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 Learn the four ways of formally amending the Constitution  Know which of the four ways is almost always used  Understand the difference between formal.

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2  Learn the four ways of formally amending the Constitution  Know which of the four ways is almost always used  Understand the difference between formal and informal amendments  Recognize five types of informal amendments and be able to identify examples


4  Formal—change in wording  Article V sets out 2 ways to propose amendments and 2 ways to ratify—4 combinations  The “top arrow” has been used all but once  Federalism present in all methods—both state and federal action required


6  An “informal” amendment does not change the language, but clarifies, expands, or shrinks the application of existing language  Example: Commerce Clause gives Congress power to regulate commerce. Does this include power to mandate purchase of health insurance?  Supreme Court likely to rule on this issue within the next year  There are 5 types of informal amendments

7 (1) the passage of basic legislation by Congress (Obamacare—scope of commerce power) (2) actions taken by the President (deploying troops as Commander in Chief) (3) key decisions of the Supreme Court ( Citizens United v. FEC —political speech rights for corporations) (4) the activities of political parties (impact on Electoral College; internal rules of House and Senate); and (5) Custom (President’s cabinet; 2-term custom for Presidents up to FDR; senatorial courtesy) Note that (5) actually became a formal amendment after the custom was broken

8  Definition: An unwritten custom under which the President consults the senior senator of his party from a particular state before appointing a federal official to a position within that state  Example: President Obama wishes to fill a vacancy on the federal district court in Montana. Before making the appointment, with whom would he consult?  Max Baucus  Failure to follow = appointee usually not confirmed  Senatorial courtesy only applies if there is a senator of the President’s party from that state  Does not apply to multi-state appointments (e.g., Supreme Court)

9  T/F: An informal amendment changes the words of the Constitution.  What percentage of both houses of Congress is required to propose an amendment?  What percentage of states is required to ratify an amendment?  What are the five methods of informally amending the Constitution?  Jon Huntsman (Republican) wins the Presidency next year. He wants to appoint a federal marshal to serve in Montana. Does he need to consult with Max Baucus before making the appointment?

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