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Documenting Camera Base Facility Needs P Hascall.

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1 Documenting Camera Base Facility Needs P Hascall

2 Overview 2 The topic is how to close the loop on documentation for Camera Base Facility needs as a follow-up to a recent Observatory CCB. The camera needs at the base facility were provided informally and have not been systematically documented. This session will address how those requirements will be formally defined and lay out the plan for refinement of those needs. Additionally the needs provided were initial estimates which need to be refined.

3 Categories of resource needs and where documented 3 ResourceWhere currently documented/discussion Computer racksLSE-239 Mirror control roomLTE-190 Office spaceLTE-190 Network connectivity at base facilityCould be LSE-78 Network connectivity to and from remote sitesCould be LSE-78 Computer processing capability (commissioning cluster) TBD Who provides desktop computers and racksTBD

4 Path forward on documentation Two approaches listed below, others? Distribute the requirements in existing documents – Simplest (small additions to existing docs, assuming we find a document for each type) – Some of those documents are telescope controlled documents intended for vendors and the added detail may cause confusion – Harder to ensure that the camera needs are included Generate a single doc to cover camera, DM and T&S resources – Easier to see how the resource requirements interrelate – Additional document to write and manage 4

5 Refining the Camera Needs Chuck and Kevin will be collaborating on camera team interactions with the observatory for early integration and commissioning. They will define timelines and can include personnel loading Base facility computational facility needs (remote use of diagnostic cluster vs Commissioning cluster and how much Commissioning cluster capability is needed Use of remote computational facilities with data access through NCSA 5

6 Wrapup Summarize decisions and assign responsibilities 6

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