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ASSESSMENT TOOL The assessment tool comprises 3 sections: o Infrastructure o Policy o Practice Schools self-assess two-yearly, and for each assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT TOOL The assessment tool comprises 3 sections: o Infrastructure o Policy o Practice Schools self-assess two-yearly, and for each assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSESSMENT TOOL The assessment tool comprises 3 sections: o Infrastructure o Policy o Practice Schools self-assess two-yearly, and for each assessment 15 questions per section are randomly presented from a data-base. The assessment generates an Action Plan and a set of Reference Documents to assist the school in improving its safety and security performance.

2 Are all of your school computers virus-protected? Not always, it is up to the teacher/ICT coordinator. Some/many machines have virus protection. Yes, all school computers are virus-protected. A A B B C C Go to next question Infrastructure

3 If you chose A or B, this will appear in your Action Plan Include a paragraph on virus protection in your school security policy and ensure that all staff and pupils apply it rigorously. Remember that just one infected computer can contaminate the school’s whole computer pool. Reference documents attached to your Action Plan Computer protection policy: icy Procurement of anti-virus protection:

4 Do you have separated learning and administration environments in your school? No, they are on the same server. I don’t know. Yes, we have separated learning and administration environments. A A B B C C Go to next question Infrastructure

5 If you chose A or B, this will appear in your Action Plan: Ensuring security of staff’s and pupils’ private data is a fundamental role of the school. Define and implement a strategy for separating learning and administration environments, and a clear authorisation policy. Reference documents attached to your Action Plan: Protecting private data in school: data Managing your school server: minenvironments

6 How are staff and pupil passwords generated for access to your school system? New users are given a standard password and asked to generate their own password on their first access. It is up to the individual teacher and/or I am not sure how these are generated. All users are attributed a different password by the system. A A B B C C Go to next question Infrastructure

7 If you chose A or B, this will appear in your Action Plan: Passwords offer unique entry points into the school computing system and the basic rules of password security should be rigorously applied. Indicate these rules in your Acceptable Use Policy and avoid giving new users a standard “first access” password). Reference documents attached to your Action Plan: Password protection: tection Creating an Acceptable Use Policy:

8 Are staff and pupils allowed to use USB sticks on school computers? Yes. Only with special permission from the teacher/ICT coordinator. No. A A B B C C Go to next question Infrastructure

9 If you chose A or B, this will appear in your Action Plan: Install an automatic virus scan on all school computers, and encourage pupils and staff to email files to themselves rather than using USB sticks which are one of the most common sources of viruses. Reference documents attached to your Action Plan: Computer protection policy: icy Creating an Acceptable Use Policy:

10 Model Action Plan Include a paragraph on virus protection in your school security policy and ensure that all staff and pupils apply it rigorously. Remember that just one infected computer can contaminate the school’s whole computer pool. Ensuring security of staff’s and pupils’ private data is a fundamental role of the school. Define and implement a strategy for separating learning and administration environments, and a clear authorisation policy. You have an exemplary password protection policy. Upload your password protection policy to the Guidelines section of this website to serve as a model for other schools. Install an automatic virus scan on all school computers, and encourage pupils and staff to email files to themselves rather than using USB sticks which are one of the most common sources of viruses. Reference documents Computer protection policy: Creating an Acceptable Use Policy:

11 Are mobile phones allowed in school? Mobile phones are banned on the school site and/or in the classrooms. Some teachers allow mobile phones to be used in class, provided that this does not interfere with learning. Use of mobile phones is encouraged in class as learning tools where considered appropriate by the teacher. A A B B C C Practice Go to next question

12 You are aware of a cyberbullying incident escalating in gravity and involving a few pupils in the school: You can do nothing since it is happening outside of the school. A A B B C C Practice Go to next question Now its your turn, add the options & formulate the action plan

13 How is data protected i.e. for pupil data taken 'off site' or being sent by email? Pupil data is not protected. A A B B C C Infrastructure Go to next question …add the options & formulate the action plan

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