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September 3, 2013  Welcome to Middle School  Attendance  Brochure  Welcome Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "September 3, 2013  Welcome to Middle School  Attendance  Brochure  Welcome Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 3, 2013  Welcome to Middle School  Attendance  Brochure  Welcome Activity

2 Rochester Community schools provides all necessary Materials and supplies for curricular classes. Parents who wish to supplement these materials and supplies for their student in the class may consider purchasing the items below.  Suggested Supplies for English Class 1. Three-ring binder or section of a multi-subject binder. 2. Mechanical pencils and extra lead or #2 pencils. 3. Red pen or pencil for checking DOL. Please no pastel, metallic, or gel pens. 4. Three highlighters (green, red and yellow) 5. Color pencils 6. Large box of tissues 7. Hand sanitizer 8. 10 Plastic Sleeves

3 September 4, 2013  Begin the All about Me Poster  Make Name Tag  Homework Assignment : Write Mrs. Wiley a friendly letter. – Due This Friday

4 September 5, 2013  Turn in the All about Me Poster  Make Name tags  Language Arts Pre –Test  Homework Assignment : Write Mrs. Wiley a friendly letter. – Due This Friday

5 September 6, 2013  Turn in your Friendly Letter  (I will collect it)  Bring your Literature book to class  Scavenger hunt book activity  Homework – Give your parents the Curriculum Guide sign and return the parent form.

6 September 8, 2013  Please go back and get your ID  Bring your Literature book to class  Pass up your parent form  Media Center Visit : Choose a book for your biography autobiography book report. (Due October 3, 2013)  Finish Scavenger hunt book activity for homework

7 September 10, 2013  Check the Getting to know your literature book activity.  Writing Log Activity  Homework: Read 30 minutes every night.

8 September 11,2013  P. 802 Why attempt the Impossible  Writing Log: Create a web regarding what you want to accomplish in your lifetime?  Homework: Finish Reading Matthew Henson at the top of the World *Complete the Reading Check paper for homework

9 September 12, 2013  Bring your biography to class  Let’s check your homework  Lesson on idioms  Begin biography notes due September 17  Test at the end of Unit 7 *(date to be determined)


11 September 13, 2013  Read and Discuss Story of my Life The life of Helen Keller  Complete the reading activities  Homework: Work on your book report.

12 September 16, 2013  Bring your Biography  Check Homework from Friday The Story of my life  Writing Log

13 September 17, 2013 Learning Target Authors Purpose  Writing Log : Authors Purpose -  Check Story of my life  Over the Top of the World p.822  Homework: Complete the Authors purpose (first two sections)

14 September 17 th and 18th  We will be in the Media Center working on our Biography Power Point

15 September 20, 2013  Media Center Orientation

16 September 23, 2013  Rachel Challenge Assembly  2 nd and 4 th hour Read Harry Houdini  3 rd hr. Work on your narrative

17 September 23, 2013  Read Harry Houdini p.852  Vocabulary practice # 1-4  Main Idea and Supporting Details

18 Pressure Ridge  The ice cap that covers the Arctic Ocean and seas is constantly moving - shifting, splitting and colliding. When the great sheets of ice collide, ridges of ice - called "pressure ridges" - build up at the point of capArctic Oceanmovingsplittingice collide

19 Authors Purpose  An author’s purpose for writing may be to inform, to describe, to entertain, to persuade, to reveal a truth about life, or to share an experience. Nonfiction narratives often have more than one purpose, but one purpose is more important than the others. Authors usually don’t directly state their reason for writing.

20 Analogy  An analogy is a kind of word puzzle. You can use the relationship between two words to complete another pair of words that use the same relationship.  Example: hand is to finger as foot is to toe

21 Autobiography  An autobiography is the story of a person’s life, written by that person.  Autobiographies  are told from the first-person point of view  share the writer’s personal thoughts and feelings about his or her experiences

22 Literary Terms  Plot – action in the story  Conflict – a struggle between opposing forces  Character –a person or an animal involved in the action  Setting – where the story takes place  Theme – a message or lesson brought out by the action of a story  Point of View – the perspective from which a story is told

23  NHI (Not handed in)  Excused  blank (I have not graded it yet)

24 Reading Timeline  Age or dates  Titles  Authors  Who read to you  Favorites  Types of books  Add pictures

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