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Station Name CY 2014 AQS Data Certified CY 2015 AQS Data Certified Ute 167Y68Y Ute 367Y66Y Mesa Verde National Park65Y66 Bloomfield62Y61 Navajo Dam63Y68.

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3 Station Name CY 2014 AQS Data Certified CY 2015 AQS Data Certified Ute 167Y68Y Ute 367Y66Y Mesa Verde National Park65Y66 Bloomfield62Y61 Navajo Dam63Y68 Substation63Y61 Weminuche Wilderness Area Shamrock Station 64N68 106 W. North Street in Cortez62S61


5  AQP has an opportunity to submit an attainment designation recommendation using 2013-2015 Ute 1 and Ute 3 station’s air quality data to EPA before October 1, 2016 OR in the absence of a recommendation by the Tribe  EPA will issue a final area designation for the Reservation by October 1, 2017. ■Currently the Air Quality Program (AQP) anticipates the designation will remain attainment for the Reservation but, this could change in the future based on the design value trend.

6  More stringent emission reduction measures would be required.  A Tribal Implementation Plan (TIP) would be required to propose enforceable emission reduction measures (Reservation Air Code requirements) to bring the Reservation into attainment.  Failure to submit an adequate TIP could result in an EPA imposed Federal Implementation Plan (FIP).  FIPs typically contain stricter regulations than TIPs.

7 Regulatory  The SUIT/CO Environmental Commission adopts measures for existing sources, such as Colorado Regulation 7, to reduce ozone precursor emissions. Voluntary  Participation in voluntary EPA programs.  Natural Gas Star Program  Enhanced Natural Gas Star Program (Methane Challenge)  Ozone Advance

8  Early efforts to reduce ozone precursors could help the Reservation avoid a future non-attainment designation or result in a lower non- attainment designation, should the Reservation be designated non- attainment  Early efforts to keep an area in attainment are less resource intensive than efforts necessary after a non-attainment designation  Voluntary programs preferable over mandated requirements  Better to be proactive than reactive when it comes to NAAQS attainment.  Benefits to regional air quality.

9  Ozone Advance is a voluntary EPA program to preserve or improve air quality in ozone attainment areas with ozone levels close to the standard.  Participants choose best fit strategies to reduce ozone precursors (nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds).  Participants determine their own goals and the measures they want to implement in order to reach them  Can result in multi-pollutant reductions, such as methane.  Participation in Ozone Advance has key benefits should an area go non-attainment.

10 Should the Reservation be designated non-attainment with a Marginal classification:  EPA may consider any voluntary control measures implemented under the program and allow extra time to see if the control measures are working, prior to requiring a TIP or FIP.  Areas may continue to participate in Ozone Advance until reclassified as Moderate or higher (will not exempt area from non-attainment NSR permitting)

11 Should the Reservation be declared non-attainment with a Moderate or higher classification:  Voluntary emission reduction measures that occur before the baseline year may be credited toward total emission reduction goals required by a TIP/FIP; and  If the requirements are incorporated in a TIP or FIP after the baseline year, as a measure to show progress toward attainment.  Voluntary measures selected by participants may be adopted as TIP or FIP requirements.

12 Wyoming Upper Green River Basin  Resulted in year to date emission reductions (tons per year) from 2008 through March of 2015:  Volatile Organic Compounds: 5,874.7 tpy reduced  Nitrogen Oxides: 1,862 tpy reduced  Emission reductions were achieved by:  Installing controls on storage tanks  Installing low bleed/no bleed pneumatic controllers  Installing controls on drill rig engines  Installing centralized gathering facilities  Expanded green completion requirements

13 Utah, Uinta Basin  Utah’s Board adopted four proactive measures on October 1, 2014 for existing sources. The measures were aimed at retrofitting oil and gas industry equipment to assist in VOC emission reductions.  The four measures include:  Properly maintaining and operating equipment.  Accelerated implementation of NSPS standards including replacing high-bleed controllers with low-bleed or no-bleed controllers.  Equipping new flares with an automatic igniter and retrofitting existing flares.  Tank truck loading required to be bottom filling or submerged pipe filling on tanker trucks.

14  For a list of Ozone Advance participants and descriptions of their programs, follow the link below:   For general information on Ozone Advance follow this link:   For detailed guidance on Ozone Advance follow this link:  04/documents/guidance_update.final_.april_2016.pdf 04/documents/guidance_update.final_.april_2016.pdf







21 A summary of today’s meeting will be presented at the June 8 th, 2016 Environmental Commission Meeting, being held at the Environmental Program’s Building at 71 Mike Frost Way, Ignacio, Colorado. To submit comments or ideas on the Ozone Advance Program please send comments to Matt Wampler or Danny Powers at the following email addresses by June 1 st, 2016: Danny Powers: Matt Wampler:

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