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Reflecting Our Missional, Incarnational God Message 3 in our 3-part series called Essential Strategies for Growth. Sunday, October 23, 2011 Speaker: Phil.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflecting Our Missional, Incarnational God Message 3 in our 3-part series called Essential Strategies for Growth. Sunday, October 23, 2011 Speaker: Phil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflecting Our Missional, Incarnational God Message 3 in our 3-part series called Essential Strategies for Growth. Sunday, October 23, 2011 Speaker: Phil Hainaut (Community Transformation)

2 RBC Mission Statement To go and make fully committed followers of Jesus Christ of all people groups starting in our Montreal communities, through worshipping, praying, teaching, caring, serving and witnessing

3 Essential Strategies for Growth 1.Corporate prayer 2.Leadership development 3.Community transformation

4 1. God is missional Initiating relationship Sending and sent John 20:21, Jesus said: As the Father has sent me, I am sending you”

5 Attractional Church

6 The Sower

7 Missional Church ME

8 Missional Church


10 2. God is incarnational John 1:1-18 God “infleshed” himself

11 Why incarnation? Redemption

12 Why incarnation? Identification

13 Why incarnation? Revelation

14 Incarnation is presence

15 Incarnation is proximity

16 Incarnation is powerlessness

17 Incarnation is proclamation

18 Church vs Mission


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