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Construction Activities and Quality Management presented by Russ Alber for the Subcontractor Safety Subcommittee December 16, 2011.

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2 Construction Activities and Quality Management presented by Russ Alber for the Subcontractor Safety Subcommittee December 16, 2011

3 Construction Activities and Quality Management Present Environment for Construction Tasks and Projects Laboratory Expectations Controlling the Contract and the Contractor Job Requirements / Responsibilities Subcontractor Quality Control Subcontractor Cooperation

4 Construction Activities and Quality Management Present Environment for Construction Task & Projects Subcontractors are required to have a Safety Program. Subcontractors are required to have a Quality Control Program.

5 Construction Activities and Quality Management Present Environment for Construction Tasks & Projects Training More ES&H Presence and Resources Hazard Analysis Expanded Use of the Work Notification Permitting Requirements Integrated Safety Management (ISM)

6 Construction Activities and Quality Management Laboratory Expectations (Our Mission) That work (construction projects and tasks) be performed in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications (the contract documents), completed on time, and within the approved budget; That there be flexibility in design with the appropriate authorities and approvals; That there is consistency and standards in dealing and interacting with laboratory construction subcontractors.

7 Construction Activities and Quality Management Laboratory Intent Reduce the number of T&M tasks. Develop a well defined scope of work for projects and tasks. Allow for and work for a more competitive environment. Attain more control of the construction projects and tasks we perform.

8 Construction Activities and Quality Management Learning Objectives Define Construction Activities Distinctions Between Construction Activities at Fermilab Responsibilities – TM & CCs Contract Documents

9 Construction Activities and Quality Management Learning Objectives (cont.) Subcontractor’s ES&H Plan Subcontractors Quality Control Plan Fermilab’s Construction Quality Assurance Program Building Authority

10 Construction Activities and Quality Management Construction Activities Any combination of engineering, procurement, erection, installation, assembly, or fabrication activities involved in creating a new facility or altering, adding to, or rehabilitating an existing facility. It also includes the alteration and repair (including dredging, excavating and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property, as well as any construction and excavation activities conducted as part of environmental remediation efforts. Projects defined as maintenance projects under the Davis-Bacon Act definition may be considered construction projects under this definition.

11 Construction Activities and Quality Management Construction Activities (cont.) At Fermilab construction activities include all projects and tasks performed by subcontractors for the purpose of creating a new facility or altering, adding to, or rehabilitating an existing facility. A facility includes the buildings and surrounding properties, all underground enclosures, beam lines and detector halls, utilities, and technical equipment normally handled and installed by subcontract labor, such as magnets, cable tray, and shielding.

12 Construction Activities and Quality Management Construction Activities (cont.) Electrical Carpentry Rigging Piping Systems Sheet Metal Roofing HVAC Concrete & Masonry Drilling Excavating Tunneling Operations Painting Insulating Conveying Systems Mechanical Systems Survey & Alignment Structural Work Fencing & Landscaping

13 Construction Activities and Quality Management Distinctions Between Types Of Construction Activities at Fermilab Direction of Labor by the Subcontractor; (i.e. Fixed Price) Direction of Labor by Fermilab; (i.e. Time & Material)

14 Construction Activities and Quality Management

15 Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

16 Construction Activities and Quality Management Design, Drawings and Sketches, and Specifications Construction Coordinator Provided by Design Group Task Manager Provides expertise, design or input to design. Applies the “Work Smart Standards”. Provides specifications for work performed, materials, and equipment. Obtains DP-18 Review

17 Construction Activities and Quality Management Design Reviews Construction Coordinator Participates in design reviews of contract documents (drawings and specifications) Task Manager Initiates design reviews as necessary or as required by his/her division. DP-18 Reviews are required!

18 Construction Activities and Quality Management Purpose of Design Review Bidability Constructability Operability

19 Construction Activities and Quality Management Purpose of Design Review Bidability Ensure that the contract documents provided to the bidders are free of ambiguities and errors.

20 Construction Activities and Quality Management Purpose of Design Review Constructability Review the ease at which the design project can be built and; that the contract documents can be understood, administered, and enforced.

21 Construction Activities and Quality Management Purpose of Design Review Operability Review the contract documents for the ease at which the project/facility can be operated and maintained.

22 Construction Activities and Quality Management DP-18 Review A single line of management will be established for each construction project regardless of the number of phases involved and/or crossover of organization lines. Where different divisions/sections are responsible for individual phases of work, a memo of understanding will be generated by the organization holding the budget, clearly establishing line responsibilities and interfaces for project management and oversight including ES&H.

23 Construction Activities and Quality Management DP-18 Review Unless the director delegates the responsibilities to another organization for a specific project, FESS shall have the responsibility for all construction activities. Professional architectural and engineering principles shall be applied to the planning, design and construction of facilities and other structures at Fermilab. Contractors and Subcontractors shall be monitored by FESS personnel, or others as delegated by the director, to assure compliance with all applicable Fermilab policies and procedures, including ES&H requirements. The ES&H Section will independently oversee the performance of construction contractors and provide support to the FESS Construction Task Managers. The Associate Director for Operations Support will review all proposed building construction and modifications for sustainability and compliance with building and safety codes. The director or his deputy will review all modifications for aesthetic considerations. Building modifications are defined as any modification which modifies any structural element of the building, adds or removes additional interior walls, or modifies any of the existing high voltage electrical, HVAC, fire protection, sanitary sewer, potable water, or industrial water services. Review of technical equipment modifications is not included in this definition unless it necessitates modifying one of the above. FESS's Engineering & Planning Group will review any proposed modifications and report to the Associate Director for Operations Support.

24 Construction Activities and Quality Management DP-18 Review How? –Submit sketches, quotes, pictures, etc. –Submit to: Maria Martinez x6598 FESS Engineering - MS214 –Approvals will be returned when review is complete

25 Construction Activities and Quality Management Contract Documents “Contract Forms” Agreement Performance Bond Payment Bonds Certificates

26 Construction Activities and Quality Management Contract Documents “Conditions of the Contract” General Conditions Administration of the Contract Applicable Standards Supplementary Conditions Unique Requirements Modifications and Additions

27 Construction Activities and Quality Management Contract Documents “ Actual Work To Be Completed” Technical Specifications Drawings Addenda Contract Modifications –Changes Orders –Supplemental Instructions

28 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

29 Construction Activities and Quality Management Meetings Construction Coordinator Pre-Bid (if required) Pre-Construction Preparatory Weekly Progress Update Punch List Beneficial Occupancy Final Inspection and Acceptance Task Manager As required by his/her division. As required to maintain understanding of the work to be preformed. Documented to avoid misunderstandings.

30 Construction Activities and Quality Management Project/Task Schedule Construction Coordinator Audits subcontractor’s schedule for work progress and adherence to milestones specified in the contract documents. Coordinates Laboratory interfaces and interferences. Task Manager Directly responsible for schedule interfaces and milestones.

31 Construction Activities and Quality Management Documents and Records Anything that would give us a paper trail as to the scope of work contracted for, Anything that would demonstrate capability of safe operation, Anything that would demonstrate assurance of quality of the work performed and the installed materials and equipment.

32 Construction Activities and Quality Management Documents and Records Examples: Purchase Orders / Release Order / Contract Documents Daily and Weekly Construction Reports or Notes Meeting Minutes and Notes Memos and Letters Specifications As-Built Drawings and Sketches Progress Photos Hazard Analysis Permits

33 Construction Activities and Quality Management Documents and records are to be maintained as part of a permanent project file. “until dismantlement or disposal of the facility, system or process;” “or when superseded, obsolete, or removed from service” (DOE ADMIN Schedule 14 - Record Retention Requirements)

34 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

35 Construction Activities and Quality Management Permits Construction Coordinator Arranges for permits as necessary. (i.e. WP&N, burning and welding, electrical, road closures, excavation, confined space, and concrete coring) Task Manager Arranges for permits as necessary. (i.e. WP&N, burning and welding, electrical, road closures, excavation, confined space, and concrete coring)

36 Construction Activities and Quality Management Permits Work Permit and Notification Form Hazard Analysis Fire Protection System Disablement Confined Space Entry The “Burn Permit” Electrical Hazard Analysis / Work Permit Potable Water Permit Waste Water Discharge To Sanitary Sewers Permit Radiological Work Permit Excavation Permit Road Closings

37 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Permit and Notification Form (FESHM Chapter 2020) Work planning tool intended to inform persons of impending work in their area. Identifies affected systems. Identifies permit requirements. Identifies required training for those performing the work. Required for all construction projects Requires sign off by Task Manager/Construction Coordinator, Building Manager, and Division SSO.

38 Construction Activities and Quality Management Hazard Analysis Tool For Planning Safe Work Activities Assures Communication of Safe Work Activities to Those Persons Performing the Work More about this in “Construction Safety Program” following this presenter

39 FESHM 2060 Work Planning Construction Activities and Quality Management

40 Construction Subcontractors 7010 Section 5.3 requires a written Hazard Analysis (HA) for all construction work, regardless of who performs the work Depending on the subcontract requirements, Subcontractor may have to submit a corporate ES&H Program Plan Construction Activities and Quality Management

41 Electrical Hazard Analysis/Work Permit (FESHM Chapter 5042) Required for work on: Power distribution panels; Transformer primary or secondary; Motor Control Centers; Equipment listed above that is de-energized, that has the potential to be energized, or that is energized; or Judged by competent authority to be significantly complex and/or hazardous.

42 This is not LOTO Construction Activities and Quality Management

43 Electrical Hazard Analysis/Work Permit (FESHM Chapter 5042) Not Required for work on; Branch Circuits; Utilization equipment downstream of the point of outlet; Electrical work that simply involves the physical application of locks or tags on AC power distribution equipment, as typically associated with LOTO for utilization equipment or configuration control; or Construction or installation of new transformers and panels that are not capable of being energized. Requires TM/CC NFPA 70E Training for LOTO & Verification

44 Construction Activities and Quality Management Excavation Permit (FESHM Chapter 7030) Required before any excavation activity starts. Includes any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth removal. Forms and sketches are prepared and submitted to the “Fermi-JULIE” Coordinator by the TM/CC. Restricted areas see GIS System

45 SIMPLE approach to Safety Construction Activities and Quality Management S = Scope I = Integrate M = Mitigate P = Plan L = Lessons Learned E = Execute

46 Exercise – Initializing a Task

47 Construction Activities and Quality Management Problem: Prepare Work Permits and Notification Forms for the Following work scopes. Identify necessary distribution on the reverse side. 1.Install two runs of 12” cable tray the length of the Mini-BooNE, 8gev tunnel (approximately 500’). Ceiling height is 11’. Trays will be mounted on the south wall of the tunnel above the magnet string. 2.Repair an industrial cooling water leak along the berm at G2. Excavation is within 50’ of the toe of the berm. 3.Install a slop sink for Janitorial in the shop area of Lab 4.

48 Construction Activities and Quality Management Verification of Training Training must be verified and documented before the work can begin for the following activities: (Required for Fixed Price and T&M Activities) Work in “permitted” confined spaces. Work in areas where an oxygen deficient hazard may exist. Work in and around radiation areas and materials. Work where use of a respirator is required.

49 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

50 Construction Activities and Quality Management Procurements Construction Coordinator Audits subcontractors schedule for procurements. Assures that material submittals are appropriately approved. Assures that materials will appear at the work site on time. Task Manager Directly responsible to prepare and process procurement actions. Assures that materials will appear at the work site on time. Assures that delivered materials and equipment meet specifications.

51 Construction Activities and Quality Management Code Compliance Construction Coordinator Audits/inspects conformance to plans and specifications provided by the engineering team. Audits subcontractor to applicable codes and standards. (“Work Smart Standards”) Task Manager Responsible to ensure that work is performed to specifications provided, and applicable codes and standards. (“Work Smart Standards”)

52 Authority Having Jurisdiction Electrical Safety Subcommittee Letter dated April 12, 2011, limited delegation of Authority Having Jurisdiction for Electrical Safety Fire Safety Subcommittee Letter dated April 12, 2011, limited delegation of Authority Having Jurisdiction to Jim Priest, alternate Fire Safety Subcommittee Construction Activities and Quality Management

53 Environmental Construction Coordinator Audits conformance to the environmental sections of the subcontractor’s ES&H plan. Audits conformance to the requirements of the contract documents. Task Manager Directly responsible for environmental concerns and issues per FESHM. For FESS TM/CC’s – Environmental Review Form – from FESS ES&H website or

54 Construction Activities and Quality Management Inspection Construction Coordinator Audits subcontractor’s inspection activities. Assures that the subcontractor meets the requirements and/or intent of the contract documents. Responsible for Quality Assurance Task Manager Directly responsible to inspect and accept installed materials and systems. Responsible for Quality Control. (Task Sponsor is responsible for Quality Assurance.)

55 Construction Activities and Quality Management Daily Work Instruction and Assignments Construction Coordinator Audit responsibility only. Reviews submittals on critical tasks. Assures that the subcontractor’s personnel are appropriately trained. Task Manager Arranges, coordinates and assigns specific work activities for craftsman and technical support personnel. Direct responsibility for training in work processes as the task requires.

56 Construction Activities and Quality Management Field Directed Changes Construction Coordinator Review/Revise Hazard Analysis Authorized to $5K Contractor’s Estimate FESS Eng Review; (CC,PC, & Estimator) Direction to Proceed Notify Contract Administrator Documentation Task Manager Review/Revise Hazard Analysis No Authority to Overrun a T&M Task. Direction to proceed as required by his/her Division

57 Construction Activities and Quality Management Testing Construction Coordinator Audits subcontractor’s activities to assure compliance to specifications. Includes submittals on materials, equipment and systems. Task Manager Direct responsibility for testing of materials, equipment, and systems.

58 Construction Activities and Quality Management Payment Authorization Construction Coordinator Audits and confirms subcontractors progress per his schedule. Authorizes progress payments. Task Manager Audits and approves hours worked. Approves receipt of goods and subcontracted services received.

59 Construction Activities and Quality Management Conflict Resolution Construction Coordinator Resolves conflicts through the BSS Contract Administrator Task Manager Resolves conflicts through the FESS T&M Coordinator

60 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

61 Quality Imperative

62 Construction Activities and Quality Management What Is Quality? Customer Satisfaction Product and Service Quality Quality of Internal Operations

63 Construction Activities and Quality Management Stakeholders “Those people that tend to gain or lose by the policies and activities of an organization.”

64 Construction Activities and Quality Management Subcontractor Quality Control “The Subcontractor is responsible for all activities necessary to manage, control, and document work so as to ensure compliance with the subcontract documents.”

65 Construction Activities and Quality Management Subcontractor Quality Control Purpose: Ongoing and continual system of planning future activities. Ensure the the subcontractor is adequately prepared to begin a phase of work. Eliminate deficiencies.

66 Construction Activities and Quality Management Subcontractor Quality Control Plan or program includes: A Corporate Quality Assurance Plan Project Quality Control Plan Updates to the PQC plan for particular activities or changes to the project.

67 Construction Activities and Quality Management What to look for in the Subcontractor’s program. The name, qualifications, duties, responsibilities, and authorities for each person assigned to carry out the program. Control, verification, and acceptance testing procedures. Documentation Requirements Procedures for tracking preparatory, initial, and follow-up control phases of the work. A list of definable features of work for the project.

68 Construction Activities and Quality Management Subcontractor’s Quality Control Plan Necessary Components Contractor’s QC organization Qualifications of QC personnel Responsibilities & authorities Definable features of work Procedures for submittals Plan for control testing Project hazard analysis (PHA) Test report submissions Punch list & deficiency corrections Documentation procedures QC by subs / suppliers As-built Drawings Plan for Phased Control

69 Construction Activities and Quality Management Quality Responsibilities Construction Coordinator Reviews and accepts the subcontractor’s Quality Control Plan. Audits the subcontractor’s work activities to his plan. Assures subcontractor’s performance to the contract documents. Task Manager Responsible for quality per the contract documents and the “Work Smart Standards”. Documents the quality of the work performed.

70 Construction Activities and Quality Management Monitoring Quality “Three Phase Assurance” Preparatory Phase Initial Phase Follow-up Phase

71 Construction Activities and Quality Management Monitoring Quality “Three Phase Assurance” Preparatory Phase: Performed prior to the beginning of work on each definable feature. Each applicable paragraph in the specification is reviewed along with the contract plan. Assure that all materials and/or equipment have been tested, submitted and approved. Assure that all labor, materials and/or equipment are procured and available.

72 Construction Activities and Quality Management Monitoring Quality “Three Phase Assurance” Preparatory Phase “Checklist” assures: that the subcontractor understands the requirements of the contract, that there has been a flow down of information to sub-tier contractors, and that the subcontractor and sub-tier contractors are ready to perform the work.

73 Construction Activities and Quality Management Monitoring Quality “Three Phase Assurance” Initial Phase: Performed at the onset of work on the definable feature. Preliminary work must be checked. Compliance to the contract must be verified. Level of expected workmanship is established. Differences resulting from the above actions should be resolved. Review ES&H issues to assure compliance to the hazard analysis.

74 Construction Activities and Quality Management Monitoring Quality “Three Phase Assurance” Follow-up Phase: Performed after the work has been completed. Daily checks of work progress to assure compliance to the contract requirements. Progress checks are documented and made a matter of record. All deficiencies are corrected prior to moving on to the next phase of work.

75 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

76 Construction Activities and Quality Management Meeting Contractual Requirements

77 Construction Activities and Quality Management Tools for Control Contract Documents: Specifications, Drawings, General Conditions (FL3) & Exhibit A Cost or Project / Task Budget Construction Schedule Construction Meetings (both formal and informal) Subcontractor’s Quality Control Program Fermilab Quality Assurance (TM/CC Oversight) Integrated Safety Management Program (ISM)

78 Construction Activities and Quality Management Tools for Control (cont.) Subcontractor’s Safety Program Fermilab ES&H Manual (FESHM) Punch Lists Field Communications Three Phase Assurance Non-compliance Memos Deficiency Lists Gaining cooperation from the subcontractor, “Building Authority”.

79 Construction Activities and Quality Management Field Communications The Non-compliance Memo Direct written communication from the TM/CC to the subcontractor. Gives written notice to the subcontractor of an issue of non-compliance to the contract documents. Used to deal with issues of non-compliance concerning specifications and drawings, schedule, costs, safety, and quality control. Note: It is important to copy and/or inform the Procurement Administrator on verbal and written communications with the subcontractor.

80 Construction Activities and Quality Management Tools for Control Deficiency Lists Means of tracking deficient items needed to complete a phase of work. Includes action items for all those affecting the project/task as well as the subcontractor. Also serves as the initial “punch list” at the end of the project.

81 Construction Activities and Quality Management Work Activities of Task Managers and Construction Coordinators Direction of Labor Design Drawings, Sketches, & Specifications Design Reviews Meetings Project/Task Schedule Documentation and Records ES&H Permits Procurements Code Compliance Environmental Inspection Daily Work Instructions and Assignments Field Directed Changes Testing Payment Authorization Conflict Resolution Quality Control & Assurance Controlling the Contract

82 Construction Activities and Quality Management Construction Management & Safety SUMMARY Changing Environment for Construction Tasks and Projects Laboratory Expectations Controlling the Contract and the Contractor TM/CC Roles and Responsibilities Subcontractor Quality Control Subcontractor Cooperation

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