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European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) AHSN ESIF/ LEP knowledge sharing webinar 23 March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) AHSN ESIF/ LEP knowledge sharing webinar 23 March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) AHSN ESIF/ LEP knowledge sharing webinar 23 March 2016

2 ESIF and the NHS – Matching Health with Growth Aim of webinars: Understand latest information relating to ESIF agenda Act as a mechanism to share good practice and challenges Make links across NHS and with other sectors Mixture of presentations, discussion and external guests – often with a main theme We will go through survey responses and look at successful ESIF projects

3 Latest news from GPB Revised ESIF strategies being reviewed for consistency, will be confirmed in June Smart Specialisation Sub-Committee met for first time – will focus on alignment of policy, strategy and investments at local and national level Local CLG teams meeting partners for feedback Combined Authority announcements linked to IB status – evolutionary process New ESIF webpage funding

4 Latest news from GPB ERDF/ESF Evaluation Plans being developed – evaluations as project, LEP and national level First Annual Implementation Report (AIR) due this year. Public info on implementation and priorities Selection criteria for ESF amended to include minimum score Partnership Working Review reflecting on year one of 2014-2020 ESIF round – publish in July

5 Contracts being signed! ERDF: £2.5m for Growing Enterprise in Midlands £5m for Sensor City in Liverpool to create Innovation Centre for sensor techs £3.8m for North East Business support Fund 3 £2.64m for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Hub ESF: £2.84m for Young Ambition Tees Valley £0.5m for ‘Step into Construction’ in Leeds £8.37m for Arts Council for Creative Local Growth Fund

6 ERDF update £1.5bn of allocation has been applied for from first three rounds of calls (58%) 22 funding agreements now issued for £72.6m

7 ERDF and ESF discussion David Taylor, European Funding Advisor, West Midlands AHSN Q&A

8 Next webinar Dr Andrew Rose, Innovation Agency (formerly North West Coast AHSN) and Liverpool LEP Any ideas or suggestions for future discussion items:

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