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“YES SHE CAN” Teacher Creativity Center Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs – Equal Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "“YES SHE CAN” Teacher Creativity Center Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs – Equal Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 “YES SHE CAN” Teacher Creativity Center Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs – Equal Opportunities

2 What She Needs ?!! "The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'" Sigmund Freud

3 Practical and strategic needs Women, girls, boys and men have immediate, “practical” survival needs particularly in humanitarian crises. They also have longer-term “strategic” needs linked to changing the circumstances of their lives and realizing their human rights. Practical needs of women May include needs associated with their roles as caretakers, needs for food, shelter, water and safety. Strategic needs, however, are needs for more control over their lives, needs for property rights, for political participation to help shape public decisions and for a safe space for women outside the household, for example women’s shelters offering protection from domestic violence. Practical needs focus on the immediate condition of women and men. Strategic needs concern their relative position in relation to each other; in effect strategic needs are about resolving gender-based inequalities. A girl’s practical need for an education can be addressed in a strategic way if that education includes a rights-based curriculum that expands her horizons and enables her to consider a life different from one that is predetermined by her gender.

4 Yes She Can Project TCC works toward ensuring that women have a real voice in Palestine so they can participate equally with men in public dialogue and decision-making and influence the decisions that will determine the future of their families and countries. To empower women in various geographical areas in Palestine and to create a generation of women capable to represent their needs and express their opinion and defend their rights objectively as well as arming Palestinian girl in our school with life skills and practical needs that needed to go through their life using action learning methodology Main Goal

5 What Happened so far!!! Phase 1 : Training on citizenship education In corporation with EQUITAS, a pilot project started to be implemented in Deir ammar camp, with 24 girls from the ninth grade at first and by the end of the trainings the number was increased to 48 upon the girls request. The training aimed to equip the girls with the knowledge, skills and abilities to participate in the decision making process as well as the ability to address their own issues freely Target Group: 15-16 Years Old girls Youth - (9 th Grade) in an UNRWA School Where!! West-Bank Ramallah-Deir Ammar camp When!! November- December 2011

6 Exploring your Context Eexploring the context of the participants’ lives, the situation of the group and the community Targeting Specific Changes Thinking about changes the participants would like to see in their community or country. Planning for Action and Taking Action Planning for a specific action related to the changes participants want to see and to Monitoring and Evaluating the Action and the Process Making sure participants stay on track and measuring the extent to which their actions contributed to the changes they wanted to see. Providing coaching and support throughout the implementation of the action. Training material – Citizenship Education in the middle east and North Africa Tool Kit, using the following steps:

7 48 girls trained on campaigns management methods and skills, the training was held by Women Affairs technical committee for 2 days in Ramallah, where the students showed during the training days high level of satisfaction and interaction. By the end of the training the girls managed to plan for a local campaign in ammar in order to build a cultural athletic club for girls only in Deir ammar camp. And as part of their camping TCC and the girls now are planning for a public hearing and meeting with the decision makers in Palestine and in Ramallah,live on TV. Phase 2: campaigns Management Training Women leads change

8 Outputs: -48 girl students trained in rights, gender and identity, civic education values, critical thinking,campaign management and action learning methodology inside the classroom. 48 girl can claim rights and change oppressive circumstances in their community. -48 girl can address their problems and needs and able to defend it in democratic peaceful way -Enhanced community awareness through meetings and public hearings and through the planned television symposium on a national channel promoting Human right and civic education values and tolerance

9 Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs – Equal Opportunities

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