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Year 12 Information Evening Video. Welcome Purpose: to provide you with information on how to support your son/daughter over the next 2 years. Rupert.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 12 Information Evening Video. Welcome Purpose: to provide you with information on how to support your son/daughter over the next 2 years. Rupert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 12 Information Evening Video

2 Welcome Purpose: to provide you with information on how to support your son/daughter over the next 2 years. Rupert Davies – Head of Sixth Form Lorraine Cunliffe – Head of Year 12 James Barton – Assistant Head of Year 12

3 A Level Results A*-B Ashlawn A*-B National A*-E Ashlawn A*-E National 201137%52%97%98% 201237%52%98% 201346%53%99%98% 201447%52%98% 201556%53%99%98%

4 Target Grades All students have been issued with ALPs target grades for AS (if applicable) and A2 The purpose of these target grades is to provide the students with a grade to aspire to and hopefully exceed

5 ALPS predicting student grades Students GCSE results are converted to the following points A* = 8 A=7 B=6 C= 5 D=4 E=3 F=2 G=1 U=0 An average GCSE point score is worked out Using National data the A level Targets can be predicted These are the minimum targets They are aspirational (top 25%) They are achievable but can be exceeded

6 Data Collection There will be three opportunities a year for A level teachers to input data on Year 12 students. Students expected grades will be compared with their ALPs target grades Strategies will be put in place to support students to achieve if necessary intervention will be put in place and monitored

7 Strategies 1:1 meetings with pastoral staff Extra sessions with subject teachers Timetabling of extra lessons Monitoring progress Setting short term targets Subject based mentoring sessions

8 Expectations

9 Dress Code Smoking Conduct Silent Study Signing in / out Mobile Phone / MP3 Player Policy Rules and Expectations of Sixth Formers

10 Expectations Students expect: to be permitted to use mobile phones and MP3 players in school. They are banned for the rest of the school. We expect: students NOT to use these devices outside the sixth form canteen. They will be taken off students if misused.

11 Expectations Students expect: their form tutor to write a reference for future education / employment. We expect: students to show your form tutor and teachers that you are capable of punctuality, honesty, good time-management etc.

12 Expectations Students expect: teachers and form tutors to be punctual and lessons to start on time. We expect: students to be punctual. They must be in school for 08:55 and if they have a study free, they must sign in at Student Services. Truancy from a lesson will result in an immediate After School Detention.

13 Expectations Students expect: teachers and form tutors to be punctual and lessons to start on time. We expect: students to attend Silent Study one lesson per week and have work to do without need for a computer. For the rest of their study frees they are able to access computers, the library and other designated sixth form areas.

14 Expectations Students expect: the right to one lesson per week of home study. We expect: students to earn this right by achieving 95%+ attendance in the first half term weeks and maintaining this ratio thereafter. Home study will be allocated after Half Term.

15 Expectations Students expect: a clean, healthy environment, in which to learn. We expect: students NOT to smoke ON or ANYWHERE NEAR the school site. This school is a NON-SMOKING SITE for all staff and students. There is a smoking strike policy.

16 Expectations Students expect: to not have to wear the standard year 7 to 11 Ashlawn uniform to school. We expect: students to stick to the sixth form dress code. Teachers will send any student not conforming to the code to the Sixth Form office. Dress code in Handbook and on website.

17 Enrichment


19 DofE at Ashlawn School At Ashlawn we offer Year 12 the opportunity to take part in the Silver Award which is a nationally recognised enrichment award demonstrating transferrable and desirable skills for employment and university applications. It entails a commitment to attend training sessions, take on a skill, service and physical activity for at least 6 months. In addition to the completion of a practise and qualifying 3 day self-sufficient walking expedition around the Peak District and Mid Wales. Expeditions will take place in April and July (exact dates will be given out at the information evening.)

20 W WORLD CHALLENGE Highest mountain in Southern Tanzania World Challenge happens every 2 years. Students will hear about it and get the opportunity to sign up next half term, and the trip will go in summer 2017 done A2s)




24 Silly sports afternoon


26 YEAR 13 PROM An evening for students to celebrate the end of their examinations and time in Ashlawn Sixth form

27 Attendance and Employment

28 How many courses? Amongst the most able students those doing 4 do at least as well as those doing 3. ‘Students taking 3 A Levels are likely to perform nearly half a grade higher across the 3 subjects compared to those taking just two A Levels. It appears that a busy student is also more likely to be a successful one.

29 ALPS RESEARCH Data for AS, A and BTEC National students Comparing the results for students with the same average GCSE scores. On attendance they found a clear correlation between attendance and performance. A student with a particular average GCSE score will do a grade better on average if they have 95% attendance than if they attend 85% of the time. Broadly speaking, miss 10% of classes and you can expect to drop a grade!

30 Employment We understand that students like spending money! However we recommend that they do NOT work any more than 10 hours per week in a job. Again, any more than this and stats show that this has a negative impact on results!

31 Revision Use a variety of different strategies – see sheet Take regular breaks! Plan in advance Exercise!

32 Key Dates 9 October –Data Collection 1 4 January – Sutton Trust Applications begin 1-5 February AS Mock exams 26 February Data Collection 2 15 March – Parent Consultation afternoon 16 May onwards – AS examination begin 26 June – UCAS Day 27 June onwards – A level end of year exams 15 July Data Collection 3 18 July – Silly Sports day 22 July – School Closes September 2016 – New Sixth Form Centre Opens

33 New Sixth Form Centre A new £2.6 million bespoke Sixth Form Centre is due to be built by September 2016. The centre will contain classrooms, a dining area, study rooms and a learning centre. Access to ICT will be significantly enhanced so that students can use ICT to facilitate their studies. The centre will become a base and learning hub for all of our sixth formers.

34 Any questions?

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