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New Member Orientation Thursday, June 09, 2016. Overview  Fraternity Operations  Membership Requirements  Committees and Leadership Responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "New Member Orientation Thursday, June 09, 2016. Overview  Fraternity Operations  Membership Requirements  Committees and Leadership Responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Member Orientation Thursday, June 09, 2016

2 Overview  Fraternity Operations  Membership Requirements  Committees and Leadership Responsibilities  Confidentiality and Voting Rules  Chapter Policies June 9, 2016New member orientation 2

3 Chapter leadership  June 9, 2016New member orientation 3

4 Attendance policies  Chapter meetings   Chapter events   Rituals  June 9, 2016New member orientation 4

5 Required chapter events  Alumni   Fundraising   Professional   Recruitment   Ritual   Service   Social   Other  June 9, 2016New member orientation 5

6 Procedure for excused absences  Inform at least before the meeting or event.   Emergency circumstances are taken into consideration. June 9, 2016New member orientation 6

7 Fiscal responsibility  Member dues are $ per  A portion of this amount funds programs and services offered to members.  The remaining amount is used to support local chapter operations.  When to pay:   Failure to meet your fiscal responsibility, may result in suspension of your membership. 7

8 June 9, 2016New member orientation 8 What happens if I get suspended?  If you are suspended for NOT meeting any of the attendance or financial requirements, it means that you:  lose your right to vote;  cannot hold office;  cannot serve on committees;  cannot observe or participate in any rituals or meetings; or  cannot participate in any business or activities of this chapter.  Terms for reinstatement vary case by case.

9 Meeting Structure  Meeting day, time and location  Dress code  Meeting admittance process  Be prepared to give handshake and passwords to the Warden prior to entering the meeting room.  As the member, you state the first half of the password; the Warden completes the password.  Standard agenda  June 9, 2016New member orientation 9

10 Bylaws  The chapter bylaws are the rules which govern this chapter.  If you want to change a bylaw:  It must not be or conflict with a fraternity bylaw (derived from the Constitution & Statutory Code)  You need to submit your proposal in writing to the membership (e-mail or printed copy) within days prior to deliberation.  The motion will be tabled until the next meeting.  In order to pass, the proposed amendment needs a 2/3 favorable vote of those eligible to vote.  The chapter bylaws need to be updated after each convention. June 9, 2016New member orientation 10

11 Confidentiality and Voting Etiquette  It is important to have open, honest and respectful discussion in chapter meetings.  During membership, ritual or other “closed” votes:  each member should not disclose votes outside of chapter meetings. June 9, 2016New member orientation 11

12 Annual Chapter Report  Used as a planning and assessment tool for the chapter  Updates should be reported at each meeting  Six categories:  Membership  Training  Events  Demographics  Funding  Administrative June 9, 2016New member orientation 12

13 ACR Minimum Standards 1.Initiate at least 10 new student members 2.Year-end chapter size of at least 20 members 3.Conduct at least six professional events 4.All chapter members attend at least two professional events 5.Attend at least one fraternity-sponsored event 6.Attend regional officer training 7.Have a current balance on December 30 8.Have a current balance on June 30 9.Follow the minimum Pledge Education Program (PEP) standards June 9, 2016New member orientation 13

14 Fraternity events  Biennial Convention  Address legislative issues on an international level with changes to Bylaws and Constitution and Statutory Code  Elect new fraternity officers   The Academy  Four day intense leadership seminar conducted by professional facilitators  All expenses paid by the AKPsi Foundation  Applications due February  Principled Business Leadership Institute (PBLI)  Educational topics include:  Chapter Management  Chapter Development  Personal Development  Leadership  Next PBLI to be held in June 9, 2016New member orientation 14

15 Recognition  Alpha Kappa Psi Awards Program (application process)  Distinguished Service Award  Fraternity Awards - Outstanding Chapter Leaders  Fraternity Awards - Outstanding Chapter Programming  Fraternity Awards - Outstanding Volunteer Leaders  Chapter Awards (chapter discretion)   Create-your-own  Official  Chapter Performance Awards  Award descriptions located at: June 9, 2016New member orientation 15

16 Committees  June 9, 2016New member orientation 16

17 Questions

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