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Project : «Mass Media» by: Mamedova Elvira, Ponomareva Tatyana, Holohon Anastasya The teacher: Salnikova I. A.

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Presentation on theme: "Project : «Mass Media» by: Mamedova Elvira, Ponomareva Tatyana, Holohon Anastasya The teacher: Salnikova I. A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project : «Mass Media» by: Mamedova Elvira, Ponomareva Tatyana, Holohon Anastasya The teacher: Salnikova I. A.

2 learn more about Mass Media analyze the benefits and harms media learn new words

3 To shape – формировать Benefit – польза Harm – вред To entertain – развлекать To send – передавать Portable – переносной Forecast - прогноз Rather - весьма Broadcasting – вещательный To require – требовать Denial – лишение Affair – дело

4 Mass Media Informs Educates Entertains Shapes public opinion Helps to make a choice

5 newspapers TVBooks Gadgets Radio

6 Telephone means for sending and receiving audio.

7 Laptop is portable entertainment device

8 Radio is the most convenient mass media.

9 This is a newspaper with little serious news.

10 Television (TV) is a telecommunication means for transmitting and receiving moving images.

11 The earliest kind of mass media is newspaper.


13 1. Match a word from A with one from B: A B soapprogramme musicforecast weatheropera importantmedia massevents


15 1.A paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news,advertisements etc; 2.the process of sending and receiving messages through the air ;broadcasting programmes for people to listen to; 3.broadcasting programmes (the news, plays,shows, etc.)for people to watch on their television sets; 4. a newspaper with rather small pages,many pictures and little serious news 5.a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer ( by e-mail) A)Television (satellite \ cable) B)Newspaper (daily\ weekely) C)Tabloid D)The Internet E)Radio

16 We knew a lot about Mass Media. Every person prefers different Mass Media For example: for pensioners: newspapers, magazines for teenagers.

17 Thank you for your attention!

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