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Partnerships Came up at the SGA. Mini meeting Current situation Why its an issue We need your input.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships Came up at the SGA. Mini meeting Current situation Why its an issue We need your input."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships Came up at the SGA. Mini meeting Current situation Why its an issue We need your input

2 Potential Partners Oxfam AMREF People’s Health Movement UKPHA THET All in the essential guide page 38.

3 AMREF? African organisation Famous for flying docs Now local projects, local and international advocacy Aim to strengthen and work with public health systems Fill in gaps with their consent Improve community capacity

4 AMREF & Medsin Both gain: Work together on issues. Medsin Gains: –Experience of an African NGO –Access to speakers AMREF Gains: –Access to people interested in African health –Fundraise, if medsin members want to Problems? Our campaigns? Pharma?

5 Oxfam? International NGO – 1000 FT staff in UK Shops Global Emergencies Campaign and advocacy Report on access to public services Want to mobilise civil society, local govs, international community behind public services Targeting G8

6 Oxfam & Medsin Both gain: Work together on issues. Medsin Gains: –Access to resources, speakers, training –Access to health coalition Oxfam Gains: –Access to students of health –Numbers to join this campaign –Joint policy statements, local and national Problems? Our campaigns? Image too associated with Oxfam?

7 People’s Health Movement What it is: Grassroots organisation. Network of health organisations What we need to do to get involved: Endorse the charter

8 What the charter says Radical changes in trading rules Cancellation of third world debt Transformation of WB and IMF Regulate TNC’s

9 What Medsin Gains Membership and ability to participate in a world wide network What PHM gains Another organisation to endorse their charter.

10 Potential Problems. Very idealistic Very Political May alienate some members

11 Things to draw your attention to Globalisation has to be opposed. Blame is put onto world bank, IMF, WTO and tnc’s. ‘demand the control and taxation of speculative international capital flows’ Pressurise wealthy countries to reduce consumption by 90% Demand radical reforms of the UN SC.

12 UKPHA National Network of public health organisations Joining fee: We can take part in policy forming. Been a member in the past

13 Tropical Health Education Trust. Facilitates institutional links Capacity building Long term arrangements. Working Together Developing resources Sit on the student steering committee Invitations to each others conferences

14 THET Gets Student representation Input to student targeted resources Student perspective on development of links Medsin Gets Develop links with international education institutions Share learning materials Make friends ….. Electives???

15 Potential Problems Conflict with exchanges Our capacity.

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