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It refers to a form of organization where business is owned, managed and controlled by a single individual who bears all the risks and is the only recipient.

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Presentation on theme: "It refers to a form of organization where business is owned, managed and controlled by a single individual who bears all the risks and is the only recipient."— Presentation transcript:

1 It refers to a form of organization where business is owned, managed and controlled by a single individual who bears all the risks and is the only recipient of all the profits.

2  FEATURES:  (a)Formation and closure:  (b)Liability  (c)Sole risk bearer and profits recipient

3 It is a business owned and carried on by the members of a Hindu undivided family, which is governed by the Hindu law.  FEATURES:  (a)Formation  (b)Liability  (c)Control  (d)Continuity  (e)Minor Members

4  The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 defines partnership as “the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profit of the business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.”  FEATURES:  (a)formation  (b)Liability  (c)Risk bearing  (d)Decision making and control  (e)Continuity

5  (a)Active partner  (b)sleeping or dominant partner  (c)Secret partner  (d)Nominal partner  (e)partner by estoppels  (f)Partner by holding out

6  Classification on the basis of liability:  (1)General Partnership.  (2)Limited Partnership.   Classification on the basis of duration:  (1)Partnership at will.  (2)Particular partnership.

7  It is a voluntary association of persons who get together to protect their economic interests.   FEATURES  (a)Voluntary membership  (b)Legal status  (c)Limited liability  (d)Control  (e)Service motive

8  (1)Consumers cooperative societies  (2)Producers cooperative societies  (3)Marketing cooperative societies  (4)Farmers cooperative societies  (5)Credit cooperative societies  (6)Cooperative housing societies 

9  equality in voting  members limited liability  stable existence  economy in operations  support from government  ease of formation.

10  The company form of organization is governed by The Companies Act, 1956. A Company can be described as an artificial person having a separate legal entity, perpetual succession and a common seal. 

11  FEATURES  (1)Artificial person  (2)Separate legal entity  (3)Formation  (4)Perpetual succession  (5)Control  (6)Liability  (7)Common seal  8) Risk bearing

12  Private company: A Private company means a company which:  (1)restricts the right of members to transfer its shares  (2)has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 50 members, excluding the present and past employees;  (3)does not invite public to subscribe to its share capital;  (4)must have a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1 lack or such higher amount which may be prescribed from time-to-time.

13  Public company: A Public company means a company which is not a private company. As per the Indian companies Act, a public company is one which:  (1)has a minimum paid up capital of Rs. 5 lack or a higher amount which may be prescribed from time-to-time;  (2)has a minimum of 7 members and no limit on maximum on transfer of shares ; and  (3)has no restriction on transfer of shares :and  (4)is not prohibited from inviting the public to subscribe to its share capital or public deposits.

14  Selection of an appropriate form of organization cab be made after tacking various factors into consideration.  The important factors of the choice of organization as follows;  (1)Cost and ease in setting up the organization;  (2)Liability  (3)Continuity  (4)Management ability  (5)Capital consideration  (6)Degree of control  (7)Nature of business

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