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Chapter 26.1 With help from Ms. Susan Pojer Urbanization and Immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 26.1 With help from Ms. Susan Pojer Urbanization and Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 26.1 With help from Ms. Susan Pojer Urbanization and Immigration

2 Urbanization and the New City

3 Characteristics of Urbanization During the Gilded Age Megalopolis. Mass Transit. Magnet for economic and social opportunities. Pronounced class distinctions. - Inner & outer core New frontier of opportunity for women. Squalid living conditions for many. Political machines. Ethnic neighborhoods.

4 New Architectural Style New Use of Space New Class Diversity New Energy New Culture (“Melting Pot”) New Form of Classic “Rugged Individualism” New Levels of Crime, Violence, & Corruption Make a New Start New Symbols of Change & Progress The City as a New “Frontier?”

5 Understanding Urbanization through Gilded Age Architecture

6 Chicago: “The Windy City”

7 William Le Baron Jenney 1832 – 1907 “Father of the Modern Skyscraper” Central Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 1891

8 Louis Sullivan 1856-1924 The Chicago School of Architecture Form follows function Bayard Building, NYC,1897

9 Louis Sullivan: Carson, Pirie, Scott Department Store, Chicago, 1899

10 Frank Lloyd Wright 1869-1959 Allen-Lamb House, 1915 “Prairie School of Architecture” “Organic” Architecture Function follows form

11 Frank Lloyd Wright: “Falling Waters” 1936

12 Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Screens Prairie Wheat Pattern

13 Frank Lloyd Wright: Guggenheim Museum, NYC - 1959

14 New York City “Gotham”

15 New York City Architectural Style: 1870s-1910s The style was less innovative than in Chicago. NYC was the source of the capital for Chicago. Most major business firms had their headquarters in NYC Their buildings became “logos” for their companies. NYC buildings and skyscrapers were taller than in Chicago.

16 Western Union Building, NYC 1875

17 St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC 1879 Gothic Revival Style

18 John Roebling: The Brooklyn Bridge 1883 Steel cables allowed such a long span

19 Manhattan Life Insurance Building, NYC 1893

20 Singer Building, NYC 1902

21 Flatiron Building, NYC 1902

22 Woolworth Building, NYC 1911

23 Grand Central Station, 1913

24 Urban Problems

25 Dumbbell Tenement

26 Jacob Riis Muckraker photographer Published How the Other Half Lives, 1890 Opened Americans’ eyes about issues in poor, urban neighborhoods

27 Life in the Tenements


29 Homework

30 Culturally Homogenous Neighborhoods

31 Mulberry Street – Little Italy

32 Hester Street – Jewish Section

33 1900 Rosh Hashanah Greeting Card Letters from the “Golden Land” were often pull factors that brought new immigrants to America

34 Pell Street, Chinatown, NYC

35 Not really new, but some historian wanted to call it that… The “New” Immigration

36 Changes in Immigration The years between 1870 and 1920 saw one of the greatest surges of immigrants to America. Until 1890, most of these immigrants came from Northern and Western Europe, just like many of the original European immigrants to America.

37 Changes in Immigration After 1890, the immigrating population changed to people coming from Southern and Eastern Europe, countries such as Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. During this time almost a million people also immigrated from Mexico and the West Indies.

38 Why the New Immigration? Push Factors: Rapidly growing population in the Old World Industrialization in Europe and the importation of American food disturbed the position of the peasant Persecutions of minorities in Europe Especially pogroms of Jews in Eastern Europe and Russia Pull Factors: “America Fever” Birds of Passage – would work in America for a few years and then take money home to their families Jobs from Industrialization

39 Being a New Immigrant Discrimination / Nativism Generation Gap Those who immigrated wanted their American born children to hold to the traditional ways of life, while those born in America were caught between the two worlds Struggle to assimilate “Melting Pot” idea that everyone should become “American” Bintel Brief

40 Taking Care of the New Immigrants Originally taken care of by political machines and city bosses “Christian Socialist” preachers Social gospel ideals (helping those in need) Paved way for Progressivism Settlement Houses Jane Addams and Hull House Henry Street Settlement founded by Lillian Wald Florence Kelley - urban, socialist activist

41 Changes Brought by the New Immigration Women in the work force Mostly single Helped family and still had some pocket money Brought more economic and social independence

42 Nativism Nativism: Preferential treatment towards native born Americans Especially Anglo Saxon, Protestants The American Protective Association (1887) Organized labor fought new immigration because poor immigrants were willing to take lower wages

43 Government Sponsored Nativism 1882: Close gates to all paupers, criminals, and convicts + Chinese Exclusion Act 1885: Prohibited the importation of foreign workers under contract 1890’s: Expanded list of undesirables to include: insane, polygamists, prostitutes, alcoholics, anarchists, and people with contagious diseases 1917: Literacy Test

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