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Statistics for Business and Economics Module 1:Probability Theory and Statistical Inference Spring 2010 Lecture 2: Probability and discrete random variables.

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1 Statistics for Business and Economics Module 1:Probability Theory and Statistical Inference Spring 2010 Lecture 2: Probability and discrete random variables Priyantha Wijayatunga, Department of Statistics, Umeå University These materials are altered ones from copyrighted lecture slides (© 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company) from the homepage of the book: The Practice of Business Statistics Using Data for Decisions :Second Edition by Moore, McCabe, Duckworth and Alwan.

2 A phenomenon is random if individual outcomes are uncertain, but there is nonetheless a regular distribution of outcomes in a large number of repetitions. Randomness and probability The probability of any outcome of a random phenomenon can be defined as the proportion of times the outcome would occur in a very long series of repetitions.

3 Randomness and Probability Models  Randomness and probability  Random variables and probability distributions  Independence and rules of probability  Assigning probabilities: finite number of outcomes (discrete variables)  Conditional probability and Baye’s theorem  Mean and variance of a discrete random variable  Rules for means and variances  Discrete probability models: binomial model, Poisson model, etc.

4 Coin toss The result of any single coin toss is random. But the result over many tosses is predictable, as long as the trials are independent (i.e., the outcome of a new coin flip is not influenced by the result of the previous flip). First series of tosses Second series The probability of heads is 0.5 = the proportion of times you get heads in many repeated trials.

5 The trials are independent only when you put the coin back each time. It is called sampling with replacement. Two events are independent if the probability that one event occurs on any given trial of an experiment is not affected or changed by the occurrence of the other event. When are trials not independent? Imagine that these coins were spread out so that half were heads up and half were tails up. Close your eyes and pick one. The probability of it being heads is 0.5. However, if you don’t put it back in the pile, the probability of picking up another coin and having it be heads is now less than 0.5.

6 Probability models describe mathematically the outcome of random processes and consist of two parts: 1) S = Sample Space: This is a set, or list, of all possible outcomes of a random process. An event is a subset of the sample space. 2) A probability for each possible event in the sample space S. Probability models Example: Probability Model for a Coin Toss: S = {Head, Tail} Probability of heads = 0.5 Probability of tails = 0.5

7 A. A basketball player shoots three free throws. What are the possible sequences of hits (H) and misses (M)? H H H - HHH M … M M - HHM H - HMH M - HMM … S = { HHH, HHM, HMH, HMM, MHH, MHM, MMH, MMM } Note: 8 elements, 2 3 B. A basketball player shoots three free throws. What is the number of baskets made? S = { 0, 1, 2, 3 } Sample spaces It’s the question that determines the sample space.

8 Coin toss: S = {Head, Tail} P(head) + P(tail) = 0.5 + 0.5 =1  P(sample space) = 1 Coin Toss Example: S = {Head, Tail} Probability of heads = 0.5 Probability of tails = 0.5 Probability rules Probability of getting a Head = 0.5 We write this as: P(Head) = 0.5 P(neither Head nor Tail) = 0 P(getting either a Head or a Tail) = 1 2) Because some outcome must occur on every trial, the sum of the probabilities for all possible outcomes (the sample space) must be exactly 1. P(sample space) = 1 1) Probabilities range from 0 (no chance of the event) to 1 (the event has to happen). For any event A, 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1

9 Coin Toss Example: S = {Head, Tail} Probability of heads = 0.5 Probability of tails = 0.5 3) The complement of any event A is the event that A does not occur, written as A c. The complement rule states that the probability of an event not occurring is 1 minus the probability that is does occur. P(not A) = P(A c ) = 1 − P(A) Tail c = not Tail = Head P(Tail c ) = 1 − P(Head) = 0.5 Probability rules (contd) Venn diagram: Sample space made up of an event A and its complementary A c, i.e., everything that is not A.

10 Probability rules (contd ) 4) Two events A and B are disjoint if they have no outcomes in common and can never happen together. The probability that A or B occurs is then the sum of their individual probabilities. P(A or B) = “P(A U B)” = P(A) + P(B) This is the addition rule for disjoint events. Example: If you flip two coins, and the first flip does not affect the second flip: S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}. The probability of each of these events is 1/4, or 0.25. The probability that you obtain “only heads or only tails” is: P(HH or TT) = P(HH) + P(TT) = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.50 Venn diagrams: A and B disjoint A and B not disjoint

11 Probability rules (contd ) The joint probability of happening events A and B is written as P(A and B). For disjoint events A and B, P(A and B)=0 Venn diagrams: A and B disjoint A and B not disjoint

12 General addition rule General addition rule for any two events A and B: The probability that A occurs, or B occurs, or both events occur is: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B) What is the probability of randomly drawing either an ace or a heart from a deck of 52 playing cards? There are 4 aces in the pack and 13 hearts. However, 1 card is both an ace and a heart. Thus: P(ace or heart)= P(ace) + P(heart) – P(ace and heart) = 4/52 + 13/52 - 1/52 = 16/52 ≈.3

13 Two events A and B are independent when knowing that one occurs does not change the probability that the other occurs. If A and B are independent, P(A and B) = P(A)P(B) This is the multiplication rule for independent events. Two consecutive coin tosses: P(first Tail and second Tail) = P(first Tail) * P(second Tail) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 Multiplication Rule for Independent Events Venn diagram: Event A and event B. The intersection represents the event {A and B} and outcomes common to both A and B.

14 Applying the Multiplication Rule  If two events A and B are independent, the event that A does not occur is also independent of B.  The Multiplication Rule extends to collections of more than two events, provided that all are independent.  Example: A transatlantic data cable contains repeaters to amplify the signal. Each repeater has probability 0.999 of functioning without failure for 25 years. Repeaters fail independently of each other. Let A 1 denote the event that the first repeater operates without failure for 25 years, A 2 denote the event that the second repeater operates without failure for 25 years, and so on. The last transatlantic cable had 662 repeaters. The probability that all 662 will work for 25 years is: P(A 1 and A 2 and…and A 662 ) = 0.999 662 = 0.516

15 Independent vs. disjoint events  Disjoint events are not independent.  If A and B are disjoint, then the fact that A occurs tells us that B cannot occur. So A and B are not independent.  Independence cannot be pictured in a Venn Diagram.

16 Assigning probabilities: finite number of outcomes Finite sample spaces deal with discrete data — data that can only take on a limited number of values. These values are often integers or whole numbers. The individual outcomes of a random phenomenon are always disjoint.  The probability of any event is the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes making up the event (addition rule). Throwing a die: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

17 M&M candies ColorBrownRedYellowGreenOrangeBlue Probability0.30.2 0.1 ? If you draw an M&M candy at random from a bag, the candy will have one of six colors. The probability of drawing each color depends on the proportions manufactured, as described here: What is the probability that an M&M chosen at random is blue? What is the probability that a random M&M is any of red, yellow, or orange? S = {brown, red, yellow, green, orange, blue} P(S) = P(brown) + P(red) + P(yellow) + P(green) + P(orange) + P(blue) = 1 P(blue)= 1 – [P(brown) + P(red) + P(yellow) + P(green) + P(orange)] = 1 – [0.3 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1] = 0.1 P(red or yellow or orange) = P(red) + P(yellow) + P(orange) = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.5

18 Probabilities: equally likely outcomes We can assign probabilities either:  empirically  from our knowledge of numerous similar past events  Mendel discovered the probabilities of inheritance of a given trait from experiments on peas without knowing about genes or DNA.  or theoretically  from our understanding the phenomenon and symmetries in the problem  A 6-sided fair die: each side has the same chance of turning up  Genetic laws of inheritance based on meiosis process If a random phenomenon has k equally likely possible outcomes, then each individual outcome has probability 1/k. And, for any event A:

19 Dice You toss two dice. What is the probability of the outcomes summing to 5? There are 36 possible outcomes in S, all equally likely (given fair dice). Thus, the probability of any one of them is 1/36. P(the roll of two dice sums to 5) = P(1,4) + P(2,3) + P(3,2) + P(4,1) = 4 / 36 = 0.111 This is S: {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), ……etc.}

20 Example: A couple wants three children. What are the arrangements of boys (B) and girls (G)? Genetics tell us that the probability that a baby is a boy or a girl is the same, 0.5. Sample space: {BBB, BBG, BGB, GBB, GGB, GBG, BGG, GGG}  All eight outcomes in the sample space are equally likely. The probability of each is thus 1/8.  Each birth is independent of the next, so we can use the multiplication rule. Example: P(BBB) = P(B)* P(B)* P(B) = (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1/8

21 Conditional probability Conditional probabilities reflect how the probability of an event can change if we know that some other event has occurred/is occurring.  Example: The probability that a cloudy day will result in rain is different if you live in Los Angeles than if you live in Seattle.  Our brains effortlessly calculate conditional probabilities, updating our “degree of belief” with each new piece of evidence. The conditional probability of event B given event A is: (provided that P(A) ≠ 0)

22 General Multiplication Rule  Conditional probability gives the probability of one event under the condition that we know another event.  General multiplication rule: The probability that any two events, A and B, happen together is: P(A and B) = P(A)P(B|A) Here P(B|A) is the conditional probability that B occurs, given the information that A occurs.

23 Independent Events Recall: A and B are independent when they have no influence on each other’s occurrence.  Two events A and B that both have positive probability are independent if P(B|A) = P(B)  The general multiplication rule then becomes: P(A and B) = P(A)P(B) What is the probability of randomly drawing an ace of hearts from a deck of 52 playing cards? There are 4 aces in the pack and 13 hearts. P(heart|ace)= 1/4P(ace) = 4/52  P(ace and heart) = P(ace)* P(heart|ace) = (4/52)*(1/4) = 1/52 Notice that heart and ace are independent events.

24 Tree diagrams Conditional probabilities can get complex, and it is often a good strategy to build a probability tree that represents all possible outcomes graphically and assigns conditional probabilities to subsets of events. 0.47 Internet user Tree diagram for chat room habits for three adult age groups A 1, A 2 & A 3. P(chatting)= P(C and A 1 ) + P(C and A 2 ) + P(C and A 3 ) = 0.136 + 0.099 + 0.017 = 0.252 About 25% of all adult Internet users visit chat rooms. P(A 1 |C ) = 0.47 P(A 1 and C) = P(C|A 1 )P(A 1 ) = 0.136.

25 Breast cancer screening Cancer No cancer Mammography Positive Negative Positive Negative Disease incidence Diagnosis sensitivity Diagnosis specificity False negative False positive 0.0004 0.9996 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.9 Incidence of breast cancer among women ages 20–30 Mammography performance If a woman in her 20s gets screened for breast cancer and receives a positive test result, what is the probability that she does have breast cancer? She could either have a positive test and have breast cancer or have a positive test but not have cancer (false positive).

26 Cancer No cancer Mammography Positive Negative Positive Negative Disease incidence Diagnosis sensitivity Diagnosis specificity False negative False positive 0.0004 0.9996 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.9 Incidence of breast cancer among women ages 20–30 Mammography performance Possible outcomes given the positive diagnosis: positive test and breast cancer or positive test but no cancer (false positive). This value is called the positive predictive value, or PV+. It is an important piece of information but, unfortunately, is rarely communicated to patients.

27 Bayes’s rule An important application of conditional probabilities is Bayes’s rule. It is the foundation of many modern statistical applications beyond the scope of this textbook. * If a sample space is decomposed in k disjoint events, A 1, A 2, …, A k — none with a null probability but P(A 1 ) + P(A 2 ) + … + P(A k ) = 1, * And if C is any other event such that P(C) is not 0 or 1, then: However, it is often intuitively much easier to work out answers with a probability tree than with these lengthy formulas.

28 If a woman in her 20s gets screened for breast cancer and receives a positive test result, what is the probability that she does have breast cancer? Cancer No cancer Mammography Positive Negative Positive Negative Disease incidence Diagnosis sensitivity Diagnosis specificity False negative False positive 0.0004 0.9996 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.9 Incidence of breast cancer among women ages 20–30 Mammography performance This time, we use Bayes’s rule: A1 is cancer, A2 is no cancer, C is a positive test result.

29 Random variable A random variable is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon. A couple want three children. We define the random variable X as the number of girls they may get (or equivalently number of boys that they may get). A discrete random variable X has a finite number of possible values. A continuous random variable X takes all values in an interval.

30 Probability distributions  The probability distribution of a random variable X tells us what values X can take and how to assign probabilities to those values.  Because of the differences in the nature of sample spaces for discrete and continuous sample random variables, we describe probability distributions for the two types of random variables separately.

31 A couple wants three children. What are the numbers of girls they could have? Define the random variable: X=number of girls Sample space of X (possible values of X): {0, 1, 2, 3} Then we get the probabilty model: P(X = 0) = p(0) =P(BBB) = 1/8 P(X = 1) = p(1) =P(BBG or BGB or GBB) = P(BBG) + P(BGB) + P(GBB) = 3/8 p(x) : probability distribution F(x) : distribution function or cumulative distribution function Define a discrete random variable xP(X=x) or p(x) or f(x) F(x) 0 1/8 1 3/8 4/8 2 3/8 7/8 3 1/8 8/8 =1

32 The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X lists the values and their probabilities: The probabilities p i must add up to 1. A basketball player shoots three free throws. The random variable X is the number of baskets successfully made. Value of X01230123 Probability1/83/83/81/8 H H H - HHH M … M M - HHM H - HMH M - HMM … HMMHHM MHMHMH MMMMMHMHHHHH

33 The probability of any event is the sum of the probabilities p i of the values of X that make up the event. A basketball player shoots three free throws. The random variable X is the number of baskets successfully made. Value of X01230123 Probability1/83/83/81/8 HMMHHM MHMHMH MMMMMHMHHHHH What is the probability that the player successfully makes at least two baskets (“at least two” means “two or more”)? P(X≥2) = P(X=2) + P(X=3) = 3/8 + 1/8 = 1/2 What is the probability that the player successfully makes fewer than three baskets? P(X<3) = P(X=0) + P(X=1) + P(X=2) = 1/8 + 3/8 + 3/8 = 7/8 or P(X<3) = 1 – P(X=3) = 1 – 1/8 = 7/8

34 Frequency tables for discrete variables Frequency: Number of observations in/for each category/value of the variable Relative Frequency: proportion/percentage of observations in/for each category/value of the variable Frequency Distribution: Listing of frequncies for all values of the variable Relative Frequency Distribution: Listing of relative frequencies for all values of the variable

35 Example To study the age structure of the people in Umeå, a random sample of 90 people was taken and recorded their : 23 people were less than 21yrs, 30 people were less than 36yrs, 15 people were less than 51yrs, 12 people were less than 71yrs and 10 people were 71yrs or older AgeFrequencyRelative frequency Cumulative relative frequency 0–20230.26 21–35300.330.59 36–50150.170.76 51–70120.130.89 71–100.111.00 Total901.00

36 Obtaining a probability model If our random sample is a good representation of the total population Define a random variable 1, if the person’s age is in 0–20 2, if the person’s age is in 21–35 X= 3, if the person’s age is in 36–50 4, if the person’s age is in 51–70 5, if the person’s age is 71 or older Value of XProbability f(x)Cumulative probability F(x) 10.26 20.330.59 30.170.76 40.130.89 50.111.00

37 Mean of a discrete random variable The mean of a set of observations is their arithmetic average. The mean µ of a random variable X is a weighted average of the possible values of X, reflecting the fact that all outcomes might not be equally likely. Value of X01230123 Probability1/83/83/81/8 HMMHHM MHMHMH MMMMMHMHHHHH A basketball player shoots three free throws. The random variable X is the number of baskets successfully made (“H”). The mean of a random variable X is also called expected value of X.

38 Mean of a discrete random variable For a discrete random variable X with probability distribution  the mean µ of X is found by multiplying each possible value of X by its probability, and then adding the products. Value of X01230123 Probability1/83/83/81/8 The mean µ of X is µ = (0*1/8) + (1*3/8) + (2*3/8) + (3*1/8) = 12/8 = 3/2 = 1.5 A basketball player shoots three free throws. The random variable X is the number of baskets successfully made.

39 Variance of a discrete random variable The variance and the standard deviation are the measures of spread that accompany the choice of the mean to measure center. The variance σ 2 X of a random variable is a weighted average of the squared deviations (X − µ X ) 2 of the variable X from its mean µ X. Each outcome is weighted by its probability in order to take into account outcomes that are not equally likely. The larger the variance of X, the more scattered the values of X on average. The positive square root of the variance gives the standard deviation σ of X.

40 Variance of a discrete random variable For a discrete random variable X with probability distribution  and mean µ X, the variance σ 2 of X is found by multiplying each squared deviation of X by its probability and then adding all the products. Value of X01230123 Probability1/83/83/81/8 The variance σ 2 of X is σ 2 = 1/8*(0−1.5) 2 + 3/8*(1−1.5) 2 + 3/8*(2−1.5) 2 + 1/8*(3−1.5) 2 = 2*(1/8*9/4) + 2*(3/8*1/4) = 24/32 = 3/4 =.75 A basketball player shoots three free throws. The random variable X is the number of baskets successfully made. µ X = 1.5.

41 Rules for means and variances If X is a random variable and a and b are fixed numbers, then µ a+bX = a + bµ X σ 2 a+bX = b 2 σ 2 X If X and Y are two independent random variables, then µ X+Y = µ X + µ Y σ 2 X+Y = σ 2 X + σ 2 Y σ 2 X-Y = σ 2 X + σ 2 Y If X and Y are NOT independent but have correlation ρ, then µ X+Y = µ X + µ Y σ 2 X+Y = σ 2 X + σ 2 Y + 2ρσ X σ Y σ 2 X-Y = σ 2 X + σ 2 Y - 2ρσ X σ Y

42 Binomial setting Binomial distributions are models for some categorical variables, typically representing the number of successes in a series of n trials. The observations must meet these requirements:  The total number of observations n is fixed in advance.  The outcomes of all n observations are statistically independent.  Each observation falls into just one of 2 categories: success and failure.  All n observations have the same probability of “success,” p. We record the next 50 births at a local hospital. Each newborn is either a boy or a girl; each baby is either born on a Sunday or not.

43 The distribution of the count X of successes in the binomial setting is the binomial distribution with parameters n and p: B(n,p).  The parameter n is the total number of observations.  The parameter p is the probability of success on each observation.  The count of successes X can be any whole number between 0 and n. A coin is flipped 10 times. Each outcome is either a head or a tail. The variable X is the number of heads among those 10 flips, our count of “successes.” On each flip, the probability of success, “head,” is 0.5. The number X of heads among 10 flips has the binomial distribution B(n = 10, p = 0.5). Binomial distribution

44 Applications for binomial distributions Binomial distributions describe the possible number of times that a particular event will occur in a sequence of observations. They are used when we want to know about the occurrence of an event, not its magnitude.  In a clinical trial, a patient’s condition may improve or not. We study the number of patients who improved, not how much better they feel.  Is a person ambitious or not? The binomial distribution describes the number of ambitious persons, not how ambitious they are.  In quality control we assess the number of defective items in a lot of goods, irrespective of the type of defect.

45 Binomial probabilities The number of ways of arranging k successes in a series of n observations (with constant probability p of success) is the number of possible combinations (unordered sequences). This can be calculated with the binomial coefficient: Where k = 0, 1, 2,..., or n.

46 Binomial formulas  The binomial coefficient “n_choose_k” uses the factorial notation “!”.  The factorial n! for any strictly positive whole number n is: n! = n × (n − 1) × (n − 2) × · · · × 3 × 2 × 1  For example: 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120  Note that 0! = 1.

47 Calculations for binomial probabilities The binomial coefficient counts the number of ways in which k successes can be arranged among n observations. The binomial probability P(X = k) is this count multiplied by the probability of any specific arrangement of the k successes: XP(X) 012…k…n012…k…n n C 0 p 0 q n = q n n C 1 p 1 q n-1 n C 2 p 2 q n-2 … n C x p k q n-k … n C n p n q 0 = p n Total1 The probability that a binomial random variable takes any range of values is the sum of each probability for getting exactly that many successes in n observations. P(X ≤ 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)

48 Finding binomial probabilities: tables  You can also look up the probabilities for some values of n and p in Table C in the back of the book.  The entries in the table are the probabilities P(X = k) of individual outcomes.  The values of p that appear in Table C are all 0.5 or smaller. When the probability of a success is greater than 0.5, restate the problem in terms of the number of failures.

49 Color blindness The frequency of color blindness (dyschromatopsia) in the Caucasian American male population is estimated to be about 8%. We take a random sample of size 25 from this population. What is the probability that exactly five individuals in the sample are color blind?  Use Excel’s “=BINOMDIST(number_s,trials,probability_s,cumulative)” P(x = 5) = BINOMDIST(5, 25, 0.08, 0) = 0.03285  P(x = 5) = (n! / k!(n  k)!)p k (1  p) n-k = (25! / 5!(20)!) 0.08 5 0.92 5 P(x = 5) = (21*22*23*24*24*25 / 1*2*3*4*5) 0.08 5 0.92 20 P(x = 5) = 53,130 * 0.0000033 * 0.1887 = 0.03285

50 Binomial mean and standard deviation The center and spread of the binomial distribution for a count X are defined by the mean  and standard deviation  : Effect of changing p when n is fixed. a) n = 10, p = 0.25 b) n = 10, p = 0.5 c) n = 10, p = 0.75 For small samples, binomial distributions are skewed when p is different from 0.5. a) b) c)

51 The Poisson setting  A count X of successes has a Poisson distribution in the Poisson setting:  The number of successes that occur in any unit of measure is independent of the number of successes that occur in any non- overlapping unit of measure.  The probability that a success will occur in a unit of measure is the same for all units of equal size and is proportional to the size of the unit.  The probability that 2 or more successes will occur in a unit approaches 0 as the size of the unit becomes smaller.

52 Poisson distribution  The distribution of the count X of successes in the Poisson setting is the Poisson distribution with mean μ. The parameter μ is the mean number of successes per unit of measure.  The possible values of X are the whole numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ….If k is any whole number 0 or greater, then P(X = k) = (e -μ μ k )/k! where  The standard deviation of the distribution is the square root of μ.

53 Poisson distribution: example  Number accidents X happening in a certain town in 6–month period is known to be a Poisson distribution with mean μ=2.  What is the probability that no accident in past 6 months in the town?  What is the probability that only 1 accident in past 6 months in the town?  What is the probability that more than 1 accident in past 6 months in the town?  Poisson probabilities can be found in statistical tables

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