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Published byAlban Chase Modified over 8 years ago
1 SPF-INITIATIVE MANUAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR JOINT UN COUNTRY OPERATIONS UN inter-agency technical meeting on the CEB social protection floor initiative Turin, 13-15 October 2009
2 Presentation Structure 1.Introduction of the manual objectives and targets 2.Part I of the Manual on the strategic framework and global activities 3.Part II of the Manual on country operations 4.Discussion points and homework while in Turin
3 Introduction: Why this manual? So far: –Each UN organization has 1+ social protection agenda –Working separately and only sporadically together –No policy coherence, namely to influence country priority setting –Competing agendas counterproductive and unconvincing for national and international community It is time to come together and to convince - cf. concept note
4 Introduction: How do we come together? Rapid country actions Globally: –A strategic framework to orient rapid joint UN country teams –Communication across UN Agencies on social protection –Scaling up our capacities and getting organized Country-teams (to be selected): - Orientation for governments and national stakeholder (social partners) seeking UN support re social protection - Better coordination with donors, NGOs, etc. This is a 1 st Manual Draft discussed in Turin … only a starting point –Only a generic framework for the implementation process of the SPF at country level –Adaptation to country contexts
5 Introduction: Who participates in the SPF-Initiative? GLOBAL TECHNICAL ADVISORY NETWORK National SP ministries / social security inst. UN agencies UN Resident Coordinator NGOs Donors local reps Social partners Country Joint UN task force Cash transfers to the (1) poor, (2) vulnerable groups, (3) the elderly, (4) the unemployed (1) Water and sanitation (2) Education (3) Food security and nutrition (4) Health services Essential services (5) Access to health Social transfers
6 PART I Strategic Framework Global activities and outputs
7 PART I- Global approach Establishing a global technical advisory network Objectives: –Provide support to SPF-I country operations –Monitor progress of the SPF-I at global and regional level Members: –Focal points from partner UN agencies and Bretton Woods inst. –Representatives from donor agencies and international NGOs Activities: 1)Knowledge management 2)Joint advocacy (including training) and fund raising 3)Development of a common technical implementation framework 4)Monitoring, evaluation and reporting
8 AreasLevel of attainment Activities Knowledge management Advocacy & fund raising Common technical implementation framework Monitoring & evaluation Education Geographic Population Financial protection Health Geographic Population Financial protection Water & sanitation Geographic Population Financial protection Etc. … … … PART I- Global approach Strategic framework table
9 I-1. Knowledge management What do we need? Ideas/inspiration: country examples (best practices) for each thematic area covered by the SPF-Initiative Guidance & tools: policy instruments, technical assessment tools and methodologies … for each thematic area Know-how: experts, south-south sharing re “showcase countries”
10 Example for major showcase countries by thematic area of the SPF-I 1. ESSENTIAL SERVICES Water Sanitation HealthEducation 2. SOCIAL TRANSFERS Food security & nutrition to Poor and Vulnerable Income security and access to essential services Unemployment Elderly Disabled Access to Health Access to Education Colombia Rwanda Mexico India (RSBY) China Uruguay India (NREGA) Chile solidario Brazil South Africa Brazil Mexico I-1. Knowledge management
11 1)Country reviews from “showcase countries” having best coped with the social impact of the global financial and economic crisis and where prospects for social progress in the long-term are evident…. For each of 7 thematic areas 2)A brief on international policy instruments 3)Annual monitoring report tracking progress of the SPF-I 4)Internet platform To host the knowledge base To link to existing sources of information To access available technical assessment tools and methodologies, case studies, etc. Interactive and maintained by dedicated staff relying mostly on regular inputs from focal points in the country, regional and central offices of cooperating agencies and others. IT support and a facilitation team I-1. Knowledge management Global outputs
12 I-2. Joint advocacy and fund raising What do we need? To produce and raise international and national attention to the evidence on the impact of the crisis on human development … not only financial services are affected … The ultimate aim : an international consensus on the need for an international instrument to promote a set of minimum social guarantees for all global citizens… To convince that with the necessary resources from national budgets and international donor community, social conditions will improve, economic development will be enhanced and everyone is happy.
13 I-2. Joint advocacy and fund raising Example of promotional material
14 1)Promotional material, press release 2)Awareness raising within UN agencies, national governments, bilateral cooperation agencies, social security institutions, social partners, national and international NGOs, etc. 3)Training sessions on the SPF-I for national officials to build national capacity for policy analysis, reform formulation and benefit design, the application of technical tools for the costing of reform options and the administration and management of reforms. 4)Advocacy efforts to enlist donors’ prioritising their external funding resources required in countries where the SPF-I is rolled out and where needs are most acute. -Annual Show & Tell event for international organisations I-2. Joint advocacy and fund raising Global outputs
15 I-3. Common implementation framework What do we need? Avoid duplication, enhance synergies, improve policy coherence, ensure access to specific expertise How? Global outputs Organize 7 technical clusters within Global Technical Advisory Network (…/…) 1. Water and sanitation 2. Education 3. Food security and nutrition 4. Health 5. Cash transfers to the poor, vulnerable groups and the elderly 6. (Un-)employment 7. Social budgeting, fiscal space and public finance
16 Each cluster will: Do a compendium of existing tools and activities Consolidate generic technical assessment tools Develop guidance for country application, training, capacity building, technical assistance to SPF country teams Arrange peer reviewing to ensure high quality advice I-3. Common implementation framework Global outputs (continued) Each agency must fill in Turin the manual’s list of tables for each thematic area, where relevant Policy areasActivitiesTechnical tools and competencies Cooperating agencies
17 I-3. (continued) Mapping policy focus areas across partner UN agencies and Bretton Woods institutions COOPERATING AGENCIES SOCIAL PROTECTION IN GENERAL SPF ELEMENT 1. ESSENTIAL SERVICES SPF ELEMENT 2. SOCIAL TRANSFERS Water Sanitation HealthEducationSocial workFood security and nutrition to Poor and Vulnerable Income security and access to essential services HealthEducationUnemployment Elderly Disabled WHO XXXX ILO XXXX UNICEF XXXX UNDESA X UNESCO X WFP/ FAO X UN-HABITAT and UNITAR X UNDP X UNFPA X UNAIDS XX World Bank XXXX ? XXXX IMF
18 I-3. (continued) Technical assessment tools – a brief overview 1.UN Cost-Impact tools 2.Social Security Inquiry – database 3.Assessment tool for core capacities of the ministry with primary responsibility for child protection 4.Guidance on child sensitive social protection (UNICEF) 5.Early warnings system (WMO) 6.Social Protection Expenditure Review 7.Social budgeting 8.Demographic and actuarial projection models 9.Simplified model for costing essential social transfers 10.Poverty impact assessment model 11.Survey and policy analysis tools 12.Capacity-building programmes 13.Guidelines on access to basic services for all (UN-HABITAT, UNITAR, WB) 14.National health accounts and expenditure tracking (WHO, WB) 15.P4H; Costs, financial feasibility and sustainability of scaling up health services (WHO, WB) 16.Systems to monitor and analyse the impact of the crisis on education at the global, regional and country levels (UNESCO) 17.Tools for implementing cash and food-based social protection instruments (UNFPA, WFP, WB) 18.New approach to school feeding programmes (UNFPA, WFP, WB) 19.Global Food Crisis Response Facility 20.Fiscal space … (ILO, WB, IMF)
19 I-4. Monitoring, evaluation, reporting What do we need? Follow up social progress and the impact of the SPF-I How? Global outputs 1)A global monitoring, evaluation and reporting system – UN CEB 2)Agree on a realistic set of outcome indicators for the 7 clusters 3)Organize data collection to assess (e.g. SSI) the social protection situation prior to the crisis the impact of the crisis the gap in coverage, benefit adequacy the ‘potential’ impact on poverty of social protection measures 4)Guidance and training of local and international staff to identify sources of information at the local, regional and international levels, to choose and use the most appropriate data compilation methodology 5)Facilitate generic monitoring of progress on SPF-I at country level
20 PART II Country operations Modus Operandi
21 Recognizing the different stages of the logical development of a national social protection system Manual focuses on phase 1 PHASE 1: TECHNICAL ASSESMENT & PLANNING PHASE 1 PHASE 2: CAPACITY BUILDING 2 PHASE 3: ROLLING OUT PHASE 3 Action from the joint UN country task forces Resources from international aid community and increasing national fiscal space
22 8 generic country planning activities to complete Phase 1 1.Establish/organize a joint SPF UN country task force 2.Awareness-raising 3.Take stock of present SP situation: pre-crisis, impact of the crisis, country responses so far 4.Assist dialogue on national definition of the SPF 5.Identify viable policy alternatives / concrete proposals for progress and scarce prioritising resources 6.Evaluate the impact and cost of policy options versus status quo and identify/discuss financing sources and priorities 7.Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanism 8.Identify technical and financial support needs for phase 2 (Capacity building phase) and phase 3 (Rolling-out phase)
23 Country activity 1 Establish an SPF joint UN country task force ** Starting point differing by country: Scope and level of social protection coverage, effective coordination across actors, fiscal space, political willingness, technical and financial support needs 1)Identify key stakeholders at national and international level 2)Investigate the existing national planning and policy formulation framework(s) and consult with cooperating partners so the SPF-I is annexed or becomes an extension of pre-existing policy planning arrangements 3)Leadership: UN Resident Coordinator 4)National lead from relevant line ministries, UN agencies, NGOs, donors, social partners, social security institutions ** Manual providing only a generic action plan for guidance and references for more informed and better equipped UN advisory services at country level
24 Country activity 2 Awareness-raising Outputs: 1) Political and institutional analysis 2) SP population coverage analysis 3) Macroeconomic data, households income and expenditure, poverty levels 4) Crisis impact assessment (on SP schemes, SP needs, for vulnerable groups) 5) Inventory of measures taken to mitigate crisis impact on SP schemes and programmes; NEW SP measures 1) Political willingness (e.g. Letter requesting support for the establishment of the SPF Initiative) 2) SPF included in UNDAF, accelerated growth strategy, PRSP 6) Shared diagnosis (with all stakeholders) Country activity 3 Take stock of present SPF situation (status quo technical assessment)
25 Country activity 4 National dialogue for the definition of a national SPF Outputs: 1. ESSENTIAL SERVICES Water Sanitation HealthEducation 2. SOCIAL TRANSFERS Food security & nutrition to Poor and Vulnerable Income security and access to essential services Unemployment Elderly Disabled Access to Health Access to Education 2) Integration into the national development plans 1) Public consultation on definition of SPF
26 Country activities 5 & 6 5) Identify viable policy options and concrete proposals for progress and scarce prioritising of resources 6) Evaluate the impact and cost of policy options versus status quo and identify/discuss financing sources and priorities Outputs: - Demographic, financial and fiscal projections - SP Budget analysis - Fiscal space analysis 1) Public debate on reform options - Technical assessment of status quo evaluation and projections for SPF if status quo conditions are maintained - Technical assessment of reform options and projections for SPF if reform options are implemented 2) Technical advisory support for an informed debate
27 Country activity 7 Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanism Outputs:1) Monitoring of the progress of the SPF initiative 2) Monitoring of the extension of SP and impact on social outcomes 3) Evaluation of SPF strategy on poverty reduction and human development indicators 4) Global and regional reporting: lessons learned Country level
28 Country activity 8 Identify technical and financial support required for building capacities under Phase 2 and scaling up social protection programmes under Phase 3 Outputs:1) Action plan for setting up national institutions, recruiting and training national benefit delivery staff, new information systems, reporting and monitoring mechanisms, etc. Encouraging south-south learning and sharing 2) Consultations with national budget authorities and international organisations and donors’ agencies on priority setting
29 Discussion points for Technical meeting in Turin…. Learning more about other UN agencies work in the area of social protection Policy discussions and assignments around the 4 objectives of the global framework –Knowledge management –Joint advocacy (including training) and fund raising –Developing a common implementation framework >> Agency contributions/tools for each of the 7 technical clusters –Monitoring, evaluation and reporting Modus operandi at country level
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