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Published byOwen Phelps Modified over 8 years ago
EVERYONE COUNTS SEN SESSION 1: Sorting and matching Maths resources for learners with special educational needs
YOUNG LIVES We’re going to look at children’s lives in four different countries: Ethiopia, India, Peru and Viet Nam
WHERE IN THE WORLD? Map source: UK Peru Viet Nam Ethiopia India Can you locate the UK and the four Young Lives countries on a world map?
WHICH COUNTRY? Have a look at the following images. Each photograph was taken in one of the four Young Lives countries: Ethiopia, India, Peru and Viet Nam. Which country do you think each photograph is from? Why do you think this?
Outline Pupils will learn what the Young Lives research project is. They will meet eight children from four countries: Ethiopia, India, Peru and Viet Nam. Pupils will then use secondary sources of information to introduce one of these featured children to the rest of the class. Finally they will identify and discuss any similarities and differences between the lives of these children and their own lives. Learning objectives To develop broader knowledg e about the lives of children in the four Young Lives countries. To recognise similaritie s and difference s between pupils’ own lives and the lives of the featured children. To develop empathy for others. Learning outcomes Pupils will use secondary sources of information to act in role as one the featured children. Pupils will listen carefully and ask questions about the lives of others. Pupils will write a list of similarities and differences between the life of one of the featured children and their own lives. Key questions How would you introduce this young person to others? What similaritie s and difference s are there between the life of this young person and your own life? Can you think of any reasons for these similaritie s and difference s? Resources Unit 1 Slideshow (Sessions 1 - 3): Slides 2 – 15. Child profiles: Meet Afework; Meet Tufa; Meet Ravi; Meet Harika; Meet Luz; Meet Manuel; Meet Hung; Meet Lien. Activity sheets: Interview questions; Similarities and differences. Curriculum links England P u p i l s s h o u l d b e t a u g h t t o : E n g l i s h S p o k e n l a n g u a g e List en and res pon d app rop riat ely to adu lts and thei r pee rs. Ask rele van t que stio ns to ext end thei r und erst and ing and kno wle dge. Par tici pat e in dis cus sio ns, pre sen tati ons, perf or ma nce s, role pla y, imp rovi sati ons and deb ate s. Wales E n g l i s h O r a c y I d e n t i f y k e y p o i n t s a n d f o l l o w u p i d e a s t h r o u g h q u e s t i o n a n d c o m m e n t, d e v e l o p i n g r e s p o n s e t o o t h e r s i n o r d e r t o l e a r n t h r o u g h t a l k. E x p e r i e n c i n g a n d r e s p o n d i n g t o a v a r i e t y o f s t i m u l i a n d i d e a s : v i s u a l, a u d i o a n d w r i t t e n. Scotland Literacy and English: Listening and talking As I listen or watch, I can make notes, organis e these under suitable heading s and use these to underst and ideas and informa tion and create new texts, using my own words as appropr iate. LIT 2-05a
Meet the Young Lives children
WHAT IS YOUNG LIVES? The researchers have learnt a lot about the children’s lives. They have interviewed the children and some of their families. This is Luz, one of the children interviewed. She is from Peru.
Afework Ethiopia Here is Afework. In his spare time he likes playing football with his friends and watching TV.
Seble Ethiopia In this photograph, Seble and a friend are cutting hay feed.
Ravi India Here is Ravi eating his lunch. He is having dahl (lentils) and rice.
Harika India Harika has to work hard to help her mother at home.
Manuel Peru “I help my parents in the house and on our farm. We have hens, sheep, a pig and a cow, as well as a dog, a cat and a turkey!”
Luz Peru “I enjoy being with my friends at school.”
Hung Viet Nam “I want to go to school to have more knowledge. I know that if I can study well, I will have a better life later.”
Lien Viet Nam “My favourite subjects are drawing and English.”
TIME TO THINK… What similarities and differences do you notice between the lives of these children? Are there any differences between the boys and the girls? Are there any differences between the children living in towns and cities and those living in villages or the countryside?
What does it mean to be doing well in life?
RANKING YOUR IDEAS Most important Least important watershelter food
SEBLE ETHIOPIA Having cattle, sheep, chicken, donkey, horse and mules. Having a house with a corrugated iron/tin roof (rather than one made of grass/thatch). Having enough good- quality household furniture. Having good food, like meat, fish, injera*, shiro* and eggs. Having enough kitchen equipment. Being able to play with friends. Being able to get medical treatment if you’re ill. Having enough good- quality clothes.
LUZ PERU Receiving love from your parents. Father and mother are working. Having parents to take care of you. Having parents who don’t fight. Having friends. Having a nice home. Not having to work.Being able to study well.
TIME TO THINK… What similarities and differences are there? Do you think everyone in the world has the things they need to be “well”? Why not?
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