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“Ready or Not” A parent seminar to assist in determining a child’s readiness for school and discerning the right school for your child.

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Presentation on theme: "“Ready or Not” A parent seminar to assist in determining a child’s readiness for school and discerning the right school for your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Ready or Not” A parent seminar to assist in determining a child’s readiness for school and discerning the right school for your child.

2 Two basic questions Is my child ready for school? Which school is best for my child?

3 My basic assumptions You are the pre-eminent world expert in your own child! You are the best person to make decisions about your child’s education. I will give you information and things to consider to help you make those decisions.

4 TASK: Let’s get moving… Find another person/ couple in the room who have… a child born in the same month as yours and then… SHARE Your name(s) and your child’s Your child’s first word One thing that makes your child special

5 Quick Orientating Task Think about & discuss each of the following questions. Write your “need answers” questions on the “question mark” paper provided. Blu tac completed question mark paper to wall. We will refer to them at the end of the night. 5 minutes.

6 Is my child ready for school? 3 questions I think my child is ready for school because… I think my child may not be ready for school because… I need answers to… Questions I’d like answered tonight

7 A Day in Kindergarten The Literacy Block Talking and Listening Reading Writing Upto 2 hours daily Range of tasks Interactive involving independent, group and whole class work

8 The Maths Block Number Patterns Space and Geometry Measurement Data One hour per day duration Counting Concrete materials

9 Other Key Learning Areas (KLAs) Science & Technology Human Society and its Environment Creative Arts Personal Development/ Health/ Physical Education Formal reports twice per year Portfolio of child’s work Regular information provided Ask questions and offer to help!

10 Some Readiness Criteria Please note! Some not necessarily all criteria evident Not exhaustive Illustrative purposes only Readiness depends on the individual

11 HOW should my child be ready? Social & Behavioural Readiness Knows own name and address Cooperates with adults and peers Responds to social reinforcement Can follow simple rules, with prompts Can take turns Can “stick at” a task Can transition from task to task Knows how to get attention appropriately Makes choices Toilets independently Demonstrates some personal management skills eg looks after possessions, lunch box, hat etc Can eat and drink independently

12 Sensory- Motor Readiness Demonstrates visual discrimination Listens and attends Follows at least one simple direction Demonstrates age appropriate gross motor skills e.g. walking, running, jumping Manipulates both large and small objects Uses scissors Demonstrates simple dressing skills (tying shoe laces is not a prerequisite )

13 Cognitive and Language Readiness Asks questions Can express ideas, feelings or needs Speaks clearly Communicates with peers and adults Will initiate interactions with peers and adults Shows interest in books Tells stories Can retell simple stories or nursery rhymes Perhaps knows letters and numbers Demonstrates curiosity Is imaginative

14 What are the “must do’s” in NSW? The child should have turned 5 years old by 31 st July (all children in NSW must be enrolled by age 6 years) Therefore, you will need to provide a Birth Certificate as proof of age be immunized Therefore, you will be asked for your child’s immunization history (from your GP or from the Australian Childhood Immunization Register on 1800 653 809) NB: children not immunized will not be excluded from enrolment but may asked by Public Health Officials to stay at home during an outbreak of vaccine preventable disease

15 You may also be asked for… proof of address e.g. rates notice, bills etc any court orders pertaining to the child If your child is not an Australian citizen you will need to notify the school and make an appointment to speak to the Principal.

16 Which school is right for my child? Table Task: What type of person do you want your child to be in 20 years from now? No right or wrong! Brainstorm and record on the large sheets of paper provided.

17 Let’s ask the questions… Try to sort your group responses into broad categories. Here’s some headings you might use- Academic standards Ethical behaviour Care/ Welfare Citizenship

18 Your wishes for your child’s education are the basis of the questions you can ask of schools! Know what you want!

19 Academic standards- some questions How does this school’s BST results compare to the state average? What does the school do for children requiring extra support/ extension? Does the school provide any co-curricula experiences? What is the school’s homework policy? How are parents informed about student progress?

20 Care/ Welfare- some questions How are the children cared for? What does this school do to promote socially aware and socially just students? What is the school’s behaviour management plan?

21 Ethical behaviour- some questions How does this school promote positive values? Are children given the opportunity to demonstrate responsibility? Does the school connect children’s learning to the wider world?

22 Citizenship- some questions How does the school promote positive understandings of our Australian identity? Does the school give children the opportunity to participate in decision making e.g. Student Representative Council?

23 Please! Keep the school fully informed with anything that is relevant to your child’s education. Provide the school with any medical information related to your child. Keep your contact details up to date with the school. Develop a positive relationship with the school especially your child’s teacher. Always remember that we are working together in partnership to provide your child with the best possible education. Courtesy of St Joseph’s Catholic School Narrabeen Ph:9913 3766

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