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The Wisdom of “Doctrine of the Mean” By Henry Chu Speaker Master.

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1 The Wisdom of “Doctrine of the Mean” By Henry Chu Speaker Master

2 Introduction “Doctrine of the Mean” (DOM) is one of the Four Confucian Classics, which are: “The Analects”, “The Great Learning”, the “Doctrine of the Mean” and “Mencius” Historically, DOM had been considered a book of philosophy However, looking at DOM with the Taoist perspective, we realized that DOM is a book of highly advanced spiritual teaching

3 Introduction It is the aim of this lecture to put the teaching of DOM in spiritual perspective Therefore, we will first discuss various stages of spiritual Ascension Then we will place the teaching of DOM in reference to these stages Finally, we will discuss key chapters in DOM in reference to the stages of Ascension

4 Stages of Ascension According to the temple teaching, here are the stages of Ascension: – Receiving Tao/Dharma Meeting – Karma Resolution – Sin Resolution – Ego Resolution – First Enlightenment – Sustained Enlightenment – Receiving Mandate (Mission/Position) – Achieving Mandate (Mission/Position) – Divine Rank

5 The Teaching of DOM DOM consists of 33 chapters Chapter 1 of DOM begins with “Heavenly life is called the Soul, following the Soul is called the Tao, cultivating the Tao is call Teaching. The Tao cannot be removed even for minute moment. That which can be removed is not the Tao.” This important verse indicated the teaching of DOM begins from the reference of the Soul

6 The Teaching of DOM “Soul Seeing” is another word for enlightenment Therefore DOM begins at the point of enlightenment and so this teaching is the “post-enlightenment” teaching At this point, we will begin discussing selected chapters of DOM and arrange them in order to create a cohesion of the teaching

7 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 1: Heavenly Life – “Heavenly life is called the Soul, following the Soul is called the Tao, cultivating the Tao is call Teachings. The Tao cannot be removed even for minute moment. That which can be removed is not the Tao. Therefore, a gentleman is cautious with that which cannot be seen and anxious with that which cannot be heard. Nothing is more discerning than that which is invisible and nothing is more pronounced than that which is minuscule. Therefore a gentle is most cautious when he is alone.”

8 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 1 (continue): – “Before the bursting of Joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, that is the Center. After the bursting, but with proper extinction, that is Harmony. Center is the great Universal origin, Harmony is the mean to attain Tao. When one attains Center and Harmony, Heaven will bestow divine position, all creations will be nourished.”

9 The Wisdom of DOM Here are some wisdom of Chapter 1: – Our Soul is the essence of our divinity – We are integrally connected to the fabrics of space and time and we can never be detached – Once a person has realized of his/her Soul connection then he/she has reached Heaven – A person’s heart/thought is the most important aspect of spirituality and requires cultivation

10 Wisdom of DOM Wisdom of Chapter 1: – Cultivation of the heart requires the sustaining of non-emotion (Center) – Another aspect of cultivation is the ability to release emotions (Harmony) – When a person has master the skills of Center and Harmony then he/she has enable the sustained Enlightenment – At which point, he/she becomes a representative of Heaven on Earth

11 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 2: Confucius Said Confucius said, “Gentlemen sustain the Mean, Small-men oppose the Mean. The Gentlemen sustain the Mean by constantly focusing on the Center. Small-men oppose the Mean by having no consideration.”

12 The Wisdom of DOM Here are some wisdom of Chapter 2: – It is not enough to have one enlightenment experience – It is important to sustain that enlightenment experience (which is the constant connection to Heaven) – Focusing on the Center (the First Treasure) is the key to sustained enlightenment – Those who do no cultivate give no consideration to such activity (most people are ego driven)

13 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 6: Emperor Shun Confucius said, “Emperor Shun is of great intelligence. Emperor Shun like to ask, and like to contemplate others’ words. Conceal the Evil and glorify the Good. Holding the two extremes and apply the Mean to the people. This is the way of Emperor Shun.”

14 The Wisdom of DOM Here are some wisdom of Chapter 6: – Emperor Shun was a peasant but through self cultivation, he achieved sustained enlightenment – The next stage after that is called Receiving the Mandate of Heaven – When a person received the Mandate of Heaven, he or she becomes the representative of God and naturally be placed into a higher social position – With the Mandate of Heaven, he/she can lead the people into higher spiritual awakening

15 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 14: Following Position – “A gentleman acts according to his position, and does not wish for anything beyond. Following wealth and nobility, then act according to wealth and nobility. Following poverty and ordinary, then act according to poverty and ordinary. Following barbarism, then act according to barbarism. – Following plight and difficulty, then act according to plight and difficulty. A gentleman will never be in a place without self-fulfillment.”

16 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 14 (continue): – “In a high position, do not abuse those below; in a low position, do not covet those above. Bring righteousness to oneself and make no demand of others, then there will be no grudge; no grudge toward Heaven and no resentment toward people. – Therefore a gentleman lives a simple life to wait for the mission. A little-man acts with recklessness looking for exceptions. – Confucius said, ‘Archery is similar to the way of a gentleman, missing the right target, reflect onto oneself for correction.’”

17 The Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 14: – Mandate of Heaven is given based on virtues and the person’s spiritual achievement – If a person has the virtues, then Heaven will naturally give the rightful position – Every position in life is designed to advance the person into the next higher position in life (spiritual evolution) – A person should be truthful to his/her station in life (even if it is a low and terrible position)

18 Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 14: – All positions (no matter good or bad) are opportunities for further advancements – Never abuse the power that comes with the position, or else it will be a lost of virtues (and the consequence is the lost of position) – Never covet the higher position because that is also a lost of virtue – Focusing on spiritual growth is the key to receiving the Mandate of Heaven

19 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 17: Great Filial Piety – Confucius said, “Shun possess great filial piety. His virtues made him a saint and his reverence made him the emperor. He possessed the wealth of all four seas. Temples continue to worship him and his posterities continue to sustain him (virtues).” – “Therefore the ones with great virtues always possess the rightful positions, the rightful prosperity, the rightful fame, and the rightful longevity. Therefore, Heaven gave birth to all things, so (Heaven) must use their talents to affirm their places.

20 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 17 (continue) – “Therefore, those who cultivates will be nourished and those who are sly will be toppled. – The Classic of Poem stated, ‘The kind and jolly gentlemen possess illuminating virtues, bring happiness to citizens and to all people, receiving prosperity from Heaven, blessed with divine protection, receiving directly from Heaven.’ – Therefore, the ones with great virtues will always receive the mission.”

21 The Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 17: – This is another discourse on the Receiving of the Mandate of Heaven – Emperor Shun is the perfect example of a person rising through social ranks via spiritual cultivation – That which applies to position is the same with fame, prosperity, honor and social influence – Therefore the key to success in life is spiritual cultivation

22 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 19: “…The ritual of the nation is to worship the Heavenly Lord. The ritual of the ancestral temple is to worship the ancestors. Understanding the meaning behind the rituals of worshipping Heaven and the ritual of worshipping the ancestors, then governing the nation is as easy as extending and showing one’s hands.”

23 The Wisdom of DOM The Wisdom of Chapter 19: – After a person received the Mandate of Heaven, he or she must achieve the Mandate of Heaven – This next phase of spirituality requires Leadership – In order to be a good leader, one must be a great follower, and lead the people toward spiritual cultivation – The essence of ritual worship is the key to establishing such leadership

24 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 20: “… Confucius said, “Loving to learn is close to intelligence; earnest action is close to compassion; understanding shame is close to bravery. Knowing these three, then one knows how to cultivate self; knowing how to cultivate self, then one knows how to govern others; knowing how to govern others, then one knows how to govern the nations and the world.”

25 The Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 20: – Besides leading people with ritual worship, it is also important to cultivate the qualities of leadership – The Three Qualities of leadership are: Intelligence (the manifestation of the Soul) Compassion (the true essence of the heart) Bravery (the projection of physical strength)

26 The Wisdom of DOM Chapter 25: “This Sincerity is established within one self; this Tao is established within one self. This Sincerity is the origin and destination of all things; without Sincerity, there will be nothing. Therefore to a gentleman, Sincerity is the most valuable. This Sincerity is not the establishing of one self only; it is to establish all others.”

27 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 25: (continue) “Establishing one self, this is called benevolence; establishing others, this is called intelligence. The virtue of the soul is the uniting of the internal and external Tao. Therefore, act according to timing and propriety only.”

28 The Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 25: – After cultivating the qualities of Leadership, it is important to understand the importance of divine connection through Sincerity – Prior to this stage of spirituality, Sincerity is the virtue that enables self enlightenment – After receiving the Mandate of Heaven, Sincerity is the virtue that enables divine blessings, which is the assisting of other’s spiritual enlightenment

29 Wisdom of DOM The wisdom of Chapter 25: – This is the origin of Internal and External cultivations of Tao – The true spiritual awareness of the Soul is the realization of the Great Unity, which means all spirits of the world share one Singular Soul – Therefore, if one person in this world is suffering, then everyone in this world is suffering – The skill of leadership is act according to propriety

30 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 31: “Only the extreme holiness of the world possesses the most enlightened and intelligent heart and thus is capable of reigning over the world…people will naturally revere when they come to meet him; thus is why people will naturally believe when they come to listen to him; thus is why people will naturally speak of his deeds when they witness his actions. Therefore, his name will be praised and honored all over the Middle Kingdom; likewise to all barren and barbaric lands.”

31 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 31: “ Where ever boats and carriages can reach, where ever people’s strength can attain, everywhere that Heaven encompasses, everywhere that Earth supports, everywhere that the Sun and the Moon shine, everywhere that dew and frost emerge. Every living being that’s filled with blood, all will respect and endear. Therefore, such a person can match Heaven.”

32 Wisdom of DOM Wisdom of Chapter 31: – This is in reference to the divine rank – When a person achieved a divine rank, people of all race and culture will naturally revere, trust, honor and praise – Such a person will become a legendary figure and be eternally memorialized and often worshipped as a deity within the culture – Such is how a person becomes an immortal

33 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 33: “The classic of Poem stated ‘Glamourous clothing requires a cloak’, this reveals the displeasure for literatures to be flamboyant…The ways of the gentlemen are plain and not distasteful, simple and enlightening, warm and understanding…The classic of Poem stated ‘That which hides under the current can still be vividly seen.’ Therefore a gentleman constantly reflects within and never weary of the meditations;”

34 Wisdom of DOM Chapter 33: (continue) “The classic of Poem stated ‘Don’t have to reveal the One Virtue and yet hundreds will avoid the punishing tortures.’ Therefore a gentleman forties Sincere Respect and the world can attain peace.”… “The classic of Poem stated ‘Great virtue is as light as a feather’ and yet even a feather has weight. ‘The encompassing and the supporting of Heaven is without sound or scent. This is extreme (virtue).”

35 Wisdom of DOM Wisdom of Chapter 33: – At the final chapter, Confucius emphasized the important of conceal our true divinity – The truth of who we are (after attained our divine rank) need not be publicized – In fact it is a vow that every Buddha takes to never revealed his/her true divinity while on human form (or else it is the immediate death of the physical form)

36 Wisdom of DOM Wisdom of Chapter 33: – This is insight is most important because only the false-teachers or evil deities need confirmation from others, and therefore require publicity – The true teacher and true divine spirits are here to do the works on behalf of Heaven and therefore do not require publicity – People only know of these divine beings after their death

37 Conclusion DOM is truly a book of high advanced spiritual teaching It takes us from the point of enlightenment into the post-enlightenment stages of spirituality We find great resemblance between the teachings of DOM and the temple teachings This teaching gives us great insights into the journey ahead of us

38 Questions

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