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Aoife Longmore and Donny Cummings City of Austin Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) Austin RESILIENCE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "Aoife Longmore and Donny Cummings City of Austin Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) Austin RESILIENCE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aoife Longmore and Donny Cummings City of Austin Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) Austin RESILIENCE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Austin and Travis County 2014-2015

2 Pilot Beginnings


4 Pilot Concept  Resilience Implementation Process (RIP): increase understanding of: – critical infrastructure dependencies, – interdependencies, – cascading effects, and – mitigation opportunities *for a defined geographical region.

5 Pilot Concept

6 Resilience Implementation Process

7 Scenario  Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) threat scenario  A coordinated terrorist attack on electrical substations incapacitates the local grid. Impacts rapidly cascade through interconnected segments of critical infrastructure and stress the region’s ability to provide and perform critical functions. Temperatures are 98 degrees Fahrenheit with forecasts of 106-108◦ temperatures for the next five days.

8 Austin Objectives Map dependencies and interdependencies with energy loss as the focal point Assess cascading effects on lifeline sectors and on economy (critical manufacturing), healthcare, and emergency services Develop an iterative process Establish a method of assessing resilience Assess risk holistically Determine what is critical (assets, nodes, systems, processes)

9 Timeline Dependency/Interdependency (D/I) Planning Meetings -InitialSep 2014 -Mid-TermOct 2014 -FinalNov 2014 D/I Workshop and Hotwash- RehearsalDec 2014 D/I Workshop and Hotwash- FullJan 2015 Risk MappingJan – Mar 2015 Capabilities Analysis Tabletop Exercise (CALEX) Planning Meetings -InitialFeb 2015 -Mid-termMar 2015 -FinalApr 2015 CALEX and HotwashMay 2015 After Action ReportJune 2015

10 D/I Workshop

11 Modeling


13 Austin CI Resilience Model

14 CALEX Planning Meetings Larger planning team Worked out who, where, how of exercise Struggled with participation from healthcare and critical manufacturing Sector leads on team identified participants Identified Facilitators and Compilers

15 CALEX Objectives Recognize that the loss of one lifeline sector may result in a loss or reduction of additional critical resources or services Examine how loss of essential services impacts your agency’s ability to operate Discuss resulting impacts on the ability to serve the community and protect public health and safety Examine how the impacts change over time Identify measures or resources that will improve your agency’s ability to meet mission essential functions when one or more critical resources or services are unavailable

16 CALEX 8:30Registration 9:00Welcome and Introduction 9:45Module 1: One Day Post-Incident 10:30Break 10:45Module 2: Three Days Post-Incident 11:30Lunch 12:00Module 4: Seven Days Post-Incident 12:45Summary 1:45Hot Wash 2:00Closing Comments 2:15EndEx


18 CALEX Conclusions Fuel is an immediate need for all Water is knocked out almost immediately Hospital restoration can take 2-3 months Fabrication plants can take up to 6 months to restart; after days, companies consider permanent relocation IT data safe but inaccessible; cellular services 6 hour battery

19 CALEX Take Aways Reassess coop plans Prioritize fuel distribution Prioritize water restoration Consider solar power for mobile traffic signals Need a sister city for backup services in a crisis

20 Objectives Met? D/I workshops worthwhile Modeling was too complex to assist CALEX Non-traditional partnerships developed Need to follow up with participants Can repeat exercise with different scenario

21 Resources Needed Exercise planner or MEP Data Analyst to create and combine dependency worksheets Resources to gather and write AAR Logistics to put together meetings, workshop, and exercise Engaged core stakeholder group Plan to follow up on mitigation items

22 Thank You

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