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1 May 2013 Introduction March 2014. 2 May 2013 INTRO March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 May 2013 Introduction March 2014. 2 May 2013 INTRO March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 May 2013 Introduction March 2014

2 2 May 2013 INTRO March 2014

3 3 May 2013 An international university Main focus: Europe, China, international mobility, international research training About 350 MoUs related to international cooperation for research and education 11 % of NTNU’s students are foreign nationals 41 % of NTNU’s PhD graduates (2012) are international About 1/3 of the academic staff are international INTRO March 2014

4 4 May 2013 INTRO University for technology and the arts Norway’s primary institution for educating MSc-level engineers and scientists. Also comprehensive programmes in social sciences, teacher education, the arts and humanities, medicine, architecture and fine art. Cross-disciplinary research delivers creative innovations with far-reaching social and economic impact. NTNU has most courses in Norway in technology and art and aesthetic subjects. March 2014

5 5 May 2013 NTNU key figures NTNU key figures (2013) 48 departments in 7 faculties NTNU University Library NTNU University Museum 11 865 student applications with NTNU as first choice 22 935 registered students, 8055 first registered in 2013 3 535 Bachelor and Master degrees awarded 370 doctoral degrees awarded (38 % women) 5 029 person-years 2 966 employed in education and research (36 % women) EUR 670 mill. budget 605 000 m 2 of owned and rented premises INTRO March 2014

6 6 May 2013 INTRO Knowledge for a better world NTNU’s vision: Knowledge for a better world Set standards for knowledge development. Create economic, cultural and social value. Use NTNU’s main scientific profile in technology and the natural sciences, scientific breadth and interdisciplinary competence to help meet the challenges facing Norway and the world. March 2014

7 7 May 2013 NTNU in Trondheim INTRO

8 8 May 2013 INTRO Dragvoll Tyholt Øya Kalvskinnet March 2014 Gløshaugen

9 9 May 2013 NTNU Alumni A professional network for NTNU Arena for contact with the community at large, business and industry Goal: Networking and knowledge-sharing 28 000 members Worldwide networks INTRO March 2014

10 10 May 2013 NTNU’s values Creative Constructive Critical Respectful and caring INTRO March 2014

11 11 May 2013 NTNU’s mission in society In general Research and development; education based on our research; disseminate knowledge; be a positive influence in society; stimulate to innovation. In particular Develop science and technology to address global challenges. For democracy and solidarity Participate in public debate; find solutions to global challenges; promote human rights and intercultural dialogue. INTRO March 2014

12 12 May 2013 Main objectives International level cooperation with leading research groups. First-class laboratories and infrastructure. Attract top students and staff. Students and staff who are proud of being part of NTNU. INTRO March 2014

13 13 May 2013 INTRO March 2014 Sources of revenue (EUR mill.) 720 600 480 380 240 120 Income from projects Other sources of income Ministry of Education and Research

14 14 May 2013 INTRO March 2014

15 15 May 2013 INTRO March 2014

16 16 May 2013 INTRO March 2014

17 17 May 2013 The best student town in Norway One in five inhabitants in Trondheim is a student The Student Union (Studentersamfundet) has 8 000 members and its own building UKA, the student week, is Norway’s largest cultural festival ISFiT, the biannual International Student Festival in Trondheim NTNUI is Norway’s largest sports association with 12 000 members INTRO March 2014

18 18 May 2013 Research INTRO Four strategic research areas Four Centres of Excellence Three Centres of Research-Based Innovation Centres for Environment- friendly Energy Research More than 100 laboratories Several other large research programmes (NanoLab, HUNT) March 2014

19 19 May 2013 TheBoard – NTNU’s governing body The Board – NTNU’s governing body Svein Richard Brandtzæg (Chair) Karin Röding (external) Randi Wenche Haugen (external) Bjarne Foss (academic staff) Kristin Melum Eide (academic staff) Helge Holden (academic staff) Bente Grønning-Moe (techn. adm. staff) Guro Busterud (acad. staff w/o tenure) Elise Landsem (student) Per Christian Tangene (student) Gunnar Bovim (Rector and Secretary to the Board) INTRO Nils Kristian Nakstad (external) Feb. 2014 Oct. 2014

20 20 May 2013 NTNU’s organization INTRO March 2014

21 21 May 2013 Trondheim’s academic history 1217 Schola Cathedralis Nidrosiensis 1760 Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters 1910 Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) 1922 Norwegian Teacher Training College 1950 SINTEF (The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology) 1955 The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) (Trondheim) 1968 University of Trondheim 1973 Trondheim Conservatory of Music 1974 Section for Medicine (From 1984: Faculty of Medicine) 1979 Trondheim Academy of Fine Art 1984 College of Arts and Science 1996 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 2010 Celebration of Trondheim’s 250 years as academic city INTRO March 2014

22 22 May 2013 INTRO March 2014

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