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Giving a definition Outline what is meant by the term gender. (2 marks)

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1 Giving a definition Outline what is meant by the term gender. (2 marks)

2 Matching terms & definitions A number of students have a disagreement about which of the three definitions below can be applied to the terms modelling and reinforcement: a person’s desire to be like another person or to be part of a particular social group; the process by which a response is strengthened; a procedure whereby a person observes another person and then attempts to imitate his or her behaviour. In your answer book, write down the definition which illustrates each of the following: (i) modelling; (ii) reinforcement. (2 marks)

3 Label a diagram On a picture of the brain, identify the shaded area(s).

4 Explaining terms & assumptions Briefly explain one assumption of the cognitive approach in psychology. (2 marks)

5 Explain using example Outline what is meant by the fight or flight response. Give an example. (3 marks) Using an example, explain what is meant by androgyny. (3 marks)

6 Distinguishing concepts Distinguish between the terms imitation and identification. (3 marks) Explain the difference between sex and gender. (3 marks)

7 Identifying concepts in examples Julia notices that her friend Ruth goes salsa dancing twice a week, so Julia starts going salsa dancing too. Julia carries on going to classes because everyone tells her that she is very good at dancing. From the description above, identify an example of the following: (i) modelling; (ii) reinforcement. (2 marks)

8 Applying concepts Sunita is eight years old and suffers from a medical condition which means she often has to go into hospital. Each time she goes into hospital, the treatment makes her feel sick. One day, Sunita’s mother took her to visit her grandmother in hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, Sunita complained to her mother that she felt sick. Referring to features of the behaviourist approach, explain why Sunita felt sick when she went to visit her grandmother in hospital. (4 marks)

9 Describing theoretical ideas Briefly describe one feature of the psychodynamic approach in psychology. (3 marks)

10 Short discussion/criticism Briefly discuss one limitation of the biological approach in psychology. (4 marks) (i) Briefly describe Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex. (3 marks) (ii) Outline one limitation of Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex. (2 marks)

11 Describing a study Describe a study from the psychodynamic approach to psychology. (4 marks) Describe a study in which the social learning theory of gender development was investigated. (4 marks)

12 Describing research methods Briefly describe one technique used to study cortical specialisation in the brain. (3 marks)

13 Criticising research methods Explain one ethical problem with using interviews to investigate gender development in children.

14 Basic essay Describe and discuss the behaviourist approach to psychology. (10 marks) Describe and evaluate the psychodynamic explanation of gender development. (10 marks)

15 Essay with additional instruction Describe and discuss the biological approach to psychology. You should refer to at least one other approach in your answer. (10 marks) Describe and evaluate the cognitive approach to psychology. You should refer to empirical evidence in your answer. (10 marks) Discuss the social learning theory explanation of gender. Refer to at least one other explanation of gender in your answer. (10 marks)

16 Essay with application Ben and his friends are at a theme park. They are waiting in a queue to ride a terrifying rollercoaster. Ben starts to feel sick and his hands become hot and sticky. As he moves near to the front of the queue, he feels his heart pounding. After the ride, Ben feels very thirsty and tired. Describe the role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the adrenal glands in a stressful situation. Use this knowledge to explain Ben’s responses before and after the rollercoaster ride. (10 marks)

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