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Bell Ringer  Use your device to find and download this app:  Socrative Student  Take the Chapter 1 Pre-Test.

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1 Bell Ringer  Use your device to find and download this app:  Socrative Student  Take the Chapter 1 Pre-Test

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4 Psychology: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. What do you already know?

5 5 Goals of Psychology  Observe Behavior  Describe Behavior  Explain Behavior  Predict Behavior  Control Behavior

6 Psychology Careers

7 History of Psychology  Wilhelm Wundt-Founder of Modern Psychology  1879- “birth year” of psychology  Introduction of Scientific Method Social Science rooted in Natural Sciences  Psychological laboratories established  Structuralism & Functionalism

8 The Gestalt School  Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang K ö hler  “Perceptions are more than the sums of their parts. Rather, they are wholes that give shape, or meaning, to the parts.”  Believe learning is active and purposeful

9 Biological Perspective  Charles Darwin  Emphasizes the influence of biology on our behavior  Our mental processes are made possible through:  Nervous System  Brain  Heredity  Influences of hormones and genes  Twin Studies

10 Psychoanalytic Perspective  Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung  Attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts  Focused on abnormal behavior  Freudian Slip, Dream Analysis

11 Behaviorism/Learning Perspective  Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, Albert Bandura  Psychology should only study observable behaviors, not mental processes  Rewards and Punishments shape our learning  Pavlov’s Dogs, Little Albert, Classical and Operant Conditioning

12 Humanistic Perspective  Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers  Studies conscious experience, the individual’s freedom to choose, and the capacity for personal growth  People are basically good  Whole person is different from the sum of all the parts  Influenced by Gestalt Psychologists  Hierarchy of Needs, Free Will, Self-Actualization

13 Cognitive Perspective  Jean Piaget (Child Development)  Focuses on how people think– how we take in, process, store, and retrieve information  Roots in Structuralism, functionalism, and Gestalt psychology

14 Sociocultural Perspective  Focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in different contexts or situations  Ethnicity, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, etc.  Part of Social Psychology

15 Applying Perspectives  Andrea Yates Trial Andrea Yates Trial  What perspective best explains her behavior?  Cognitive: Mental functioning– she thought she was possessed by the devil and her children were not developing properly  Biological: Biological defect, bipolar diagnosis, neurotransmitter problems, postpartum depression, or mood disorder that runs in the family  Sociocultural: Family dynamics; husband and extended family not supportive  Behavioral: Learned response; negative environmental influences  Psychoanalytic: Childhood conflicts or trauma results in unconscious forces prevailing  Humanistic: Lost faith in self as a mother; hopelessness

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