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ENERGY SYSTEMS What is ATP? ATP is a chemical compound responsible for producing energy for work. ATP = adenosine triphosphate ATPADP P ENERGY.

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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY SYSTEMS What is ATP? ATP is a chemical compound responsible for producing energy for work. ATP = adenosine triphosphate ATPADP P ENERGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENERGY SYSTEMS What is ATP? ATP is a chemical compound responsible for producing energy for work. ATP = adenosine triphosphate ATPADP P ENERGY

2 Our diet provides the basic ingredients for making ATP. These are: -Carbohydrates -Proteins -Fats In our bodies there are 3 main pathways for the breakdown of ATP to make energy. These systems are dependent on the type of activity being performed. The 3 pathways are: -ATP-CP -Lactic Acid -Aerobic Anaerobic System

3 ATP – CP SYSTEM This energy system is for immediate activity This system uses ATP stored in the muscle cells This is the main source of energy for activities lasting 0-10 seconds This system does not require oxygen and does not cause a build up of lactic acid which can impair performance For example, sprints up to about 100m

4 LACTIC ACID SYSTEM This system is for short term activity The main source of energy for this system is carbohydrate This system provides energy for short term high intensity exercise These efforts last from 10sec up to 2 mins e.g. 400m run or 100m swim Because this system does not require oxygen but uses carbohydrates only, significant amounts of lactic acid can build up that will cause performance to decrease.

5 AEROBIC SYSTEM This system is for long term activity This system provides energy for long term low intensity exercise These efforts tend to last longer than 2 minutes and intensities that vary from very easy to very hard (but not maximal) e.g. marathon running. Because this system requires oxygen to burn carbohydrates and fat, lactic acid does not build up, hence there is no effect on performance.

6 Summary Table Energy System ATP-CPLactic AcidAerobic Type of Pathway Anaerobic: immediate Anaerobic: short term Aerobic: Long term Intensityhigh low Fuel UseATPCarbohydrat es Carbs + fats Duration of Pathway 0-10 secs10 sec up to 2 mins 2+ minutes

7 FAST FEET DRILL Explain in detail why it is difficult to sustain high intensity footwork like this for more than 1 minute? You need to refer to: –Energy Systems Involved –Time –Intensity –Fuel –Waste Product

8 The reason it is hard to maintain high intensity footwork for more than 2-3 minutes is the energy system being used. There are 3 energy systems that the body has. One is the ATP-CP system which is used for 100% intensity and 0-10 second activities. The second is the lactic acid system which is used for high intensity and 10 sec – about 2-3 min activities. The aerobic system is used for moderate intensity and long term activities.

9 When doing fast feet for 2-3 minutes the body would have been using the lactic acid system. The fuel for this system is glycogen which is stored in the muscles. The reason you cannot maintain the high intensity fast feet is because when your muscles work at a high intensity they produce the waste product of lactic acid. This builds up in the muscles and blood and prevents the body from continuing to work at a high intensity. Therefore high intensity activity can only be maintained for a short time. When this happens you feel muscle burn.

10 ENERGY SYSTEMS GRAPH Energy Contribution (%) Time (seconds) Key Aerobic Lactic Acid ATP-CP

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