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New Technologies for Low- grade Heat Power Engineering.

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1 New Technologies for Low- grade Heat Power Engineering

2 Novel technology for low-grade heat conversion into electricity For thermal power plants: power capacity increase and co-generation by waste heat recycling For geothermal power plants: Flexible deployment and better scalability of power capacity For solar power stations: higher efficiency and lower BOM

3 Introduction: Heat Conversion Idea We reverse the “roulette wheel” of the gas cycle in hydraulic accumulators. To gain some more fluid power in each conversion cycle instead of losing it in conventional recuperative cycles in accumulators

4 Core technology – Thermo- Pneumo-Hydraulic Conversion (TPHC) Novel heat engine based on hydraulic accumulators and heat exchangers: Transformation of heat from any external source of energy directly into fluid power.

5 Core technology (for fluid power people) stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 oil flow hot gas flow cold gas flow

6 Heat exchanger Liquid Gas COLD HOT LIQUID FLOW Compression TPHC cycle put simple: Stroke 1 Total power in

7 Heat exchanger Liquid Gas COLD HOT Gas flow LIQUID FLOW dQ1 heat in LIQUID FLOW Gas transfer TPHC cycle put simple : Stroke 2 Total power out Heat in

8 Heat exchanger Liquid Gas COLD HOT LIQUID FLOW Expansion TPHC cycle put simple : Stroke 3 Total power out

9 Heat exchanger Liquid Gas COLD HOT Gas flow LIQUID FLOW dQ2 Heat out Gas transfer TPHC cycle put simple : Stroke 4 Total power in Heat out

10 Competing technologies Thermo-Electrical Conversion (TEC) Evaporative cycle conversion: –Water Rankine Cycle (WRC), –Water-Ammonia Rankine Cycle (Kalina cycle), –Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Stirling Cycle Engines None of competing technologies offer a combination of: High efficiency in wide temperature range High power density Low installation and operation costs

11 Key Competitive Advantages: Manufacturing and operation Simplicity of operation: one part always hot, another always cold (like external combustion engine) Simplicity of manufacturing: Mostly standard and modified standard fluid power components used Low BOM: steel, nitrogen and oil are not in deficiency, no need of scarce materials

12 Key Competitive Advantages: Efficiency Low operational temperature gradient: 80 degree temperature difference between hot and cold media enough for operation Wide temperature range: coolant temperature from - 50 to +100 C High power density Low energy transformation losses: Directly from gas expansion into Fluid Power

13 Competitive technologies comparison advantagesdisadvantages Water Rankene high power capacity, reasonable efficiency operable for T>450C, complexity of the system, bulky equipment, high cost Water- Ammonia Rankene higher efficiency (compare to WRC)higher complexity (compare to WRC) Organic Rankene higher efficiency (compare to WRC), operable for T<450C each system is optimized for specific working temperatures, low power density Thermo- Electric Conversion compactness, direct conversion to electricity, very wide range of temperature differences for utilization, wide range of power capacity low efficiency, high BOM, rare materials required TPHC higher efficiency (compare to ORC), operable for 80C<T<350C, wide range of coolant temperatures, high power density, low BOM unconventional technology, fluid power experience required for maintenance

14 Efficiency estimate TechnologyT max (T min ) CP max /P min η GAS η total TPHC 100 (15)220%15 % TPHC 300 (15)340%32 % ORC 120 (20) 13%10 % ORC 300 (30) 25%20 % TEC 100 (15) 3 % TEC 300 (15) 8 % Expected total efficiency of TPHC (our system) is much higher than that of TEC and comparable to that of ORC at the same temperature differences η GAS – efficiency of gas cycle η total – total efficiency ORC – Organic Rankine Cycle, TEC – thermoelectric conversion

15 Market estimate* Almost 250 quadrillion BTUs of low temperature energy is considered waste worldwide –Industrial sites (chemical, paper, food, etc – 76,000 sites) –Commercial buildings including schools and high rise – 200,000 sites –Other sites such as wastewater treatment plants (16,000) Geothermal recourses (only crustal heat) 7.5▪10 7 quad BTUs Solar flux (reached the surface of the Earth ) about 10 5 TW Potential market of waste heat conversion devices in the US only is a US$26Bln opportunity or over US$75Bln worldwide. Adopted from

16 Current status of the Project Proof of concept achieved by testing a lab bench prototype of the heat engine Key performance parameters verified experimentally 7 PCT applications pending, 2 US patents, 3 Utility models (Germany), 6 Russian patents Validation pending in USA, Canada, China, Korea, Taiwan, India, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Finland

17 Proof of concept: lab bench engine assembly cold accumulator hot accumulator hot heat exchanger

18 Pilot Licensing Pilot Licensing Pilot Licensing Pilot Licensing Strategy Lab bench proto We are here Whole system proto Testing different scales and conditions More patents Round 1 Applications Yet more patents Waste heat industrial Waste heat commerci al estate Waste heat commer- cial estate Solar Geotherm Round 2

19 Project Team Leonid Sheshin - Project Manager, 12 years of experience in experimental physics, 30 years – in electronic engineering, 7 years - in fluid power Dr. Igor Rozhdestvenskiy - Business development consultant, 20 years of experience in theoretical physics, 6+ years experience in tech startup consulting Sergey Ryadnov - Chief System Designer, 25 years of experience in mechanical engineering, 12 years - in fluid power Yurii Yavushkin - System Tester, 40 years of experience in mechanical engineering

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