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Ch 1 sec 1  To describe the limited democracy that developed in Athens  To trace changes in Greek democracy.

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2 Ch 1 sec 1

3  To describe the limited democracy that developed in Athens  To trace changes in Greek democracy

4 A. Because of geography, the Greeks developed “city-states”, individual cities that functioned as independent countries. B. The population of the city-states was small, so it made it easier for citizens to share responsibility for the prosperity of their city. C. The government began as a monarchy, but eventually was controlled by the aristocracy. Citizens elected 3 leaders to run the city, and only adult men who owned property could become citizens.

5  Changes in military technology also changed Greek society. Iron, which was cheaper and more accessible, replaced bronze as the material for weapons and armor.  This allowed the middle class to join the military and gain power in society. This also affected how citizens in each city-state approached life.  In Sparta, focus was put on discipline and military life. In Athens, philosophy and individual rights were emphasized.

6  In Sparta, boys began training for the military at age 7. Girls also trained, because they would be the mothers of soldiers and had to produce healthy sons.  The government consisted of two kings and a council that advised them. The assembly, made up of all males over the age of 30 and born in Sparta, approved major decisions.  The assembly elected 5 officials that ran the day to day affairs of the city.

7  Athens was run by a group of rich nobles, but the less wealthy began to turn against the nobility.  During economic hardships, the less wealthy would have to sell their land, or even themselves into slavery, just to survive.  This practice caused many people to rebel against the leaders, and the people began to push for democracy.

8 A. Economic problems were causing the poor to sell themselves into slavery, and tying them to the land. B. Solon saw the danger and tried to fix things by outlawing slavery based on debt and forgiving the debt of the farmers.

9 C. He changed the rules to become a citizen as well. All free adult males were citizens. They were then divided into 4 classes based on wealth. The top 3 could hold office. D. He also created the Council of 400 to tell the ruling council what issues to vote on.

10 E. He made the code of laws more fair, allowing citizens to bring charges against wrongdoers. F. He reformed the economy by encouraging trading with other areas. G. But he did not grant equal rights to everyone, and the nobility were still with all the power.

11 A. After Solon, many other rulers gained power by granting rights to more and more of the population. B. Pisistratus started to weaken the power of the nobility by allowing farmers and the poor to participate more in government. C. When Cleisthenes came to power, he wanted to break the nobility’s hold on the government.

12 D. He allowed all citizens to submit laws for the council to debate. E. He created the council of 500 to debate the laws, and had its members chosen at random. F. This gave more people access to government then ever before.

13 A. Greece and Persia go to war in 490 B.C. They fight for about 10 years, and the Greeks eventually win. B. The Greek city-states banded together to defeat the Persians, and now Athens wants to control them all. C. Pericles becomes the leader of Athens and has new ideas for the government.

14 A. Pericles added more paid positions in the government, and jurors also received pay when they served on a jury. B. Pericles believed that all males should be involved in government, regardless of wealth. C. Stressed the rights and duties of individuals as citizens in a democracy

15 D. Direct democracy evolved, as more people participated in the daily running of the city. E. This lasted a short time because Sparta would capture Athens, and eventually Alexander the Great would conquer and rule as king all of Greece.

16 A. Philosophers were beginning to use logic to figure out the great questions of the day. B. They saw that nature was ruled by laws that did not change, and through study people could find what those laws were. C. This respect for people’s abilities to use logic gave rise to the thought that people could govern themselves as well.

17 A. Used questions to make people examine their beliefs. B. He felt that the unexamined life was not worth living. C. Developed the Socratic method of teaching, based on the idea of questions and answers.

18 A. Student of Socrates who set up a school in Athens. B. Believed reason led to genuine knowledge. C. Rejected Athenian democracy, said the state should regulate citizen’s lives to provide for them. D. All people are born equal, but are limited by their abilities. E. 3 classes in society: workers, soldiers, philosophers.

19 A. Favored a constitutional government ruled by the middle class. B. Felt the city-state was the best form of community. C. Also taught reason was the guiding force for learning. D. Feared direct democracy would lead to mob rule.

20  Alexander was from Macedonia, north of Greece. His father, Philip, brought Aristotle to tutor Alexander because Philip admired Greek culture.  Philip was assassinated, and at 20 Alexander becomes king. He begins to conquer everyone he comes against, unifying Greece and moving east, taking Persia and moving all the way to India.

21  As he conquered areas, he would build cities to impart Greek culture to the new areas. This process was called Hellenization, and it spread throughout his empire.  He died suddenly, leaving no heir to run the empire. His top 4 generals divided up the area into 4 sections, and each took a section.  These 4 sections would battle with each other for control of the empire for 200 years, until a new empire rose up: Rome.

22  Write 3 things you learned today, 2 things you want to learn more about, and 1 thing you did not understand.  Then talk to your neighbor, and find out one thing that they learned that you did not write down, and write their name on your paper and the thing they learned.

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