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EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project T HE EU-S T OR E OER.

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Presentation on theme: "EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project T HE EU-S T OR E OER."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project T HE EU-S T OR E OER AND L EARNING S CENARIO C ONFERENCE – J ANUARY 27 th – 29 th 2016, Rome, Italy prof. PhD Carmen Sonia Duse prof. PhD Dan Maniu Duse Meeting in Valletta


3 TeachEngineering ctivity.xml ctivity.xml CURRICULUM FOR K-12 TEACHERS - engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering, and math classrooms. TeachEngineering curriculum is free to teachers for use in their classrooms Every lesson and activity is explicitly aligned to the science and/or math educational standards

4 Eliademy A platform for instructors to create, share and teach online courses which is free for teachers and public schools, There are 4 main types of courses which can created on Eliademy: 1) Invitation only. Such course is searchable in Google, but instructor has full control on who gets in. This is usually used by school teachers. 2) Open course - course is searchable in Google and anyone in the world can enrol. Such is usually used by universities what want to promote their courses First 2 modes are absolutely free for anyone to use. There are no limitation on about of students, courses or content. 3) Open course with paid enrolment. Students can discover and purchase course via a credit card of PayPal, 70% of such revenue its transferred to instructors. 4) Private course. This mode is usually used by private schools, training houses and small companies. It is for institutions who would like to deliver courses only to a limited number of people privately. In this situation there are extra tools for mass enrolment management, analytics, webinars and increased storage for private videos. train the employees, customers and partners confidentially

5 JHSPH OPEN COURSEWARE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH JHSPH OCW is a collection of the course materials that support a JHSPH education. Educators are encouraged to use the materials for curriculum and lecture development, students can augment their current learning by making use of the materials offered, and independent learners are encouraged to use these materials for personal enrichment and study. OCW makes JHSPH course materials used in the teaching of actual courses freely and openly available on the Web. It is possible to share and adapt the materials on OCW under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license OpenCourseWare Web sites differ from academic classes in that they are simply snapshots of content available in an academic course without any interaction with faculty or students at the Bloomberg School of Public Health.


7 OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES BY THE AFRICAN VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY In 2005 the African Virtual University (AVU) through a collaborative approach involving 12 African Universities started developing academic material for enhancing science teacher education and accelerating integration of ICTs in education. 12 African universities, 146 authors and peer reviewers from 10 countries in Anglophone, Francophone were involved A total of 219 modules were produced, 73 modules in each of the 3 languages (Eng., Franc., Port.) as follows: 46 in Mathematics and Sciences; 4 in ICT Basic Skills; 19 in Teacher Education professional courses; and 4 in integration of ICTs in Education. The modules were released as Open Education Resources under the Creative Commons license in order to make the material freely available.


9 OPEN COURSE LIBRARY The Open Course Library (OCL) is a collection of shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments designed by teams of college faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and other experts. Washington community and technical colleges’ Open Course Library simply offers collections of course materials that cost $30 or less for our 81 highest enrolled courses. OCL leverages open educational resources (OER) that can be used, adapted and shared for free as well as low-cost publisher materials.


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