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Geosynoptics Society Consultants’ Group al. Mickiewicza 30, AGH A-0, 30-059 Kraków, Poland, Tel. +48 12 4233000, fax +48 12 4234000,

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Presentation on theme: "Geosynoptics Society Consultants’ Group al. Mickiewicza 30, AGH A-0, 30-059 Kraków, Poland, Tel. +48 12 4233000, fax +48 12 4234000,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geosynoptics Society Consultants’ Group al. Mickiewicza 30, AGH A-0, 30-059 Kraków, Poland, Tel. +48 12 4233000, fax +48 12 4234000, E-mail:

2 A BIT OF HISTORY An idea of establishing the organization as a scientific, creative association, which would integrate the circle of petroleum geologists and geophysicists, emerged as early as in 1986. The group was assembling scientists from universities and industrial research institutes, as well as explorers from the petroleum industry. The organisation started its activity in March 1988, gathering 64 members. At present the Society is assembling 49 people. Since its beginning, the President of the Society has been Professor Wojciech Górecki.


4 1.Integrating and optimizing activities in the field of prediction, exploration, documentation and rational utilization of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources, and initiating studies for assessment of their resources; 2.Improving professional qualification of the Society’s members and cultivating the art of cooperation among interdisciplinary research and industrial groups; 3.Supporting the scientific – research work and education in the field of prediction, exploration, documentation and rational utilization of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. THE SOCIETY AIMS

5 To the most important fields of our activity belong the advisory, consultative and scientific – research in the framework of the Society’s own work and under the commission of the national economic units; During the past years we completed some dozens of scientific research projects for petroleum industry and Polish geological survey, collaborating with AGH - University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST), Polish Oil and Gas Company (POGC), Polish Geological Institute (PGI) and many others. THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT

6 Spectrum of our scientific activity is very wide, e.g. we solve problems from the field of: To the most important fields... GEOCHEMISTRY: Geochemical premises of hydrocarbon occurrence based on analysis of sediments in southern Baltic Sea PROSPECTION: Analysis of prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields in concession zones of POGC S.A.

7 SEISMIC REPROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION: Analysis of potential hydrocarbon traps based on seismic survey and geological analysis in the zone Drohobyczka - Skopów THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT To the most important fields...

8 We organize meetings, symposia, scientific sessions, conventions, and training. THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT We contributed to the organization of large international conferences ”East Meets West – Modern Exploration and Improved Oil and Gas Recovery Methods”

9 We organize meetings, symposia,.... THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT We contribute to the organization of important domestic conferences

10 We organize meetings, symposia,... THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT Meetings of university scientists and petroleum industry people enabling better exchange of ideas

11 One of our scopes is organizing conferences, fields trips and scientific expeditions related to the scientific – research activity of the Society; THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT

12 Publishing and popularizing the scientific achievements of the Society’s members belong to the most important areas of our activity THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT The Society publishes books on petroleum exploration and geothermal topics

13 Publishing and popularizing the scientific achievements... THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT The Society was also a co-editor of Oil Gas And News From Poland

14 Publishing and popularizing the scientific achievements... THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT The Society is the editor of Polish Journal of Mineral Resources – the place where Polish petroleum geologists and geophysicists can show their achievements

15 Cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific – research and industrial centres, institutions and organizations with similar range of activities; At the beginning of 1990-ies GEOS established cooperation with Agip, Geoservices and Aquater. In the following years we started to collaborate with International Geothermal Association and European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers. THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT GEOS’s stand in Florence (EAGE conference 2002)

16 THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT Cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific..... In last years we started to collaborate in the field of geothermal resorces with the University of United Nations in Reykjavik, Iceland and with the Nanjin University, China.

17 Supporting and supplementary financing the scientific research, conferences and scientific and instructive expeditions for the Society’s members, students and university graduates Summer course of AGH –UST students in Denmark. The costs of journey were partly covered by GEOS THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT

18 We contribute to supplementary financing the equipment for lecture and class rooms and the educational aids at the University of Science and Technology, AGH -UST THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT Computers for academic laboratory at Department of Fossil Fuels of AGH - UST in Kraków were partly financed by GEOS This gives AGH-UST facilities for performing educational and research duties resulting from the University Grant obtained from Landmark Graphics Co.

19 We contribute to supplementary..... Computers for academic laboratory at Department of Fossil Fuels of UST – AGH in Kraków were partly financed by GEOS THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT This gives AGH-UST facilities for performing educational and research duties resulting from the University Grant obtained from Landmark Graphics Co.

20 Endowing the Society’s members, students and scientific – research workers of universities with research scholarships; THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT Thanks to the Society’s scholarships our members and many students were able to take part in courses organised by Landmark Graphics Co. or Integrated Exploration Systems Gmbh

21 Cooperation with and supporting students’ organizations, university graduates and other subjects in the range of the Society’s aims. THE SOCIETY AIMS – HOW WE DO IT Expedition of the Scientific Circle of Petroleum Geology students to Spain

22 The Karol Bohdanowicz Medal, awarded for superb professional and organizational achievements, represents the highest honour at the Geosynoptics Society „GEOS” : MAINTAINING TRADITIONS

23 The medal was awarded, to more than 20 outstanding persons or organisations, among others: - Robert Peebler – President and CEO, Landmark Graphics Corporation, Houston, USA (1995), - Jacek Gawron- Vice President, Landmark Graphics Corporation, Houston, USA (1995), - Polish Geological Institute (1995), - European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (1996) MAINTAINING TRADITIONS

24 Traditionally, recipients of the Karol Bohdanowicz medal have been presented with portraits. MAINTAINING TRADITIONS

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