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Supporting and accelerating transformation in health and social care across Wessex March 2016.

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1 Supporting and accelerating transformation in health and social care across Wessex March 2016

2 Who are the Wessex Partnership The Wessex Partnership is a collaboration of NHS organisations who provide advice, support and expertise to providers and commissioners within the Wessex area: ◦ Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) ◦ South Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCWCSU) ◦ Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy (TVWLA) ◦ Wessex Clinical Networks and Senate ◦ Health Education Wessex (HEW) ◦ Public Health England (Southeast) ◦ Local Authority Public Health (Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight)

3 Our skills and expertise While we share many capabilities, each of the members of The Wessex Partnership brings distinctive specialist skills. Health Education England (Wessex) – Workforce planning, labour market analysis, role design, curriculum development, brokerage with education providers Public Health – Southeast – and DPHs – Population surveillance, evaluation of effectiveness, health economics South, Central and West CSU – Programme Direction, analytics, communications and engagement, financial modelling, access to unique advisory frameworks Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy – Behavioural change programmes and leadership and organisational development Wessex AHSN – Evidence led implementation, spreading innovation at pace and scale, industry relations, quantitative and qualitative research Wessex Strategic Clinical Networks and Senate – Clinical expertise and engagement and facilitation of service and outcome improvement programmes

4 Other partners and our geography The Wessex Partnership Group covers Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight and Dorset Each individual organisation has a geographical footprint that is slightly different from one another. All cover Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with some extending in to Dorset The group will extend its joint working to cover all the areas of Wessex, wherever appropriate There are a number of other organisations that the group will continue to engage and work with such as ◦ The National Institute for Health Research, ◦ Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (NIHR CLAHRC) Wessex, ◦ NIHR Clinical Research Network: Wessex, ◦ South of England Procurement Services (SoEPS); ◦ Sustainability teams (previously NHSIQ)

5 Why have we created The Wessex Partnership? We have a common purpose to improve the health of the population and services for patients In recognition that there could be duplication of effort or missed opportunities by not working more closely together on some common areas. To increase understanding between organisations about their purpose, responsibilities, areas of focus and expertise In response to the challenge given from commissioners and providers that the enabling organisations could work more effectively together across Wessex to support system change and transformation It is an excellent opportunity and timing to work together to provide a coherent offer of support to the Hampshire and IOW health system to maximise opportunities and resources to support transformational change which will be set out in the Hampshire and IOW Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

6 Our shared purpose We recognise that partnership working underpins all successful improvement, and the requirements for transformational change across the local health and care system will be best enabled through focussed, aligned effort particularly given the complexity of the challenge. We will work in collaboration, wherever appropriate, to provide support to system leaders to transform and sustain the local health and care system. With our combined knowledge, skills and people, we can offer more comprehensive and integrated support. Our aim is to provide services at the right time, at pace and using all the skills and expertise our organisations have in a combined manner to ensure that the output we deliver is effective, value for money, patient focussed and greater than the sum of the parts. We recognise at the same time that accountabilities and responsibilities of individual organisations remain. Each of our organisations individually have a ‘business as usual’ role to maintain where we may work independently. We commit to avoiding duplication of effort and resource by maintaining an awareness of each other’s work.

7 Our shared principles and values In working together, we commit to working in a positive and open minded manner. We will trust and support each other as part of the partnership and ensure we are open and honest. We will act for patients, the population and the system as a whole We will work together, wherever appropriate, to ensure value for money We will deliver what we commit to and draw on support from each other and others as required We will seek to maximise opportunities within the system and consider what skills and expertise our partners can bring to add to value to specific pieces of work We will be honest with each other, saying what we think courteously and with respect

8 Our shared principles and values We will act with integrity and behave and speak with consistency We will communicate effectively to maximise the benefit of joint working and to ensure that those partners not involved in specific pieces of work remain informed We will communicate openly about concerns issues and opportunities. We know that all organisations are working within resource constraints and therefore we will be honest and say when we are unable to support a piece of work We will work with each other to seek the support of our boards and governing bodies to help us work in this way, whilst minimising the risks to each individual board or governing body

9 How we work together We will share our business plans and other relevant plans We will meet monthly to continue to build our relationships and an understanding of our collective work programmes, skills and expertise We will provide a regular highlight report updating on key areas of work We will always consider who else should or could be involved from the partnership when discussing work with systems We will keep our organisation and teams within it informed about the partnership We will continue to develop and embed our collaboration

10 The STP support offer We have developed an offer of support to accelerate transformation across Hampshire and Isle of Wight through combining knowledge, skills and people across organisations collaboration - we can offer more comprehensive and integrated support in both the planning and delivery phases of the STP (and other projects) early and continuous engagement with Hampshire providers and commissioners to ensure maximum value With fully cohesive objectives from the outset the partnership will be able to support a range of projects, plans, research and transformational opportunities

11 Supporting the STP Various meetings are ongoing with the STP Lead to discuss the role of enabling organisations The Partnership members are part of various work streams and boards that have been formed to support the STP planning stages There is a commitment to share, communicate and spread learning through the partnership and to involve all partners as appropriate To be successful, the Partnership needs to be seen as integral part of the system’s planning

12 What did we do and how did we create The Wessex Partnership?

13 Starting our journey Our aim was to work together in a more systematic and collaborative way, eliminating duplication and aligning priorities to respond to the system needs within the overall transformation goals. Objectives were agreed to: ◦ work together to identify joint priorities and drivers for delivering and enabling transformation ◦ ensure these priorities are aligned across the improvement organisations and are the focus of business plans ◦ develop a joint delivery programme to embed the priorities and plan for effective delivery over the 2016-17 financial year, including the design of governance and programme delivery arrangements to support this.

14 Deliverables The agreed deliverables between January and March 2016 were to develop: A ‘vision’ document which sets out what the ‘offer’ is to the commissioners and providers within the greater Hampshire system An agreed programme of linked projects, clearly showing each organisation’s involvement as appropriate A ‘ways of working’ compact document which sets out how the organisations will collaborate and work together in the future A communication for use by the organisations across greater Hampshire describing the above

15 First steps of progress Resourced a programme management team to support the partnership to move forward at pace and implement a programme management approach with clear deliverables One to one discussions held with the lead from each organisation to understand barriers and opportunities from each perspective Initial joint meeting to look at opportunities to work together with agreement that there was value in collaborating more closely Set up regular meetings between January and March 2016, to ensure quickly and effectively that there was merit in working this way A workshop was held in February 2016 to look at common purpose and values and to understand the key responsibilities and focus of each organisation There was agreement that there was benefit in working on projects together to demonstrate the benefit of approach to commissioner and providers

16 Deliverables to date Developed a joint offer of support to the Hampshire and IOW STP leader, setting out the expertise available, to support the development and implementation of the STP Agreement of a compact setting out our shared purpose and how we will work together Governance arrangements agreed to ensure there is always a chance to “take stock”, update, review and share any information [Examples of working together and joint projects]

17 Next steps Beyond the STP offer - what else the group intends to work on together Setting out plans for building relationships and greater collaboration between other team members Increasing opportunities for early engagement with the rest of the system Development of joint events and meetings to meet with the system as a partnership group wherever appropriate

18 Useful information Copies of all the following documents or further information about The Wessex Partnership can be obtained via the AHSN offices. ◦ The project initiation document (PID) ◦ The offer to support the system(s) ◦ The Wessex Partnership compact agreement Please contact:

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