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ChemBioPharm Innovative combination of Quality by Design and green analytical chemistry for analytical methods in pharmaceutical sciences Ludivine Ferey,

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Presentation on theme: "ChemBioPharm Innovative combination of Quality by Design and green analytical chemistry for analytical methods in pharmaceutical sciences Ludivine Ferey,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ChemBioPharm Innovative combination of Quality by Design and green analytical chemistry for analytical methods in pharmaceutical sciences Ludivine Ferey, Karen Gaudin Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences – Bordeaux ChemBioPharm – ARNA INSERM U1212 / UMR CNRS 5320 Industrial partner Christine Boussès Unither Développement Bordeaux

ChemBioPharm ICH Q8(R2): pharmaceutical development Quality by Design (QbD) « a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding and process control, based on sound science and quality risk management »  Q8(R2) Guidelines « Quality cannot be tested into products, quality should be built in by design »

3 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS (2/2) Use of design of experiments
ChemBioPharm ICH Q8(R2): pharmaceutical development Design Space (DS) « the multidimensional combination and interaction of input variables and process parameters that have been demonstrated to provide assurance of quality »  Q8(R2) Guidelines Use of design of experiments

ChemBioPharm Analytical methods used for quality control of drugs => patient safety should provide reliable scientific data for a better knowledge of the product all along its development need a controlled risk-based development to guarantee quality Design Space sub-region of the experimental domain in which the objectives of the method are reached with a defined probability robustness domain

5 CQ QbD Global approach of QbD Analytical Target Profile
ChemBioPharm Analytical Target Profile (ATP) Critical Quality Attributes (CQA) Critical Process Parameters (CPP) Design of experiments (DOE) Design Space (DS) Validation CQ QbD

ChemBioPharm ATP = predefined goals according to the « intended use » of the method intended use = stability studies of dextromethorphan (DXM) in final products  quantitative analysis of API and degradation products implementation in quality control laboratories  robustness and validation ICH Q2 (R1) Green analytical method  respect of green chemistry principles DXM

ChemBioPharm Reduction and proper management of waste Reduction or replacement of toxic reagents Reduction of the number of samples Minimization of energy consumption Analytical method UHPLC fast analysis Ethanol-based mobile phases greener solvent Chemometrics (QbD approach) lower number of runs

ChemBioPharm CQAs = measurable attributes of the chromatogram that should be within an appropriate limit or range to ensure the desired quality of the method Must have Intend to have Rs between DXM and impurities A, B & C  Rs >  > 2.5 Peak efficiency impurity A  N >  > 3000 Peak efficiency impurity C  N >  > 30000 Minimization of solvent consumption EtOH volume  < 0.4mL  < 0.35mL Mobile phase volume  < 2mL  < 1.2mL Assassi et al, Green analytical method development for statin analysis, J. Chromatogr. A, 37 (2015)

ChemBioPharm CPPs = factors whose variability has an impact on a CQA selected by quality risk assessment CQAs Injection Column Pump Tubing Mobile phase Detection Dwell volume Volume Solvent Composition Organic solvent % Wavelength Cell length Nature Geometry Temperature Length Diameter %/min pH Concentration Buffer Flow rate CPPs to be evaluated by screening design

10 Gradient slope (%/min)
SCREENING DESIGN ChemBioPharm Plackett-Burman design: 1st degree modeling Do factors have significant effects on CQAs (responses of interest)? Levels pH Gradient slope (%/min) Temperature (°C) Flow rate (mL/min) -1 2 30 0.2 +1 6 4 50 0.4 tR Impurity efficiency Solvent consumption significant factors: flow rate, gradient slope, pH, and temperature

11 Polynomial quadratic model 3-D response surface plot of Rs DXM/Imp.A
OPTIMIZATION DESIGN ChemBioPharm Central composite design: 2nd degree modeling Response surface methodology Polynomial quadratic model Gradient slope Flow rate Gradient slope pH Central composite design High response Medium response Low response 3-D response surface plot of Rs DXM/Imp.A

ChemBioPharm Desirability analysis Derringer’s desirability functions applied to CQAs Optimum point = highest global desirability value (D)

ChemBioPharm Analysis time < 5 min ATP  Method validated Impurities A & C Green method Ethanol consumption < 0.35 mL per analysis Ecoscale test Gałuszka et al, Analytical Eco-Scale for assessing the greeness of analytical procedures, TRAC-Trend. Anal. Chem, 37 (2012) 61.

14 DESIGN SPACE Contour plots
ChemBioPharm Contour plots Response overlay = CQA objectives displayed on the graph Maximum desirability Optimum point DS: pH: Gradient slope: %/min Temperature: 35-45°C Flow rate: mL/min

15 ROBUSTNESS DS = robustness domain
ChemBioPharm New Plackett-Burman design performed around the optimum point (24-1) 8 validation points experimentally tested by varying CPPs from extreme limits of the DS range CQAs met the specifications for all 8 points (D = 1) DS = robustness domain

ChemBioPharm Mean based S > 1 min Mean responses used for optimization Do not provide any clue about method reliability How well and how often the method can meet the specifications? What guarantee? S = tR,begin – tR,end Optimized robust assay Take into account model uncertainty Monte-Carlo study of the propagation of the model’s predictive errors Quality is ensured by assessing the risk of not being within the acceptance limits Risk based P(S > 1 min) E. Rozet et al, Design Spaces for Analytical Methods: what, why, how?, TrAC-Trend. Anal. Chem, 42 (2013) 157

17 CONCLUSION ChemBioPharm Rapid development of optimal and robust chromatographic methods In line with ICH Q8 Better knowledge and easier introduction of new concepts (green chemistry) Design space = robustness but method validation still necessary C. Boussès, L. Ferey, E. Vedrines, K. Gaudin, Using an innovative of QbD and Green analytical chemistry approaches for the developpement of a stability indicating UHPLC mehod in pharmaceutical products, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 115 (2015)


19 Penalty points (PPs) to calculate analytical Eco-Scale
ChemBioPharm Galuszka et al. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 37 (2012) 61-72 Chemical compound score  Sub-total PP Total PP Ethanol Amount < 10 mL 1 Hazard Less severe hazard Water None Ammonium Formate < 10 g 1 pictogram - Warming Formic Acid Σ = 3 Instrument score  Energy U-HPLC ≤ 0.1 kWh per sample Occupational hazard Analytical process hermetization Waste 1 – 10 mL (g) 3 Recycling Total penalty points (PP): 6 Analytical Eco-Scale total score: = 94

20 METHOD VALIDATION ChemBioPharm Protocol
Calibration set: for each impurity, the stock solutions of each impurity (0.1 mg/mL in ethanol/water mixtures, (25/75, v/v) was diluted 20 fold to obtain a solution at 0.5% of impurity. This dilution was done induplicate for each impurity which constituted the calibration set. Validation set: dilutions of the stock solutions by 100, 20, and 8 fold were prepared in triplicate in the presence of excipients and dextromethorphan to obtain limit of quantitation (LOQ), 0.5 and 1.25% concentration levels, respectively. All these solutions were10 fold diluted while adding 6.7 mL of a DXM syrup at 3 mg mL−1. This procedure was repeated at 3 different days and each solution was injected in the optimal chromatographic conditions.

21 METHOD VALIDATION ChemBioPharm Goal: to demonstrate that the method is suited for its intended use Validation of each degradation product (ICH Q2(R1)) using accuracy profiles specificity, accuracy, repeatability and intermediate repeatability, and linearity range: LOQ-1.25% DXM targeted concentration β-expectation tolerance limits within ± 20%

Cyclic tertiary amine: model compound for the study of basic substances pKa = 8.2, a component of a cough medicine, has been analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC with some difficulties, and actually included as one of the test solutes aiming at the effect of silanols on elution of basic compounds. It has been eluted at acidic pH or in the presence of an ion-pair reagent in most reported determinations to avoid severe tailing at neutral pH in the absence of another amine. Sensitive probe for silanol effect detection Typical pharmaceutical case study relevant for the evaluation of robust conditions in green analytical chemistry

ChemBioPharm pKa = 9.85 0.5%

ChemBioPharm Screening of 3 columns: Acquity BEH C18 (50 x 2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) = hybrid silica, Acquity BEH Phenyl (50 x 2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) = covalently modified by phenyl grafting, Hypersil gold AQ (50 x 2.1 mm, 1.9 µm) grafted C18 silica possible to use 100% aqueuous phase Better selectivity of Acquity BEH C18 = baseline separation of all peaks whereas on others columns coelutions of DXM and Imp. A were observed. Mobile phase A: 10 mM ammonium formate adjusted to different pH with formic acid, and 96% ethanol (95/5, v/v) Mobile phase B: 10 mM ammonium formate in ethanol 96% with the same proportion of formic acid as mobile phase A Gradient: initial hold of 1 min at 21% of mobile phase B followed by a linear ramp from 21% to 36% of mobile phase B, and 6 min of equilibration Injection volume = 2 µL and detection wavelength = 280 nm.

ChemBioPharm Modeling of chromatographic behavior Screening designs: study of a large number of factors and evaluation of its main effects = 1st degree modeling Optimization designs: determination of an optimum region (DS) = 2nd degree modeling Full and Fractional Factorial Designs Central Composite Designs => Response Surface Strategy

ChemBioPharm Mean based S > 1 min Mean responses used for optimization Do not provide any clue about method reliability How well and how often the method can meet the specifications? What guarantee? S = tR,begin – tR,end Optimized robust assay Take into account model uncertainty Monte-Carlo study of the propagation of the model’s predictive errors Quality is ensured by assessing the risk of not being within the acceptance limits Risk based P(S > 1 min) E. Rozet et al, Design Spaces for Analytical Methods: what, why, how?, TrAC-Trend. Anal. Chem, 42 (2013) 157

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