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The Theory of the Firm What is Theory of the Firm? Short v. Long Run Total v. Average v. Marginal Product.

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Presentation on theme: "The Theory of the Firm What is Theory of the Firm? Short v. Long Run Total v. Average v. Marginal Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Theory of the Firm What is Theory of the Firm? Short v. Long Run Total v. Average v. Marginal Product

2 WHAT IS THE THEORY OF THE FIRM? Basically, it is how businesses behave.

3 SHORT RUN V. LONG RUN Short Run = Time period during which at least 1 input is fixed and cannot be changed by the firm Long Run = Time period in which all inputs can be changed

4 IS THERE A SET AMOUNT OF TIME FOR THE SHORT AND LONG RUNS? NO! It varies from firm to firm.. Main Q: How long does it take to increase the fixed factor(s)?

5 How long is the short term? Small Company Example ■ A small firm in involved in gardening may find that its fixed factor is the number of lawn mowers that is has available and that it takes a week to order and get delivery of a new lawn mower. Its short run is one week.

6 How long is the short term? Large Company Example ■ A national electricity provider is constrained by its fixed factors, the number of electricity generating plants that is has. ■Building a new electricity plant may take up to two years (more if a nuclear plant is built) and so its short run is a lot longer.

7 The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns

8 Read Tragakes p. 139-142 & answer these Qs ■Define Total Product (TP), Marginal Product (MP), & Average Product (AP) ■Write the equations for MP & AP ■Summarize the concepts of increasing marginal product, decreasing marginal product, and negative marginal product ■Include graphs (a) and (b) from p. 141 in your notes. Understand why TP, AP, and MP have different shapes. (Be able to explain that to your neighbor.) ■Why is AP sometimes less than and sometimes greater than MP? ■Define the law of diminishing returns ■(FYI: This is looking just @ production. Later on, the graphs for costs, revenue, and profits will be different.)

9 Example: A firm has four machines (fixed factors) and increases it output by using more operators to work the machines. Production figures for each week are below. 25/2 = 45/3 = 70/4 = 90/5 = 105/6 = 115/7 = 120/8 = 10/1 = 25-10= 45-25= 70-45= 90-70= 105-90= 115- 105= 120- 115= MP: How much extra output each workers contributes.

10 How many workers should this firm employ? Justify your decision 25/2 = 45/3 = 70/4 = 90/5 = 105/6 = 115/7 = 120/8 = 10/1 = 25-10= 45-25= 70-45= 90-70= 105-90= 115- 105= 120- 115=



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