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Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach’s birth Johann Bach was born on March 21 st 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. He was the son of Johann Ambrosius & Maria Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach’s birth Johann Bach was born on March 21 st 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. He was the son of Johann Ambrosius & Maria Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johann Sebastian Bach

2 Bach’s birth Johann Bach was born on March 21 st 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. He was the son of Johann Ambrosius & Maria Elizabeth. His father was the town musician. Bach came from a long line of composers. They were also devoutly Lutheran. Bach received violin lessons from his dad. He had a beautiful voice & sang in church.

3 Childhood  In 1694 his mother & father died within 2 months of each other. At age 10, Johann moved to Ohrdruf, Germany, to live with his brother, who was the organist at a church. From him Johann Sebastian received his first instruction on the keyboard.  In 1700s Bach was awarded a scholarship for his fine voice at St. Michael’s school in Luneburg.  He traveled to Hamburg, Germany to hear other musician often.

4 In 1703, Bach was hired at a church in Arnstad, Germany. It gave him time to practice his favorite instrument and develop his skills. In 1705 Bach obtained a month’s leave to visit a church in Lubeck, Germany. He was impressed with the organist there that he stayed for another 4 months, without telling the church in Arnstad. He came back composing long organ preludes. Organ Skill….

5 In 1707, Bach was appointed organist at a church in Germany. Later that year Bach married Maria Barbara Bach his own cousin. He want to present the church with what he called “well-ordered church music.” The pastor liked the music to be both mass and simple. The brilliant Cantata No. 71, Gott ist mein Konig was written for the service. Organ Skills continued

6 Working for Royalty Johann arrived in Weimer, Germany in 1708 as court organist to Duke Ernst. His salary was doubled and allowed him to work in stricter Lutheran environment. Years 1708 to 1710 saw large amounts of original organ music by Bach. In 1716 he became upset when he was not offered the opportunity o replace the duke’s court conductor. The same time Prince Leopold of Cothen, heard Bach and offered him a position. Bach requested his release to go to Cöthen, Duke Wilhelm refused to accept such short notice. Bach became so angry he was placed under arrest.

7 Prime Life!!!! In Cothen Bach’s prime responsibly was to conduct the court orchestra. In 1720 his wife died leaving him a widower with 7 children. Late 1721 he married Anna Magdalena Wulken a 21 year old singer. During the next 20 year her and Bach had 13 more children. The Leipzig was reluctant to hire Bach because he was a organist and not a composer.

8 Prime Life continued Bach produced his greatest instrumental works during the Cöthen period. The other Cöthen musicians were all skilled performers, and their talent inspired Bach to write special music for them. Bach also wrote his major orchestral works during this period. He wrote many of his keyboard works for the instruction of his own children. After prince Leopold got married he had less time for music so the orchestra had less to do. This decrease in importance, plus Bach's concern over his children's education, led him to look for another position in a strong Lutheran area. In 1723 he was named cantor (choir leader) of Leipzig, Germany, to replace the deceased Johann Kuhnau.

9 Later years! During his final year Bach was starting to lose his eye sight. He was completely blind his last year of life. Few days before his death he read part of the hymn Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich allhier for his son in law to write down. With a high fever and a stroke, Bach died on July 28 th, 1750.


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