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A Western Dominated World. Motives of the New Imperialists  Economic Interests  Colonies necessary for raw materials and markets  Investment areas.

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Presentation on theme: "A Western Dominated World. Motives of the New Imperialists  Economic Interests  Colonies necessary for raw materials and markets  Investment areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Western Dominated World

2 Motives of the New Imperialists  Economic Interests  Colonies necessary for raw materials and markets  Investment areas needed for growing merchant class  Political and military interests  Steam powered merchant ships and naval vessels needed ports to refuel (coal then later petroleum)  Western powers needed to keep pace with each other in the grab for land. (prestige and power)

3 Motives of the New Imperialists  Humanitarian and Religious goals  Spread of the gospel (Christian Religion)  Spread of western ideals  Social Darwinism  Justification of taking over other “lesser” peoples was because the Western race of people were more “evolved” than they. The weak (lesser people) are on their way out, the survival of the fittest.

4 Success of the New Imperialism  Western imperialism succeeded for a number of reasons:  1. While the West was growing stronger, other civilizations were weakening  Ottoman (Middle East)  Mughal (India)  Qing (China)  African (slave trade weakened)

5 Success of the New Imperialism  2. Western Advantages  Strong economies  well organized governments  powerful armies and navies  Superior technology:  weapons, (machine guns, artillery, naval power)  medical science (ability to adapt to any environment due to new drugs—quinine for malaria.

6 Forms of Imperial Control  Colonies (overthrow and/or establish a government similar to the one in the mother country)  Direct rule colonies where the mother country placed governors from the home country to directly rule over the people  Indirect rule colonies where the mother country allowed local control with local leaders who had the approval of the mother country and acted as the agents of the mother country.

7 Forms of Imperial Control  Protectorates  Local government allowed to survive, but with consent and advice from the overruling country.  Cost less to run than a colony, less bloody (a.k.a. Pax Romana Roman Peace)  Did not require huge commitment of naval and military support unless the Protectorate was threatened from inside or outside

8 Forms of Imperial Control  Spheres of Influence  An area where a particular power negotiated exclusive investment and/or trading privileges.  China





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