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1 How to extend your Tier 4 visa in the UK Student Immigration Team, Student Services Centre, University of Manchester.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How to extend your Tier 4 visa in the UK Student Immigration Team, Student Services Centre, University of Manchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How to extend your Tier 4 visa in the UK Student Immigration Team, Student Services Centre, University of Manchester

2 2 What we will cover today What Tier 4 means for you and the University Your CAS The Immigration Health Surcharge ATAS certificates The Doctorate Extension Scheme

3 3 Translations of documents The amount of money you need and the documents you need for: Tuition fees Living expenses Financially sponsored students Dependants How to make the application What we will cover today

4 4 Your responsibilities under Tier 4 Tier 4 is for studying; in most cases, if you stop studying, you will be reported to UKVI Your School will monitor your attendance and therefore you must attend all classes and seminars, plus the Census when asked If you extend or change your immigration permission at any time while you are studying with us, you must come to the SSC so we can scan your new BRP card

5 5 Your responsibilities under Tier 4 If your contact details change you must: Update your details on My Manchester Inform the UKVI – you can find out how to on our website If you are required to register with the Police you must book an appointment within 7 days and keep your Police Registration Certificate up to date with address, immigration permission and passport details

6 6 The University’s responsibilities under Tier 4 We must keep a copy of your valid passport and immigration permission, and/or evidence of you making a Tier 4 application We must inform the UKVI if your circumstances change: If you interrupt your studies If you fail to attend If you withdraw from your studies (or if we withdraw you) If you change course If you have to re-sit without attendance

7 7 The University’s responsibilities under Tier 4 We must monitor your progress and attendance We must keep your most up-to-date contact details We must ensure we carry out the Tier 4 rules correctly when assigning CAS

8 8 Some other issues to consider

9 9 Maximum time spent studying in the UK There is a limit on the amount of time an international student can spend studying in the UK You cannot normally spend more than 5 years studying at UG degree level and Masters level If you think this may affect you please email us (contact details at the end of the presentation)

10 10 Low risk nationals If you are from: Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, USA or United Arab Emirates (UAE) Or you are: A BN(O) or Hong Kong SAR passport holder or Taiwan (ROC) passport holder with a residence card number You are classed as a ‘low risk national’

11 11 Low risk nationals ‘Low risk’ nationals do not have to send financial and academic documents with their Tier 4 application You still have to sign a declaration that you have access to the required funds

12 12 New healthcare surcharge The UK Government has introduced a charge for using the National Health Service (NHS) Cost is £150 per student for each year for the duration of your visa, £75 for part of a year between 6 and 12 mths Short extensions up to 6 months are charged at £75 If you will be granted a visa for a year and four months you have to pay £150 plus £75 If you will be granted a visa for a year and six months(or longer) you will have to pay £300 (£150 x 2) The cost is the same for any dependants that you have The charge is compulsory, even if you have private medical insurance.

13 13 New healthcare surcharge You will be directed to the IHS payment portal as part of the Tier 4 online application The system calculates how much you have to pay, based on the course dates on the form You will not be able to complete and submit your Tier 4 application without paying the correct IHS fee If your visa is refused, the IHS fee is refunded, but not the Tier 4 application fee. Contact us if you are unsure of how much you need to pay

14 14 Working with Tier 4 immigration permission If you are studying a course longer than six months, you can work a maximum of 20 hours per week during term- time and full-time in vacations Taught Masters students cannot work full-time during the summer vacation PhD students are permitted to work full-time for 8 weeks a year that have been agreed in writing with Supervisor You can work full-time for 4 months after you have finished your course if your Tier 4 immigration permission is still valid

15 15 Doctorate Extension Scheme This is a work scheme for PhD students who wish to stay in the UK for a further 12 months to work You must apply for an extension under Tier 4 and your CAS is issued by the Student Immigration Team Dependants can also apply at the same time as the student You can only apply from the UK after you have had your viva and before you submit the final copies of your thesis There is more information on our website: life/immigration/des/ life/immigration/des/

16 16 What you need for your Tier 4 extension application

17 17 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies

18 18 CAS: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies Your CAS is a unique electronic reference number generated by the University of Manchester, confirming that the University has agreed to be your Educational Sponsor Your School Administrator (or Admissions Team if you are starting a new course) inputs information about you and your course into the University student system. This information is then uploaded to the UKVI’s Sponsor Management System

19 19 CAS Once your CAS has been issued you will receive a CAS statement by email (to your University of Manchester email address) that includes all the information in your CAS This will help you to complete the Tier 4 application form but you do not need to send the email with your application Check the information in your CAS statement is correct – this is very important If any information is incorrect you must email urgently

20 20 What information is in a CAS? The CAS must include: Your personal details (name, nationality, passport number, date of birth, gender) Your course details (title, level, start and end date) – Check this! The University’s ‘sponsor’ details (licence number, address, contact) Whether you need an ATAS certificate (see ATAS slide)

21 21 What information is in a CAS? The CAS must include: How we have assessed your English Language ability Confirmation of academic progression from previous study in the UK Your tuition fees and/or accommodation information Which qualification documents are required, if any

22 22 CAS – starting a new course You can only get a CAS for a new course once you accept an unconditional offer The CAS will list the qualifications your offer is based on, and you must submit the original qualification documents listed as part of your Tier 4 application otherwise your application will be refused If the qualification was obtained overseas you must submit the original document AND an official translation (see slide on translations) You obtain your CAS from the School admissions staff

23 23 CAS – continuing on the same course The CAS will state that you were assessed on your progress and attendance on the course so far, and that your English Language was also assessed that way. Therefore you don’t need to include any qualification documents with your Tier 4 application You obtain your CAS from your School Administrator

24 24 Academic Technology Approval Scheme

25 25 ATAS Certificate ATAS stands for Academic Technology Approval Scheme If you are going to study certain engineering or physical science courses at degree level or above you may need an ATAS certificate Some MEng and MPhys courses require ATAS Contact your School to check if you need one All visa categories now require ATAS clearance, no longer just a Tier 4 requirement

26 26 ATAS Certificate You must apply for a new ATAS certificate every time you extend your immigration permission, even if it’s for the same course Other changes to your research or course of study may need a new ATAS certificate If you need an ATAS certificate, go to: to apply for your ATAS certificate online It can take between 20-25 working days (often longer) to receive your ATAS certificate

27 27 Translation of Documents

28 28 Translation of Documents If your degree is listed in your CAS you will need to provide your original degree certificate or original transcripts If your degree certificate or transcripts are not in English you will need to have them translated by an official translator Don’t forget to also include your original documents with your translation We have a leaflet on our website with the details of two translation companies in Manchester.

29 29 Translation of Documents The translation must include: The translator’s name. The translator’s signature. The translator’s qualifications. Confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document. The date of translation. The translator’s contact details.

30 30 Money – tuition fees and maintenance

31 31 Money – tuition fees You will have to show that you have money for your tuition fees: Starting a new course = first year’s fees Continuing on the same course = remainder of fees for current academic year (check your CAS)

32 32 Money – maintenance Money for living expenses is called “maintenance” Maintenance is £820 per month for a student You will have to show the higher maintenance level unless you have ‘established presence’ (see next slide). Higher maintenance is £820 x 9 months = £7380

33 33 Money – maintenance If your Tier 4 or Student immigration permission is still valid and, You have completed more than 6 months of your course; or You completed a course of more than 6 months during your current immigration permission, You will qualify for the lower maintenance level: Lower maintenance level is £820 x 2 months = £1640

34 34 Money: Total amount You have to show that you have the money for maintenance plus your tuition fees. But you may have already paid some. For example: You have paid your fees in full: this should be on your CAS, so you don’t have to show it in your bank account You have paid your first tuition fee instalment: you will have to show the remainder of your fees in your bank account (even if you have a direct debit agreements set up with the SSC)

35 35 Accommodation Fees If you are staying in Manchester University owned Halls of Residence and you have paid accommodation fees this will be shown in your CAS The maximum amount of accommodation fees that can be shown on your CAS is £1020 Check when you receive your CAS statement – if it isn’t shown in your CAS contact the Accommodation Office If this applies to you, you can show up to £1020 less money for maintenance in your bank account

36 36 Accommodation Fees You cannot use receipts for accommodation paid to: Privately owned halls of residence Halls of residence owned by other universities Private accommodation i.e. houses/apartments/flats Relatives or friends

37 37 Sponsorship from an official financial sponsor

38 38 Do you have an official financial sponsor? Official financial sponsors are: UK government Your country’s government British Council International organisation International company (a company with offices in more than one country) University You must submit an official sponsor letter as part of your Tier 4 application

39 39 Sponsor letter from an official financial sponsor The letter must include: Your personal details (name, date of birth) Names of dependants (if applicable) Your course details (title) Amount of money (e.g. Tuition fees + maintenance costs) (or a statement that the sponsor will cover your fees and living expenses in full) Duration of sponsorship or start and end dates of sponsorship ‘Unconditional consent for you to stay in and re- enter the UK’

40 40 Sponsor letter from an official financial sponsor For further information and an example copy of an official sponsorship letter, please go to the following website; guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/independent/sponsored/ guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/independent/sponsored/

41 41 What is a fully-sponsored student? Where official financial sponsors pay;  Full tuition fees  Full maintenance costs Fully sponsored students do not have to show the money in their bank account. Fully sponsored students must submit a sponsorship letter

42 42 What is a part-sponsored student? Where official financial sponsors pay; Only tuition fees (full fees or part fees) or Only maintenance (full or in part) Part sponsored students must show the remaining money in their bank account Part sponsored students must still submit a sponsorship letter

43 43 Financially sponsored by the University of Manchester? If the University pays: Only tuition fees (full fees or part fees), this will be reflected in your CAS and you won’t need a sponsor letter; Only maintenance costs, this will not be reflected in your CAS and you will need a sponsor letter; Both tuition and maintenance, you will need a sponsor letter because the maintenance amount will not be reflected in your CAS

44 44 Students who are self-financing or financially supported by parents

45 45 Self-financing students You must show that you have had the money for tuition fees and maintenance in your own or your parent’s bank account for at least 28 consecutive days before you apply You cannot use anyone else’s account – only your or your parent’s bank account If the balance of your bank account drops below the required amount during the 28 days your application will be refused Keep the money in your bank account at least until you have received your documents back from UKVI

46 46 Bank statements – proving you have enough money

47 47 Bank statements Bank statements must be less than one calendar month old on the date of application; and Bank statements must be original; and Overseas bank statements that are not in English need to be translated by an official translator; and If you use overseas bank statements you need to provide a currency conversion into pounds sterling from the OANDA website:

48 48 Online or ad-hoc statements Are they acceptable? You can use ad-hoc bank statements but they must contain the following information: Your name Full account number Bank’s name and logo (letterhead) Date of the statement Amount of money available Online statements must contain the above details and the bank stamp must appear on every page

49 49 Using your parents’ bank statements as evidence You are allowed to use your parents’ bank statements for your Tier 4 application You need to show your original birth certificate as evidence of your relationship to your parent (this MUST be translated into English – see translation slide) You also need a signed letter of consent from your parent confirming that they support you financially during your studies in the UK If the bank account is in a foreign currency you must provide a currency conversion from OANDA:

50 50 Using your parents’ bank statements as evidence Further information and an example copy of an parental consent letter, please visit the following link: guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/independent/self-financing/ guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/independent/self-financing/

51 51 Dependants

52 52 Dependants Those already in the UK with you as your dependants can apply to extend their immigration permission at the same time as you Those in other categories can switch to be your dependant from the UK eg. from Tier 4 Student, but they must show higher maintenance level Dependants can only apply to join you from home if: You are on a postgraduate level course of at least 12 months duration ;or You are Government-sponsored on a course of at least 6 months duration

53 53 Dependants – money needed Higher maintenance level: Dependants (spouse/partner/child): £460 per month per dependant = £4140 per dependant Lower maintenance level Dependants (spouse/partner/child): £460 per month per dependant = £920 per dependant Dependants cannot qualify for the lower maintenance level if they are joining you from overseas even if you have established presence

54 54 Making a Tier 4 application The application form and payment are completed online There are 2 levels of service: Standard (by post) Visa Check & Send Service Send by post independently Premium (in person by appointment)

55 55 Making a Tier 4 application In person at a Premium Service Centre eg. Liverpool or Sheffield are closest You have to book your appointment online while you are completing your Tier 4 application If you want us to check your application before you attend the appointment, contact us

56 56 Making a Tier 4 application Online and send the supporting documents by post Make sure that your documents are posted using the Special Delivery service at the post office and keep the receipt Take a copy of all the documents you send to UKVI eg. Passport, bank statements etc..

57 57 Tier 4 application costs In person £839.00 per student £839.00 per dependant By Post including Visa Check & Send Service £439.00 per student £439. 00 per dependant an extra £19.20 per applicant for biometrics enrolment

58 58 Making an online application Use the video on our website to help you create a UKVI online account through the UKVI website Complete the Self-Assessment to find out how much money you need to show in your bank account Complete the online application form up to the ‘Check application’ stage Check your application and save it

59 59 Making an online application Complete the declaration Pay the Immigration Health Surcharge Pay the visa application fee and submit the application Print the application, cover sheet and declaration Within 13 working days of paying the application fee send the cover sheet and relevant supporting documents to UKVI by Special Delivery Post and keep the receipt

60 60 Making an online application Using the Visa Check & Send Service This service is run by the Student Immigration Team in the Student Services Centre We will check your Tier 4 application for you and contact you if there are any amendments needed We will tell you when you can complete and pay for the application We will send your supporting documents to UKVI for you and pay for the postage

61 61 Making an online application Using the Visa Check & Send Service About 1 - 2 weeks after we have sent your application we will receive a ‘biometrics letter’ from the UKVI so we will contact you to ask you to collect it from us If you do not receive your biometric letter within four weeks contact us You must enrol your biometrics within 15 days of receiving the letter otherwise your application may be rejected Your documents will be returned to us and we will contact you when they are ready to collect

62 62 Completing the application form

63 63 Completing the application form Log onto the following webpage and read ALL information carefully Read the information on our website before starting to complete an application form: guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/batch-scheme/ guide/academic-life/immigration/applying-from-the- uk/batch-scheme/ Use our instructional video to help you complete the application form Read the policy guidance notes on the following link;

64 64 Documents required

65 65 Documents required for your application - checklist Application form completed online Passport(s) and BRP card (if you have one); Police Registration Certificate (if you have one) with your most recent address on it; 2 passport photos with light background and taken within the last month; Cont….

66 66 Documents required for your application - checklist CAS number; Any original academic documents listed in your CAS statement; Official translations of them, if necessary; Financial documents (bank statements and/or sponsor letter); Parents’ documents if they are funding your studies (birth certificate, bank statements, translations, parental sponsor letter); ATAS certificate (if required).

67 67 Documents- what to do next Request a CAS from your School; Find out if you need ATAS, if so, apply immediately; Ensure you have money available to you and transfer this into an account in your name; If you have online banking: Change to receive paper statements Order copy statements If you are sponsored: Check the sponsor letter includes the correct wording, order a new letter if necessary; Check your CAS has all the correct information.

68 68 What happens next? Your application and documents will be considered by a caseworker at the UKVI You may be invited for a skype-type interview with UKVI staff A decision will be made on your application The documents will be returned to you: Passport and other documents by post Biometric Residence Card (BRP) by courier

69 69 What happens next? If you use the ‘premium service’ your biometrics will be enrolled at the appointment If you need to be interviewed, this should happen on the same day Your passport and documents will be returned to you the same day Your Biometric Residence Card (BRP) will be delivered to you by courier about 7 – 10 days later

70 70 Don’t forget! Don’t book any travel outside the UK until you have your new visa! If you are sending your own Tier 4 application to UKVI don’t forget to bring in your new Biometric Residence Permit to the Student Services Centre so we can scan it

71 71 The Student Immigration Team – how we can help? Advisers qualified to give immigration advice to students at the University Useful information on our website Access to UKVI account manager if required Appointments to check your application if you are making it independently (subject to availability, book in advance)

72 72 The Student Immigration Team – how we can help We are based at the Student Services Centre on Burlington Street Opening hours: 10 to 4pm Monday to Friday You can contact us: 0161 275 5000 You can email us at Website: guide/academic-life/immigration/ guide/academic-life/immigration/

73 73 Frequently Asked Questions

74 74 FAQs Q. What happens if my previous visa expires while the documents are at UKVI? A. Your visa conditions are automatically extended while you are waiting for a decision on your application, unless your visa had already expired before you applied Q. I need my passport back so I can travel home because there is a family emergency A. Contact us for advice

75 75 FAQs Q:Can I return to my home country to extend my visa, it will be easier and quicker for me A Only during vacations, as you are not allowed to miss lectures for this reason. Contact us for advice if necessary Q: Do I need to send an original CAS statement with my application? A:No. You do not need to send your CAS statement but you will need to have this for checking purposes so that all documents listed on your CAS statement are included in your application

76 76 Any other questions?

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