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2 London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cities in the world. LONDON

3 HISTORY London began on two small patches of dry land in the middle of a marsh on the north bank of the Thames. That was before the Romans came. In Roman times it was named Londinium, and was already a centre of trade. Today London covers a vast area, with millions of inhabitants.patchesmarsh coversvast inhabitants

4 CITY OF LONDON Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is an area of one square mile running along the Thames Embankment from about Waterloo Bridge to Tower Bridge. It is the financial and business centre of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted

5 GREATER LONDON Finally there is Greater London which includes inner London and the suburbs. It forms a kind of circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles.includes suburbs

6 BUCKINGHAM PALACE BUCKINGHAM PALACE every day at 11.30 a.m. and lasts for 30 minutes. The Queen’s Guards wear traditional uniforms and tall black fur caps called busbies. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on the top of Buckingham Palace. It is the official residence of the Royal family. It is very interesting to watch the ceremony which dates back to the 17 th century. It is called Changing of the Guard. The ceremony takes place in front of BUCKINGHAM PALACE every day at 11.30 a.m. and lasts for 30 minutes. The Queen’s Guards wear traditional uniforms and tall black fur caps called busbies. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on the top of Buckingham Palace.

7 THE WORLD LARGEST PORT The existence of London depended on its water-born trade which still makes London one of the world’s largest ports. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre.

8 LONDON AS A CULTURAL CENTRE London has many different faces. -There is the West End, a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre, where, mostly, well-to-do people live. fashionablewell-to-do -There is Mayfair stretching from the West End along Park Lane to Marble Arch. stretching

9 MUSEUMS and ART GALLERIES London is also famous for its art galleries and museum. The National Gallery contains a rich collection representing works of all European schools of painting existed between the 13 th and the 19 th centuries. In 1897 the Tate Gallery was opened in London. Now it contains valuable collections of British and European paintings and modern sculptures. The British Museum is famous for its library and reading halls. Madame Tussaud’s Museum is famous for its collection of waxworks.

10 BIG BEN Big Ben is the name given to the clock on one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. The clock with its bell is named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the chief Commissioner of Works when the Houses of Parliament were rebuilt in 1850. Sir Benjamin Hall was a very tall and stout man. His nickname was «Big Ben»

11 RIGHT OR WRONG 1. Actually there are several Londons. Right Wrong 2. At night the City of London is almost deserted. Right Wrong 3. London began when the Romans came. Right Wrong 4. London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world. Right Wrong

12 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1.Is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river? 2.How was London named in Roman times? 3.How many Londoners are there? 4.What is the City of London? 5.Where is a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre situated?

13 FILL IN THE GAPS 1. In Roman times London was already a centre of …. a) entertainment b) trade c) businesstrade 2. At …. it is almost deserted. a) midnight b) noon c) nightnight 3. It forms … … … circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles. a) a type of b) a kind of c) a sort ofa kind of 4. Finally there is Greater London which … inner London and the suburbs. a) divides b) separates c) includesincludes 5. London one of the … largest ports. a) a) world’s b) city’s c) country’s world’s

14 FIND ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS 1.The West End is a part of London, where, mostly,(состоятельные) people live. 2.Today London covers a vast area, millions of (жителей). 3.About half a million people work (там) during the day. 4.This is a (обширная) area running eastward from the City. 5.(Затем) there is the Country of London. 6.It is the financial and (деловой) centre of Great Britain. 1.inhabitant 2.well-to-do 3.then 5.vast 6.there



17 If you are ready for the lesson, let’ s START


19 There is no place home is best. East or west like home. Dry bread at home is better its customs. Every country has than roast meat abroad.

20 No man should travel he has learned the language of the country he visits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby – so helpless and so ridiculous. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

21 What an engineer a teacher a hairdresser a student a guide a driver a tourist a programmist What jobs need English? businessmen

22 Why ? to know the history culture to learn a language to discover new places to see the sights to know customs, traditions to visit new places to meet people to make friends Why do people travel ?


24 Thank you for the lesson Please write down your home task Around the world discover the Perfect Place Good Bye

25 . МБОУ «Гимназия №29» учитель английского языка I категории Карамиева Гульгена Рауфовна Г. Набережные Челны 2013 год.

26 Цели: Образовательные: совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму. Развивающие: развивать творческие способности школьников, умения анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы. Воспитательные: формировать уважение к мнению другого человека; прививать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитать конкурентоспособную личность. Сопутствующая задача – контроль умений учащихся самостоятельно оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности. Оборудование: карточки с настроениями, карточки с упражнениями, компьютер, экран, проектор, доска; упражнения с заданиями, презентация «Лондон», выполненные на компьютере с помощью программы для презентаций “Power Point”; карты англоязычных стран, рекламные проспекты, открытки.

27 Ход урока 1.Организационный момент. (Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке) Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you today. Good morning, dear guests! Welcome to our lesson. Dear children, I hope that you are fine today. Teacher: How are you? Pupil: I’m Ok. Teacher: How are you? Pupil: I’m fine. And you? Teacher: I’m Ok. Thank you. Are you good? Pupil: Yes, I’m good. Teacher: How are you? Pupil: I’m well. Teacher: On your desks you can see pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows how you are feeling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it. If you are ready for the lesson, let’s Today the theme of our lesson is “Travelling… what for?” It’s a revision lesson.

28 We’ve spoken a lot on how to spend your free time. Travelling is considered to be one of the best ways of spending holidays and it plays an important part in people’s entertainment.

29 2.Warming up. (О самооценке работы учащимися.) Teacher: Today we’re going to read, speak and write about places. We’ll travel a lot today and make some stops. They are: Translation, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. Teacher: You will evaluate your work yourselves using the evaluation sheet. Your aim is to reach the top of the mountain by the end of the lesson. Evaluation Sheet Your answerRight answerMountain of success Translation Reading Listening Speaking Writing

30 Teacher: To begin with, let’s remember proverbs about travelling. Match two parts and translate them. Work in pairs. 1)There is no place home is best. 2)East or West its customs. 3)Dry bread at home is better, like home. 4)Every country has, than roast meat abroad. Pupil: (работают в группах) Teacher: Are you ready? Pupil: Yes, we are ready. Teacher: Read and translate proverbs. First group: There is no place, like home. (Нет места, подобного дому.) Every country has its customs. (Каждая страна имеет свои обычаи.) Teacher: Thank you. The next group. Second group: East on West, home is best. (Восток или Запад, дома лучше всего.) Dry bread at home is better, than roast meat abroad. (Сухой хлеб дома лучше, чем жареное мясо за границей.) Teacher: Thank you.

31 3. Чтение высказывания с общим охватом содержания. Teacher: The motto of the lesson today is Today’s Quotation is “Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter” “No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby- so helpless and so ridiculous. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

32 Teacher: How can you explain the quotation of the lesson and translate? Pupil: Ученики отвечают на вопрос, переводят. Teacher: Do you agree that travelling in another country is a very pleasant thing even if you don’t know the language of the country? Pupil: No I don’t think so, because if you don’t know the language, you can’t ask what you need. Pupil: Yes, I agree with you, because I’ll travel with translator. Pupil: No, I disagree with you, because I can’t communicate with people. 4. Развитие речевых навыков. Teacher: Dear children, tell me please why are you learning English? Give your reasons… P1,2,3… (дают свои ответы): Because it’s interesting, it’s useful, to listen English songs, play computer games, travel to foreign countries, its need for us.

33 Teacher: What jobs need English? P1,2,3,4: a pilot, a teacher, a translator, a tourist, a travel agent, an engineer, a bookkeeper, a driver… Teacher: Dear children, make sentences about jobs (profession). Work in groups. Pupil: (работают в группах). What A student A teacher An engineer Computer programmers A guide A driver Businessmen A hairdresser A tourist

34 Teacher: Are you ready? Pupil: Yes. Teacher: Now, read your sentences. First group: Pilots need English to speak to air traffic control. Pop singer need English to be popular all over the world. Computer programmers need English to work in the computer industry. Pilots a) to get good education and high payment job Pop singers b) speak to air traffic control Computer programmers need English c) be popular all to over the world Travel agents d) travel to different countries Tourists e) work in the computer industry Students f) talk to hotel, airport and restaurant people

35 Second group: Travel agents need English to talk to hotel, airport and restaurant people. Tourists need English to travel to different countries. Students need English to get good education and high payment job. Teacher: Why do people travel? Give your reasons.. P1,2,3: (дают свои ответы) Why To meet people To discover new places To learn a language To make friends To visit new places To know customs traditions To know the history, culture To see the sights

36 5. Контроль домашнего задания. Teacher: Your homework was to prepare the situation “Why do you like to travel?” Let’s listen to some of you.

37 Pupil 1 : I like to travel very much, because it is very interesting and funny. I have been in different cities in Russia, but I would like to visit different countries and cities in Europe and in America. I know, that in every country there are a lot of interesting things and places of interest. It is very useful for people, because they get new knowledge about different countries. But I think, at first every person should visit some cities in his own country. Because if people don’t know history of their own country, they can’t go abroad. And so I would like to visit every beautiful town in Russia. Pupil 2 : I like to travel, because this is interesting and exciting. Somebody can make the acquaintance of famous person, can see different interesting places. And about myself, I can say, that I was in France, in Germany, in Poland. And I believe that I’ll visit England. It’s my dream. And I think that our English lessons will help me on that. Pupil 3 : I like to go to Sarapul because this is my homeland and my relatives, my friends are in Sarapul. There is beautiful river Kama in Sarapul. There are many sightseeing in Sarapul. Pupil 4 : I like travel because this is cool, you will be in many countries. You buy new national clothes. I was in Scotland and it was interesting trip, I was near lake LochNess. Neisse is very famous. It was interesting and beautiful travel.

38 6. Relaxation. (Играет спокойная музыка) Teacher: Close your eyes. Sit comfortable. Image that you are in London. There are beautiful houses, buildings, clean streets, double-decker buses, and London’s taxi. There are beautiful and colorful flowers in the street, kind people. London is the home of the Queen. There is Big Ben. It is one of the biggest clocks in the world. There is a Trafalgar square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, London Eye. And suddenly, you want be in this city. Open your eyes and look at the blackboard. 7. Presentation “London”. (Презентация сопровождается песней Scorpions “Wind of change”) Teacher: At the end of the presentation you must do exercises, that’s you must be very attentive. And remember the information. (просмотр и работа по презентации «Лондон») 8. Conclusion. (определение настроения в конце урока.) Teacher: Take your pictures of different moods once more and choose one which shows your mood at the moment. Is it different? Dear friends, I believe that someday you’ll go to a foreign country, and have a good time there. Don’t forget the motto of our lesson: “Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter”.

39 9. Работа по карточкам. Teacher: I’ll give cards with questions, you must choose right answers. Everybody work individually. Pupil: (работают самостоятельно по карточкам и сдают учительнице.) How many people live in England? a)5 million b)49 million c)3 million 2. What is the name of Scotland’s national instrument? a)balalaika b)drums c)bagpipes 3. What country has the most famous lake Loch Ness? a)Scotland b)Wales c)Russia 4. What country has the Queen? a)Russia b)Australia c)England 5. How many parts are there in the Great Britain? a)3 b)4 c)2

40 10. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание. Teacher: Now, I see that you like traveling very much and know a lot of interesting things about it. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following. (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке.) And these sweet presents for you too. (раздает сладкие призы.) Now, please write down your home task. Have you got any question? The lesson is over. Good-bye.

41 Самоанализ урока «Travelling … what for?» Сейчас стало очень модно путешествовать за границу. Многие люди проводят свой отпуск, уикенды, каникулы именно этим способом и это играет важную роль в жизни многих людей. Сегодняшний урок был обобщающим уроком по теме «Free time», раздел “Travelling”. А чтобы путешествовать в заграницу надо знать язык. Владение английским языком и умение общаться на нем сейчас очень актуально. Есть даже такая поговорка: пессимист – изучает китайский, оптимист – изучает английский, реалист – автомат Калашникова. Тем более, что вводится ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Почти все профессии требуют знание английского языка и требуют уже на высоком уровне, идет отбор – конкуренция. Многие организации хотят иметь специалистов, умеющих свободно общаться на английском языке, потому что сейчас активно налаживаются контакты с Европейскими фирмами.

42 На уроке ребята сидели не по отдельности, а в группах, это сплачивает ребят, принцип «коллективных творческих дел» с одной стороны приучает к деловому сотрудничеству, к умению контактировать друг с другом и с преподавателями, что благоприятно скажется на их жизни и профессиональной деятельности. Важную роль, с другой стороны, играют эстетическое воспитание, развитие вкуса, чувства и меры, эмоциональное воспитание, умение выступать на публике, побороться за свое «место» с конкурентами. Идет конкуренция и выживает сильнейший. А чтобы быть сильным опять же надо знать язык. Я ставила перед собой следующие задачи: совершенствовать умения навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму. развивать творческие способности школьников, умения анализировать, обобщать делать выводы. формировать уважение к мнению другого человека, прививать интерес к изучению языка, воспитать конкурентоспособного выпускника. контроль умений учащихся самостоятельно оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности. Ребята приняли активное участие, получили оценки. Я считаю, что поставленные задачи были достигнуты.


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