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Selecting Employees Chapter 7
Selection(선발) Process of choosing the individuals who are most likely to successfully perform a job from available applicants Necessary prerequisites include Job analyses(직무분석) Human resource planning (인적자원계획) Recruitment (모집) 7-2
The Selection Process(선발과정)
(Large) Organizations use a multiple cut-off technique (단계적 제거법) in selection Applicant must be judged through a series of screening devices Application forms(서류전형) Interviews(면접) Tests(시험) Reference checking(경력조회) Physical examination(신체검사) An applicant is eliminated from consideration for a job if any of these devices is unsatisfactory In smaller organizations, they use a comprehensive evaluation technique(종합적 평가법), which involves having applicants going through all the steps 7-3
Employment Application Form (서류전형)
First step in most selection procedures Application provides basic employment information for use in later steps of selection process(e.g., interview) Used to screen out unqualified applicants Processing Normally human resource department reviews information on application form Determines applicant’s qualifications in relation to the specific requirements More systematic approach in processing application form: Weighted application form 7-4
Weighted application forms (가중치 부여 서류전형)
Also called Bio-data analysis Assigns different weights to different questions Weights are developed by determining which item categories have a higher probability of an applicant’s becoming to be a higher performer on the basis of current employees’ composition Ex) Item: Education Categories Low performing Group High performing Group (A) Total # of Employees (B) (A) / (B) Weights High School 21 11 32 34 3 Junior College 26 19 45 42 4 University 22 41 46 5 Graduate School 6 81 8 # of Employees 75 150 7-5
Preliminary Interview(예비면접)
Used to Determine if applicant’s skills, abilities, and job preferences match any available jobs in organization Explain to applicant available jobs and their requirements Answer questions applicant has about available jobs or employer Usually conducted after applicant has completed application form Generally a brief, exploratory interview normally conducted by a human resource specialist or recruiter Screens out unqualified or uninterested applicants 7-6
Formal Testing - Aptitude Tests (적성검사)
Means of measuring a person’s capacity or latent ability to learn and perform a job Frequently used tests measure Verbal ability(언어능력) – Measure person’s ability to use words in thinking, planning, and communicating Numerical ability(수리능력) – Measure ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide Perceptual speed (지각속도) – Measure ability to recognize similarities and differences Spatial ability (공간능력) – Measure ability to visualize objects in space and determine their relationships Reasoning ability (추리능력) – Measure ability to analyze oral or written facts and make correct judgments concerning them on the basis of logical implications 7-7
Psychomotor Tests (정신운동검사)
Measure a person’s strength, dexterity, and coordination Some of the psychomotor abilities that can be tested include Finger dexterity Manual dexterity Wrist-finger speed Speed of arm movement Coordinated movement of wrist-finger, arm, and leg Abilities such as these might be tested for hiring people to fill assembly-line jobs or any other jobs requiring manual or physical dexterity 7-8
Job Knowledge (직무지식) and Proficiency (직무수행능력) Tests
Job knowledge tests – Measure the job-related knowledge possessed by a job applicant Tests can be either written or oral An example might include a motivation theory for a HR specialist job Proficiency tests – Measure how well applicant can do a sample of work to be performed Word processing test given to applicants for a secretarial job is an example 7-9
Vocational Interest Tests (직업흥미검사)
Indicates occupations or areas of work in which the person is most interested Basic assumption in their use is that people are more likely to be successful in jobs they like Primary challenge with using interest tests Responses may not always be sincere 7-10
Personality Tests Attempt to measure personality characteristics
Generally characterized by Questionable validity Low reliability Presently have limited use for selection purposes Two projection test of personality(성격 투사검사) Rorschach inkblot test Applicant is shown a series of cards containing inkblots of varying sizes and shapes Applicant is asked to tell what the inkblots look like to him or her Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; 주제통각검사) Applicant is shown pictures of real-life situations for interpretation With both these methods, individual is encouraged to report whatever immediately comes to mind 7-11
Rorschach Inkblot Test & Thematic Apperception Test
Second or Follow-Up Interview (2차, 후속면접)
Purpose is to supplement information obtained in other steps in selection process to determine the suitability of an applicant for a specific opening All questions asked during an interview must be job-related 7-13
Types of Interviews (면접종류)
Structured interview(구조적 면접) – Conducted using a predetermined outline(questions and evaluation) based on a thorough job analysis Advantages Provides the same type of information on all interviewees Allows systematic coverage of all questions deemed necessary 7-14
Types of Interviews (면접종류)
Unstructured interview – Do not have a predetermined checklist of questions Disadvantages Lack of systematic coverage of information Very susceptible to the personal biases of interviewer Advantages Provide a more relaxed atmosphere
Types of Interviews Stress interview (스트레스 면접)– Designed to place interviewee under pressure Interviewer assumes hostile and antagonistic attitude toward interviewee Purpose is to detect a highly emotional person Board or panel interviews (위원회, 패널 면접)– Two or more interviewers conduct an interview with a single applicant Group interviews (집단면접)– Several job applicants are questioned together by interviewer(s) 7-16
Problems in Conducting Interviews
Validity and reliability of most interviews are questionable, especially in the case of unstructured interviews Easy for interviewer to become either favorably or unfavorably impressed with job applicant based on Initial impressions (첫인상) Interviewer often draws conclusions about the applicant within the first 10 minutes of interview Halo effect (후광효과) Occurs when interviewer allows a single prominent characteristic to dominate judgment of all other traits Overgeneraliziation(과도한 일반화) Interviewee may not behave exactly the same way on the job as during the interview 7-17
Conducting Effective Interviews – Suggestions
Careful attention must be given to selecting and training interviewers Should be outgoing and emotionally well-adjusted people Plan for interview should include an outline specifying information to be obtained and questions to be asked Facts obtained in interview should be recorded immediately Effectiveness of interviewing process should be evaluated Compare performance ratings of individuals who are hired against assessments made during interview 7-18
Reference Checking (경력조회)
Can take place either before or after the second interview Most prospective employers contact individuals from one or more of the three following categories Personal references Have limited value since generally, no applicant will list someone who will not give a positive recommendation School references May be of limited value for similar reasons as for personal references Past employment references Most often used source and are in a position to supply most objective information 7-19
Physical Examination (신체검사)
Normally required only for individual who is offered the job Job offer is often contingent on individual passing physical examination Exam is given to determine Whether applicant is physically capable of performing the job His or her eligibility for group life, health, and disability insurance Normally one of the last steps in the selection process due to expenses involved 7-20
Making the Final Selection Decision (최종 선발결정)
The final step is choosing one individual for the job (or predetermined number of job openings) Responsibility for making final selection decision is assigned to different levels of management in different organizations U.S. : manager of the department Subject to approval of those at higher levels of management Korea : CEO in many firms in Korea) 7-21
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