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Hernán García CeCalcULA Universidad de los Andes.

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Presentation on theme: "Hernán García CeCalcULA Universidad de los Andes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hernán García CeCalcULA Universidad de los Andes

2 The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs

3 Developed and Maintained by NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) development team:

4 The current WRF Model supports two dynamical solvers: The Advance Research WRF (ARW) Users Page: Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) Users Page:

5  Fortran 90/95  C Compiler  Perl  netCDF library  MPI / OpenMP library  UNIX utilities: csh and Bourne shell, make, M4, sed, awk, and the uname command

6 Current Release: Version 3.4.1 Go to: nload/get_source.html Registration is required

7 If you are only planning on running Idealized Cases, you would need: WRF ARW Model + Post Processing If you are planning on running Real Cases, you would need: WPS + WRF ARW Model + Post Processing

8  Unzip › tar -xvf WRFV3.4.1.TAR  Change Directory › cd WRFV3/ The README files contain useful information about the code and how to set up and run the model  Set Environment Variable › setenv NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf

9  Run configure script ›./configure

10 serialSingle processor smparshared memory option (OpenMP) dmpardistributed memory option (MPI) dm+smdistributed memory with shared memory The above will create a configure.wrf file. Edit compile options/paths in this file, if necessary.

11  Compiling WRF ›./compile test_case >& compile.log  Available Test Cases em_b_wave 3D Ideal Case (ARW Only) em_quarter_ss em_heldsuarez em_les em_grav2d_x 2D Ideal Case (ARW Only) em_hill2d_x em_squall2d_x em_squall2d_y em_seabreeze2d_x em_real Real Data Cases (ARW and NMM) nmm_real

12 Check the compile.log file for any errors. If your compilation was successful, you should see these executables created in the main/ directory. The executables were not created Check the compile.log file carefully for any errors. main/ideal.exeWRF initialization for idealized data cases main/wrf.exeWRF model integration

13 1) If there is a run_me_first.csh script in the directory - RUN IT (this will link in extra data files needed during the run). 2) Edit namelist.input Use the default option if you have never run an idealized case before.

14 3) Run ideal.exe ideal.exe cannot generally be run in parallel. For parallel compiles, run this on a single processor. Verify that the program run correctly Check that the file wrfinput_d01 was generated

15 4) Run wrf.exe Two-dimensional ideal cases cannot be run in MPI parallel. OpenMP is fine. Three-dimensional cases can be run with MPI Verify that the program run correctly After successful completion, you should see wrfout_d01_0001-01-01* files

16 On a single processor machine:./wrf.exe On distributed memory For example, to run MPI code, using 4 processors: mpirun -np 4 –machinefile./machfile wrf.exe

17 5) Use a post-processing tool to view the output. G RAPHICS : Supported graphical packages: NCL (NCAR Command Language) RIP4 ARWpost (GrADS / Vis5D output)

18  More Test Cases/Data:  Input Data : ~ 150 MB  Output Data: Unknown

19  Execution Time:



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