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Influencing Social Change as an Early Years Network Dawson Ruhl.

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Presentation on theme: "Influencing Social Change as an Early Years Network Dawson Ruhl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influencing Social Change as an Early Years Network Dawson Ruhl


3 The DVAGWA Story Domestic Violence Action Group WA

4 Lessons Learned Reframe the problem Agreement on a common agenda Local Networks are platforms for advocacy & system reform informing state policy development Data and influence Pilot projects & innovative practice Communication & shared learning among networks Identify a ‘backbone’ function

5 Collective Impact “A framework for facilitating and achieving large scale social change. It is a structured and disciplined approach to bringing cross-sector organisations together to focus on a common agenda that result in long-lasting change.” J. Kania & M. Kramer 2011

6 WACOSS Early Years Network Program Objectives 1.Improved outcomes for children and families as a result of the collaboration and actions of the Early Years Networks 1.State-wide early year’s strategic direction and policy development is informed by the collective knowledge and wisdom of the Early Years Networks

7 Connection Members exchange information and build trust Connectivity is the foundation of a successful social-impact network Links people allowing them to exchange information and learn as a result of the interchange Addresses isolation Alignment Members capitalise on their connections to discover, explore, and define goals, strategies, and opportunities that they share Members align around an overarching goal e.g., improve a local system Production Members organise to take joint action Interdependence that is much deeper than connecting and aligning Members produce innovative practices, public-policy proposals, and other outputs for social impact Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the power of Networks for Social Impact Plastrik et al 2014


9 “If the network serves only as an umbrella for a collection of individual projects, it is not realizing its added-value potential.” Connecting to Change the World : Harnessing the power of Networks for Social Impact, Plastrik et al 2014

10 Peel Region


12 Complex social problems require a systems perspective and a multi-agency collaborative approach Networks of dedicated people, working collaboratively with a common agenda that successfully transition to collective impact projects can achieve broad transformational change All the conditions currently exist for transformational change to occur in the Early Years space Summary – Key Points

13 Thank You Dawson Ruhl

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