thursday March 3 rd 01-03-2011 LHC morning report

9 Beam-beam scan 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress

10 Luminosity… 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress

11 changed the LHC user for the load ADT settings in the PREPARE COLLISIONS sub-sequence. added the sub-seqeunce to drive the tune feedback settings for the squeeze in the SQUEEZE COMMISSIONING 2011 sequence (to be played as last year, drive the settings takes 20s with FB OFF, start the squeeze and start the QFB when the peak is in the windows) Some more change in the sequences (LP): 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress

12 06h39: Injection B2. 07h13: Prepare ramp. Problems with feedbacks (new dynamic function could not be sent to orbit feedback). Not confident to start ramp. No chance to work on beta beat, coupling, … at 3.5 TeV. Beta beat team in all night  thanks… 07h45: Decide to prepare for access:  to repair LBDS and BIS frequency generator problem (connection)  quench heater power supply C22R7  cryo unstable temp sensor on RQF.A81 Thursday March 3 rd 01-03-2011 LHC morning report

13 IP beta values (Glenn Vanbavinckhove et al) 28-2-2011 LHC startup progress Beam1 (after local and global correction): IP  * x (ex)  * y (ey) IP1 1.68 (0.08) 1.62 (0.20) IP5 1.53 (0.18) 1.45 (0.72) Beam2 (after local correction, no global correction): IP  * x (ex)  * y (ey) IP1 1.43 (0.06) 1.62 (0.06) IP5 1.64 (0.16) 1.48 (0.03) 11.7% imbalance 9.5% imbalance

14 Ahead 01-03-2011 LHC morning report DayShift Time (h) Activity 3THU7:457 Prepare access. 3THU15:005 Ramp to 3.5 TeV with pilot bunch. 3THU20:004 Transverse damper for multi-bunch 4FRI0:008 Beta beat, coupling, beta* correction at 3.5 TeV, pilot bunch 4FRI8:001 BLM tests of new software 4FRI9:008 Trial ramp to 3.5 TeV with 1 nominal bunch (RF blowup, orbit, emittance, damper,...) 4FRI17:008 Collimation setup 3.5 TeV before squeeze, 1 nominal bunch 4SAT1:006 Qualification dump protection, injection protection, collimation 4SAT7:008 Injection and dump setup (higher intensity, MP, …) 4SAT15:008 Collimation setup 3.5 TeV before squeeze, 1 nominal bunch 4SAT23:008 tbd 5SUN7:008 Collimation setup 3.5 TeV before squeeze, 1 nominal bunch 5SUN15:008 tbd 11 hours access in last 24h and more to come…

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