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Women's Participation in Politics, Defense and Security Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Women's Participation in Politics, Defense and Security Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women's Participation in Politics, Defense and Security Issues

2 Where are the women in Political Decision Making? Women make up 22% of all Members of Parliaments around the world

3 Where are the women in Political Decision Making? South Africa = 41% Mozambique = 40% Botswana = 10% Malawi = 17% Namibia = 41%

4 Where are the women in Political Decision Making in Zimbabwe?

5 Ministers 4 24 Deputy Ministers519 Ministers of State 46 Total Representation of Women in the Executive = 12%

6 124 350 Only 24 directly representing Constituencies Total Representation in Parliament 35%

7 327 1631 Total Representation in Local Government = 16%

8 Policy Framework The Constitution of Zimbabwe Sections 17; 56 and 80 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provide for gender balance, equality and non-discrimination and also address issues of the rights of women to equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities. This provides dignity to women as persons and also politically, economically and socially. ZIMASSET Section 7.2.4 of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-economic Transformation (ZIM ASSET) has a cluster key result area on Gender Development with an outcome of improved gender equality and equity. Some of the outputs are: 50% of decision making positions held by women; Women participating in all levels of decision making; and Women participating in key social, economic and political sectors. ZIMASSET proposed strategies include setting up of a quota system for women in decision making. It also proposes capacity building of elected women MPs and Councillors, implementing sector gender policies and programmes, mainstreaming gender in policy formulation and implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of ZIMASSET.

9 Policy Framework Regional and International SADC Gender and Development Protocol The region has the distinction of being the only one in the world with a legally binding instrument for achieving gender equality (Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance 2014 ). The Protocol mandates member states to achieve (by 2015) 50% representation by women in politics and other levels of decision making. However, no SADC country has met the 50% threshold for women’s representation in Parliament, Cabinet and Local Government. IULA Worldwide Declaration on Women The Declaration focuses on Women in Local government and was adopted in 1998.Clause 7 states that democratic self-government has a critical role to play in securing social, economic and political justice for all citizens of every community in the world and that all members of society (women and men) must be included in the governance process.

10 Opportunities for Advocacy

11 SDG 5 -Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls SADC Protocol on Gender and Development

12 Inputting in various visioning processes on the continent and sub continent

13 Follow the money Government spending and priorities Political parties financing

14 Political Parties Political will and voluntary party quotas Electoral organs

15 Regional Integration Policies Rules and Regulations of Member states behaviour Operationalising the principles agreed? Q How do these impact on women and where are women in this framework?

16 Myth-Regional Integration/Peace/Security Defence issues are gender neutral The myth can only be addressed if we question Defence/Peace/Security for who in the region? Economy & People Governments don’t do Business! Business in not done by papers but people Therefore Business and People require particular set of Enablers/Facilitators

17 Context of Peace & Security A clear and holistic understanding of the intersection of Peace/Security and Trade/People will give a better understanding of Human Security issues Context for Human Security-requires both groups to change their point of departure E.g. People are not just criminals/security threats People are not bent on violating rules/regualtions

18 Current Enablers-SADC Trade & Trade facilitation Programs Trust in Business Trust and in People Trust in Systems = Security You cannot build trust where there is uncertainty – where you are unsure that departure from JHB on Monday will mean arrivial in LSK on Tues Where you are unsure that if you purchase goods they will arrive in untampered at destination

19 Human Security? Reforms Are Not Meant For Women-But Directly Impact on Women Examples One Stop Border Post in Chirundu -reduced amount of time spent @border (addressing many social security vices) -reduced level of human & social vulnerability of women Tax rebate-ZIM-Botswana -removal of requirement that persons had to be in other country for a day to qualify for rebate mean that women no longer had to sleep in the open in Botswana -reduces their vulnerability to attacks & other horrors of the night simply to qualify for rebate

20 Thank You

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