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Risk/Travel Management Austin Community College Office of Student Life 2013 Complying with the 80th Texas Legislature enacted HB 2639/SB 1138.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk/Travel Management Austin Community College Office of Student Life 2013 Complying with the 80th Texas Legislature enacted HB 2639/SB 1138."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk/Travel Management Austin Community College Office of Student Life 2013 Complying with the 80th Texas Legislature enacted HB 2639/SB 1138

2 Travel Policies Value Statement ACC has a vital interest in ensuring the safety of its students. Because of this interest, and to comply with section 51.949 of the Texas Education Code, the College must regulate vehicle travel to college-sponsored events. For the purpose of this document, the group advisor, faculty, staff-person, manager, director or other person overseeing the off-campus travel shall be identified as the responsible college official. The responsible college official must monitor compliance with this policy

3 Travel Management and Student Responsibilities & Expectation of Behavior As part of being allowed to travel by the college and the Office of Student Life, you assume the roles and responsibilities of representatives of your recognized student group and the college. These responsibilities pertain to both your organization collectively (as a group) as well as individually (as members). Such responsibilities are as follows:

4 Travel Management and Student Responsibilities & Expectation of Behavior Attend Student Life travel orientation workshop. Comply with all policies as outlined in the Student Life Organizations Handbook and the ACC Student Handbook. Do not engage in illegal or otherwise distasteful behavior. Do not consume alcohol.

5 Travel Management and Student Responsibilities & Expectation of Behavior Adhere to requests of advisor. Attend all events/sessions for which you are registered and/or expected.

6 Travel Management and Student Responsibilities & Expectation of Behavior Read, understand, complete, sign, and submit the following: 1. Travel Commitment and Waiver of Liability Form. 2. Designated Driver Form(advisors and student driving private vehicles only)

7 Emergency Guidelines What to do in a medical emergency Off Campus: Notify local authorities at 911 immediately. On Campus: Notify ACC police at 223-7999 immediately, who will then notify the risk manager. Notify emergency contact person immediately. Notify the Director of Student Life Cheryl Richard at 223-3120.

8 Emergency Guidelines What to do in a mechanical breakdown Notify ACC police at 223-7999 immediately, who will then notify the risk manager. Call 1-800 rental number provided by the rental company immediately. Notify destination point of arrival delay immediately. Notify the Director of Student Life Cheryl Richard at 223-3120.

9 Emergency Guidelines What to do in an accident Notify local authorities at 911 immediately. Notify emergency contact person immediately. Notify ACC police at 223-7999 immediately, who will then notify the risk manager. Call 1-800 rental number provided by the rental company immediately. Notify the Director of Student Life Cheryl Richard at 223-3120.

10 Private student vehicles ACC adult student driver(s) (18 years or older) are not covered by ACC vehicle insurance and cannot be ACC approved drivers. If adult students (18 years or older) choose/decide to drive their own private vehicle or if adult students (18 years or older) choose/decide to ride with another adult student participant (18 years or older), those are personal choices/decisions. Responsible college official(s) must not “arrange” for students to drive other students. All adult student driver(s) (18 years or older) must sign a waiver explaining that when they drive their own private vehicle(s) they are responsible, and that ACC has no liability if damages occur. Private student vehicle accident(s) will be covered by the student’s liability/comprehension insurance policy. ACC provides Student Accident Travel insurance for medical coverage in the event a student is injured during an ACC sponsored trip more than 25 miles from Austin City limits. Risk Management must be notified, prior to the trip, of the students traveling in private vehicles.

11 Private student vehicles Circumstances such as terrain, road conditions, length of trip, etc. may make it prudent that students go with available group transportation rather than travel in personal vehicles. In some situations, travel with the group should be required. The responsible college official must consider this issue as he or she would any safety matter. In all cases where an adult student driver (18 years or older) is permitted to choose/decide to drive/ride in private transportation, that circumstance must be described in the Travel Waiver Form. When traveling in private student vehicles, the name of the vehicle owner, operator, proof of insurance, driver license number and emergency numbers must be left with the risk manager prior to the trip. All private adult student drivers (18 years or older) must be provided with directions to the intended destination.

12 Approved Driver(s) All responsible college official(s) scheduled to drive an ACC owned vehicle(s), rented vehicle(s), or approved private vehicle(s) on behalf of ACC must meet the following requirements: Be a current full-time staffing table ACC employee. Have a current valid driver’s license. Be over the age of 19. Have taken a Defensive Driving Course in the past three years or be enrolled in the next scheduled ACC sponsored Defensive Driving Course prior to the trip. Must be placed on the Risk Management Approved Driver List prior to trip.

13 Vehicle Restrictions Vehicle(s) rented or owned by Austin Community College must be used to transport one or more currently enrolled students to a college sponsored activity or event located more than 25 miles from Austin City limits. If a vehicle owned or rented by ACC is not available, the college may authorize the use of an alternate vehicle not owned by the college. When this occurs, the ACC risk manager will define in writing how, when and where the vehicle is to be used, as well as the limits of liability for the college and for the student, faculty, or staff member using the alternate vehicle. Vehicle(s) may be rented for official business and driven only by full-time staffing table college employees who have met vehicle operator criteria. All vehicles must be operated by a properly licensed driver over the age of 19.

14 Vehicle Restrictions Department of Public Safety regulations, traffic laws, rental company rules, and college rules must be observed. Only full-time staffing table college employees are permitted to rent or drive rented vehicles for college business. Vehicle(s) must be rented through the Purchasing Department in the name of ACC. If for some reason Purchasing is not able to rent the vehicle, Purchasing Department personnel will provide rental instructions.

15 Safety Requirements Seatbelts: Each passenger on an ACC-owned vehicle(s), rented vehicle, or approved private vehicle(s) for ACC business must wear a seatbelt whenever the vehicle(s) is in operation. Fatigue: All responsible college official(s) shall not drive for more than three consecutive hours without taking a 15 minute break or relief from driving. If a passenger observes the responsible college official(s) of an ACC-owned vehicle(s), vehicle(s) rented for ACC business, or private vehicle(s) displaying any signs of fatigue or sleepiness, he/she must immediately notify the other passengers and request that the driver take a rest break. Any resistance to this request by the driver must be reported to the Student Life Director and the risk manager.

16 Convoy travel When multiple vehicles are traveling in convoy, all vehicle shall have printed directions to the intended destination. All drivers should have an understanding of a plan in the event of separation (i.e. meeting spots). When traveling in a convoy using private vehicles, the name of the vehicle owner, operator, driver license number and proof of insurance along with emergency numbers must be left with the risk manager prior to the trip.

17 Mexico travel Risk Management must be contacted prior to driving a college vehicle across the U.S. border. Insurance coverage only extends 25 miles into Mexico. Additional documentation is required to operate a vehicle in Mexico. When travel will extend more than 25 miles into Mexico, a Mexican vehicle must be rented and Mexican insurance purchased at the time of rental.

18 Alcohol and Drugs The possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs on ACC premises is prohibited by College policy. By maintaining an alcohol and drug free environment ACC is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its students and employees, and the protection of its property. Students who violate ACC policy or state law will be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

19 Alcohol and Drugs ACC policy and state law prohibits the possession of illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia on any Austin Community College District facility, including, but not limited to, classrooms, buildings and grounds, laboratories, auditoriums, parking lots, libraries, and faculty or administrative offices. ACC Clubs + Organizations must follow the administrative rules regarding the use of alcohol as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the Student Handbook.

20 Alcohol and Drugs Registered student organizations may not serve alcoholic beverages, or sponsor or co-sponsor any activity where alcoholic beverages are served (this includes off campus club parties/events). Registered student organizations cannot sponsor or co-sponsor events that include the distribution of, sale of, or profit from alcohol beverages. Consumption of alcoholic beverages by students at any Office of Student Life is prohibited.

21 Alcohol and Drugs The College has the responsibility to investigate and/or refer for prosecution any student who possesses, uses, manufactures, and/or sells alcohol or a controlled substance on any ACC campus or center or at any ACC-sponsored event whether on or off campus. Any student who possesses and/or uses alcohol or controlled substances on any ACC campus or center or at any ACC- sponsored event on or off campus will be subject to disciplinary action. Any student who sells and/or manufactures alcohol or controlled substances on any ACC campus or center or at any ACC- sponsored event on or off campus will be subject to disciplinary action.

22 Hazing At ACC, hazing refers to any action or situation that intentionally or recklessly endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student ACC provides that: Hazing with or without the consent of a student is prohibited by the college and any violation of the prohibition renders both the person inflicting the hazing and the person submitting to the hazing subject to discipline. Initiations or activities by groups may not include any features that are dangerous, harmful, or degrading to the student. Violation of this prohibition renders both the organizations and participating individuals subject to discipline.

23 Hazing Under state law (VTCA Education Code, Sections 4.5 – 4.58) According to the law a person can commit a hazing offense not only by engaging in a hazing activity but also by soliciting, directing, encouraging, aiding or attempting to aid another in hazing intentionally, knowingly or recklessly allowing hazing to occur; or by failing to report in writing to Cheryl Richard, The Director of Student Life, first hand knowledge that a hazing incident is planned or has occurred.

24 Hazing The penalty for failure to report is a fine of up to $1,000, up to 180 days in jail, or both. Penalties for other hazing offenses vary accordingly to the severity of the injury that results, and includes fines from $500 to $10,000 and/or confinement for up to two years.

25 Discrimination and Harassment The Office of Student Life has a zero tolerance policy for any acts of discrimination. All enrolled ACC students are given access to Student Life programs and activities and shall not be limited on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or disability. All recognized clubs/organizations will comply with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 when recruiting members for their club/organization.

26 Definitions Sexual harassment is defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as, "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature." There are two types of sexual harassment: Quid Pro Quo is the request for sexual favors, when submission to or rejection of such request becomes a basis for employment or academic related decisions. Hostile environment is when an atmosphere is fused with unwelcome sexual conduct that interferes with an individual’s job performance or learning environment or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

27 Definitions Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is any form of non- consensual physical contact. It includes rape, molestation, or any sexual conduct with a person who lacks the mental capacity to exercise consent.mental capacity Racial harassment is conduct which includes racially derogatory remarks, racial slurs or any other racially motivated action. Provisions of this rule will be applied without regard to the race of the employee(s) involved.

28 Discrimination and Harassment ACC policy states that any activities that could be described as harassment are prohibited. This harassment could be on the basis of gender, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. Any student who believes they have been subject to harassment and/or believe they have been discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or disability, and students who believe they have been denied any accommodation to which they are entitled should report this matter, in writing, to Cheryl Richard, Student Life Director.

29 Discrimination and Harassment When planning an event, student groups must plan a welcoming environment to all students that is free of discrimination. This includes accessibility to all areas.

30 Weapons To maintain the safety and security of ACC employees, students and the public, the College prohibits the possession of weapons on its property, including all ACC vehicles, at any time. It is unlawful to carry a concealed weapon on ACC premises. A person commits an offense if, with a firearm, illegal knife, club or other prohibited weapon (Section 46.05(a) of the Texas Concealed Handgun Laws) he/she intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly enters the physical premises of ACC or other grounds, buildings or vehicles used to conduct ACC business.

31 Fire and other safety Issues Club and Organization events must also meet all local fire and health codes and standards. Locate the Campus Safety Plan posted around each campus in your event/activity area. This includes a campus map, shelter, fire evacuation plan, and emergency exits.

32 Risk Management Process In any emergency on campus call: 223-7999 In off campus emergencies call: 911 Contact the Office of Student Life to report the incident. Put in writing any act that you witness that does not comply with our Risk Management Policy. Send this to Cheryl Richard, Student Life Director

33 Adopt your own Risk Management Policy You could use this PowerPoint to create your own Risk Management Policy catered to your club or org needs. This policy could be included in your Constitution or Bylaws under member requirements. You could also have each member sign a contract to adhere to the Risk Management Policy.

34 Thank you!! The Office of Student Life is committed to creating a safe environment for students, staff, faculty, and community members to participate in Student Life sponsored activities and services. We trust you will uphold this same mission as a student leader in orgs!!

35 Online Advisor Quiz 1. What is your plan to insure all C+O members stay in accordance with the ACC and Student Life polices? Thank you!!!

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